Sunday, February 1, 2015

Breaking the Sabbath

The following question was asked on a Facebook page the other day.  It stirred up a stink on a pro-sabbath group and found wisdom on another group that was filled with exCOG members.

With James Malm, Dave Pack and other spitting and snarling about sabbath breaking it is quit obvious which side of the fence they sit on.  Grace and wisdom be damned, the law must stand!

Who is the biggest sinner - the man who molests his daughter/the woman who gossips about every person she knows but they cross the t's and dot the i's when it comes to sabbath keeping, or the man/woman who has to work Saturday because their children are starving and wearing rags and they are about to lose the roof over their heads?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Baghdad Dave: Multiplying Steaks, Phantom Vehicles, Bouncing Bullets, Massive Healings and Plenty of Nay-Sayers

Baghdad Dave next takes a jab at ALL the 700 some splinter personalty cults of the Church of God.  There is not one single COG out there that has had healing like have happened in Baghdad Dave's church.  God has spit the rest of the COG out and only heals in the Restored Church of God.

DRAMATIC HEALINGS AND PROTECTION: As mentioned, the Church has recently seen some of the most amazing and inspiring miracles in memory. Since my post-Feast sermon describing how God’s Church could begin to see more of His power through miracles and protection, this has been happening—and in a BIG way! Members have been experiencing an unprecedented instances of DRAMATIC healing and protection! The accounts are now being reported daily, with often several in a single day (three today so far)—and we are smaller than the big splinters.

A 2-part sermon series given January 10 presented 30 PROOFS that mass healings will soon come to ALL OF GOD’S PEOPLE. The Bible is bedrock certain on this truth, which is in addition to the two great truths referenced at the outset. It will be posted several days after the sermons posted February 2.

What are some of the miracles Baghdad Dave is proclaiming?

Phantom cars that are able to pass right though people on the freeway:

“We were traveling down I-95 heading toward Melbourne [Florida]. Another member was driving and we were talking when suddenly a car passed right through us! It was going very fast and never slowed down. 
I was sitting in the passenger seat and the other car passed right through me and the vehicle I was sitting in! It made a whoosh sound.
Woo Hoo!
God is amazing! His protection over us is profound. What happened to us is just another proof we are truly in God’s one true Church.”
 Another phantom vehicle:
The officer told her what had happened since he had been behind her. She had swerved into the other lane and passed right through a semi-truck (while unconscious!). She then passed back through the semi-truck to the right side of the road and came to a stop and parked. The trooper said that although he ‘saw everything that had happened, he could not write it up since no one would believe him.’”
 Bouncing bullets:

While driving as an escort behind a semi-truck, a member in Colombia was attacked by two armed men on motorcycles. They tried to kill him and steal his car. One man shot into the vehicle twice. One bullet left a hole through the door but incredibly missed everything, and was not found. The other bullet hit him in the abdomen. Miraculously, a direct hit bounced off, leaving only a bruise. (Author’s Note: All of us at Headquarters have seen the pictures of the middle of his merely bruised abdomen and the mangled bullet that bounced off.)

God protects members car but lets pagan civilian's car get severely damaged:

When we pulled into a parking lot to assess damage—no one was hurt! The elderly gentleman in the car that rear-ended the two members was bruised on his hand when his airbag deployed. The rest of the group just felt somewhat jarred. The front of his car was crumpled and the radiator was pouring out fluid. The car carrying the first two members barely showed damage to the rear, just scuff marks and two cuts in the bumper. The non-member’s car was severely damaged. The hood of my car was crumpled a little and the grill and bumper sustained damage but I was able to drive home three and a half hours at 70 mph.
Canes are being thrown away!

In the Dayton, Ohio, congregation, a member came to services leaning heavily on a cane. She was in constant pain and barely able to sleep. After being anointed, she stood up and began walking slowly. Soon she put down her cane. The pain was gone!

Baghdad Dave even has multiplying steaks!  Get the bar-b-que ready!

The next story involves a married couple who host Sabbath services in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The service involved a Bible Study with a meal in between messages. The couple had prepared a crockpot of steaks in gravy with other dishes. They had purchased an exact number of steaks for the members in attendance. Just before services, a couple from the Knoxville congregation arrived unexpectedly. Since there would not be enough steaks for the two extra members, the host couple decided they would not eat theirs to allow enough for everyone present. The pastor closed the service with prayer and asked God to bless the food to the nourishment of all. The couple waited until everyone had gone through the food line. When they went through the line, they noticed the crockpot still had steaks in it. They each took one. As they sat down to join the others, they were shocked to see that everyone had a steak. Bewildered, they kept it to themselves. Later, the couple was cleaning up and noticed there were yet more steaks remaining! God had miraculously multiplied the food. We call it “the miracle of steaks and loaves”!
 Next Baghdad Dave claims that the is NO COG in existence today that is having the number of miracles that his group is having.  Not a single one!  Pack your bags Martha!  We are heading to Wadsworth!

