Friday, May 22, 2015

Rod Meredith Struggles To Maintain Control of Members and Ministers in the Living Church of God

When a person reads thorough the letters and articles written by Rod Meredith and others on the Living Church of God (LCG) website you will quickly see that things are not as unified in the LCG as they want you to believe.  Almost every single article and exportation from Meredith, Winnail and others has to continually harp upon "unity."

In Meredith's latest letter to the membership he dwells longingly upon the "glory days" of the distant past.  As most people approaching the end of their lives this is a typical mind process.  However, with Meredith, this has been going on for decades.  In the glory days of yore, people were more faithful, more loyal, more diligent, and more willing to follow government.  Today, no so much so.

Meredith looks back upon the old Church of God's ability to focus upon a common goal, something that not one single splinter Church of God has been able to accomplish since. Meredith believes that the early days of the COG consisted of one big happy unified and loyal group.

Back then, there were no dormitories at Ambassador College. In eating our meals, we had to basically “fend for ourselves” to survive. And, because of a financial crisis, Mr. Armstrong was almost forced to close the entire college. In fact, he did at one point put the faculty on half-time salary so they were only able to teach three days a week.

Yet, those who stayed were faithful enough that the Work grew and prospered because of a few key factors:

  • Most of us were loyal and unified because we were able to see the “Big Picture.”
  • We “hung in there”...
  • We were inspired...
Meredith is certainly correct in the idea that the church seemed more unified and goal oriented back then.  Now it seems to be a different story in the Living Church of God, something that Meredith CANNOT seem to correct.

Notice the following comment by Meredith and how he admits that the LCG is NOT entirely behind him 100%.  Meredith feels that there is a certain percentage that is not unified or as zealous as he wants them to be.  They have NOT caught his vision.  People are not as tied to his "tradition" as he wants them to be.  It is more important to Meredith that people carry out "that" tradition than it is to follow Jesus Christ.  Its still all about the rules

We in the present Work of the Living Church of God have dedicated ourselves to carry on in that same tradition. And Christ has certainly blessed us with a great deal of unity and zeal because of having that same spirit. I hope that all of you dear brethren will “catch the vision” and realize how we must carry on even if something happens to me, to Mr. Ames or to any one of us as we grow older in this present physical life. For in carrying out that tradition, our real life is at stake—our coming eternal life in the Kingdom or Family of God and the kind of reward we will receive is definitely based on how well we serve God in our human lives right now (Luke 19:11–19).
Meredith then talks about "unity" again.  He knows, as does every one else, that the LCG is NOT unified.  It is going to blow up after his death just like the Worldwide Church of God did.  There is NOT a "bond of peace" in the LCG.  There is also growing disappointment in the "government" of the LCG considering how abusive, controlling and wasteful some of its ministers have been lately. Nepotism and corruption seem to reign supreme in Charlotte.

LCG members continue to be "tossed to and fro" and are carried away by the "cunning and plotting of this blog and other sites.  That is what he is really getting at there.There are big bad meanies out there in the world attempting to  open the eyes of LCG members and that does not sit well with the Charlotte empire.

In His inspired Word, the Eternal God commands us to be “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:3–6). Then, as Christ inspired Paul, the apostle tells us that Christ Himself “gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting” (Ephesians 4:11–14).
Its all about government folks!  Though that is Herbert Armstrong's version of what he thought Paul did.  You would think after 80 some years of that epic failure in "government" in the COG  that Meredith and others would wake up tot he fact that it has failed miserably to keep the church unified and the members inspired.
It is important to focus on the fact that we in the Living Church of God have been following that same pattern of Church government God inspired the Apostle Paul to outline. Some try to pretend that the inspired form of Church government is “not important.” But it is vitally important that we learn to teach and practice the same form of Church government we certainly will be teaching and administering in Christ’s soon-coming Kingdom!
Then Meredith has to talk about "unity" again.  Notice how "great deal," "vast," and "overwhelmingly" are used to give the impression that there is 100% unity in the LCG.  Apparently from what is written there is a  percentage of ministers that are NOT giving themselves over to the work.  Unity is not a reality, it is only a "sense of reality."

So we have a great deal of unity. The vast majority of our ministers and members all “speak the same thing.” And we are overwhelmingly involved in “giving ourselves” to “do the Work”! Brethren, I am extremely grateful to report to you in the name of Christ that we do have a greater sense of unity and harmony in this present Work than at any other time I can remember in the 63 years of my full-time service!

After praising Richard Ames and Gerald Weston as being "tested by fire" in their loyalty tot he work, Meredith moves on to the ministry of the LCG.  In his very first sentence he acknowledges that the ministry is NOT unified under his leadership.  Loyalty seems to be an issue even with the ministry of the LCG.  Everyone knows that there is presently plotting and scheming going on in the background on what to do after Meredith dies.  He even compares some of his more popular ministers to Lucifer, which certainly is NOT a sure way to gain unity or loyalty from the ranks!  Lucifer was not loyal to God and some LCG ministers are not loyal to Rod.