The above stories are only the beginning of what we are hearing by the dozens. Sadly, they stand in stark contrast to what is NOT happening elsewhere. Yet they could happen—and eventually will—to thousands who respond to what God plans to do.
Baghdad Dave then says that people will ridicule his claims.  Now WHO would EVER dream of such a thing!  Ghastly days!  What is this church coming to??????

Of course, enemies will seek to play down or dismiss what you have just read (a few already have)—as well as the sermons to be posted February 2. But then they have to—or you might leave them and join us—and that cannot be permitted. Their tactics will work at first, but these efforts to thwart God’s Work will stand only a little while longer.
Baghdad Dave then pulls a Herbert W trick.  Only YOU can work out your own salvation and PROVE to yourself that what Dave says is true.  Even though Baghdad Dave wants it made very clear to you that HIS church is the ONLY one his god is working with in the entire world today.

This letter has brought much proof that God is only working in one organization. But the burden of proof that we are the only true Church and sole Body of Christ rests with neither The Restored Church of God nor me. It is not our responsibility to prove to you God’s government is here—or that the only Work He directs is here. This is your responsibility! God commands His people, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12).

All of the other Church of God's are nothing but "DEPLORABLE!

Jesus taught, “You shall know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:16), and shortly followed this with, “Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them” (vs. 20). The fruits of the splinters are deplorable. These organizations are wrought with ever-worsening division, confusion and disagreement—and widespread and worsening doctrinal compromise—truly the blind following the blind. On the basis of fruits alone, all should leave these organizations! Determine to be without excuse in identifying God’s Church, Truth and Work.

For more miraculous healings and occurrences look here.

Baghdad Dave Announces That There Is No Other Church As Awesome Or As Explosive As His

Dave Pack is going into orgasmic ecstasy today proclaiming his itty-bitty personalty cult based in Wadsworth is the most superfantabulous Church of God EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVER!  You may need a cold shower after reading Baghdad Dave's hyperbole.

While many or most of our statistics have exploded yet again, most of this letter focuses on the marvelous miracles being experienced by God’s people here. Very dramatic accounts of healings and divine protection are increasing almost exponentially in The Restored Church of God. There are reasons. In fact, I explained a little over three months ago (just after the Feast, where about eight to ten had occurred) that this could begin to increase. AND IT HAS! In almost 50 years in God’s Way, I have never seen—or even heard of!—anything like it in God’s Church. Of course we are greatly inspired, but at the same time not really surprised. Also, this wonderful trend relates to powerful things you will soon learn about THIS Church!
Brethren, we have been seeing certain miracles and healings all along, and they were irrefutable, but there has been an ENORMOUS surge—perhaps eight to ten each week now!!! 
Baghdad Dave gushes about his superfantabulous ministry as the biggest in the entire world!

Never before has Christ’s Church been so poised to launch forward. In EVERY category, we have become solid and prepared for MUCH greater things. Unprecedented tools are being used to reach people in all nations with God’s truth. And God is powerfully blessing His Work! We have produced the largest amount of literature—books, booklets, articles, magazines, Bible lessons, form letters, brochures, etc.—in the history of the Church of God. Apart from the ongoing need to produce our three regular magazines, all of the literature of the Church when it was “on track” under Mr. Armstrong’s leadership is now complete—plus much, much more. This has meant that The Restored Church of God has developed into the largest biblically based publishing operation on Earth today—and in history! This is why our websites are the most comprehensive of any kind of religious website!
Imagine that!  A Church of God has a web site that is the largest in the entire world.  No other church has as much information online or does as much work as Davey and crew!.  Awesome dude!

Did you know that the ONLY hope for humankind is to be found in Wadsworth, Ohio?

But a deceived mankind does not realize that the only true hope for its future is divine intervention. This marvelous hope is going out undiluted from only one place—The Restored Church of God.

Dave sends out another Clarion call for more money to pour in.  His exploding student body in Wadsworth needs a new Student Center patterned after Pasadena's.

AMBASSADOR CENTER: What we call “AC” currently enrolls 91 students, with hundreds of alumni across the globe. The college moved into new classrooms last year, which make use of cutting-edge technology to produce and film live classes. These are also used to hold Ambassador Center events such as its recent sixth anniversary. Several new courses were added this year, along with others being updated. The truly magnificent fifth Envoy (paralleling the WCG’s) is in production and a record-breaking number of copies were ordered in 2014! The Work continues to employ students and alumni in full- and part-time positions. Growth in faculty, student body and curriculum will soon bring the need for a dedicated Ambassador Student Center building.
Then to stick the knife into Rod Meredith and Gerald Flurry's back Baghdad Davey says that the two of them combined cannot even equal Davey's magnificence.

None—and I mean NONE!!!—of the totals and numbers you are reading are seen in any of the splinter groups, which have been trying to draw away God’s people for over 20 years. Maybe no two groups together rival any of these numbers. God is blessing us VERY POWERFULLY!

You can read lots of statistics from Baghdad Davey here.