Dear brethren, please be sure to pray fervently for all of our faithful ministers—many of whom are doing a tremendous work. These men are worthy of your full support and loyalty. For Christ wants in His Church and Kingdom those who are absolutely loyal. Sometimes different ones come along with more technical knowledge or more of a “scintillating” personality. But God has been down that road before. For He had a magnificently beautiful cherub named “Lucifer” who had all kinds of ability and influence, but who “turned aside.” Lucifer was not loyal to His Creator. We must not be like that. Rather, we must do what we can to continue the wonderful spirit of unity, brotherly love and service which is already extant in the Living Church of God. This will require a spirit of deep humility from all of us, and the willingness to humble ourselves to work together as a team. Christ Himself warned: “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12).
You can read the rest of the article here:  The "Fruits" of the True Church

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mark Armstrong Disturbed By Upcoming Jade Helm Exercises

Mark Armstrong, the son of undead Garner Ted, and leader of the Intercontinental Church of God is very disturbed by the upcoming Jade Helm exercises in the West.  He is not alone as conservative and liberal groups alike see a police state forming.  None are more concerned about this though than those in Church of God groups.  To them it is a forerunner of the round-up of Sabbath keepers so they can be shipped off to concentration camps and a police state where true believers will not be able to buy food because they refuse the mark of the beast.

Mark writes:

Closer to home, we have for the first time in our history U.S. “unconventional warfare” exercises about to kick off around urban areas and on private land in Texas!  (It will be with landowner permission or payment; there is no Federal land in Texas.)  Probably no other state in the Union can top Texas for its participation in and support of the U.S. military.  But you’d be hard-pressed to find another state as incensed by Federal mandates, from obamacare to the influx of illegal aliens to queer matrimony and on and on.  It is in this environment that so-called “Jade-Helm 15” unconventional military exercises are coming, not only to Texas but also Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.  But reaction in Texas is getting all the media attention.

Fraught with uncertainty and mixed emotions, Texans firmly support the U.S. military but are beyond suspicious about the intentions of the current administration.  They also realize that the U.S. military has borne the brunt of outlandish social experimentation; queers being queer in the barracks, often promoted to positions of command; lesbians commanding units of men; military bases hosting “queer matrimony ceremonies”; chaplains forbidden to use or quote from the Bible; and morale as low as anybody has ever seen.  The rules of engagement in the Middle East have hurt morale as well as the fact that the administration always makes excuses for acts of terror, and refuses to acknowledge that Islam drives terrorist fanaticism.
The idea that the “Jade Helm 15” exercises are intended to intimidate civilians, or are practice for the institution of martial law have been roundly ridiculed by nearly all respected media outlets and most politicians as well.  But the current administration’s thinly veiled contempt for patriots, for “those who cling to their guns and Bibles” has not gone unnoticed.  Surely those military conscripts and members of Special Forces are incensed at the suspicion that they would ever act against the interests of American citizens.  But then they take orders from a civilian administration that acts against the interests of citizens all the time, sometimes in contravention of law (in the case of transporting,  establishing and supporting millions of illegal aliens); in coddling and excusing some of the worst actors on earth (the Iranian ayatollah, the Castro regime to name a couple).  So what are we supposed to conclude?
I conclude that the military men and women are sincere patriots who want to keep their oath to defend the Constitution, and that their Commander in Chief exhibits no such inclination.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

God's Most Favorite Evangelist Says His Third Book Will Not Be Published Until The Millenium

God's most highly favored apostle and the Church of God's most highly favored felon has written another missive detailing his creature he calls "Jesus Christ" claiming "it" will return to earth on Pentecost 2019.  This man knows for a fact that"it" will return on that, though every previous incarnation of this "thing" has failed to appear.  Come Pentecost 2019 we will be here mocking Ron Weinerdude Weinland yet again.

As his witless witness #2 wife and Chief Apostle and his money laundering daughter Laura are gallivanting around Europe on the tithe-payers die, Ron has to settle on writing his letter from behind prison bars with Bubba by his side.

We are living in a period that is working to magnify and glorify God’s incredible greatness – more than any other single period in mankind’s history. Indeed, this is very much about the 7th Thunder growing in greater power and intensity the closer we draw to Pentecost of 2019.

God has been revealing some of the most profound and intricate work contained in the time of the Apostasy to Christ’s literal coming, which shows the magnitude and power of His greatness to bring to pass all that He predetermined so very long ago.

It makes the word “awesome” seem so very puny and small because what God is doing goes so very far beyond such a weak description that words cannot convey it.

We have been given a great deal already concerning the unfathomable scale for the mathematical probabilities of so many events and timing to occur as they have been since the 17th of December in 1994 (the day of the Apostasy) to Pentecost of 2019 that it truly staggers the mind to try to grasp it all. As an exercise of your own, it would be good that you review some of these events and their timing that has been covered in previous posts. This time, try to look upon such events in the context of what was covered in the first part of this post concerning the events and their precise timing surrounding Christ’s first coming that God orchestrated. This should be done in the context of seeking to recognize God’s active work, and now also that of Christ’s, with such precision to fulfill all the events throughout this complete period that in reality amounts to bringing to fulfillment all that is contained in the Seven Seals of Revelation.
Weinerdude Weinland then concludes with the following concerning a book he claims he was led by his god to write.   It was to be a compilation of missives from his prison cell.  If Dingy Ron is trying to emulate Paul and the letters he wrote from prison he is in for a big shock!

Third Book
Some time ago, I commented on the potential of writing a third book. Since there are quite a few who make mention of this in anticipation of it being published, this will serve as an update.

It now seems that such a book is not intended for this age, especially since it became clear to me that much of the content was to come from posts I have written while being here in prison. It now seems more likely that such a publication could well be a compilation of such written information that would be more beneficial to those in the Millennium.