Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ingrained Negativity in the Churches of God

A comment on UCG: Even though ship is sinking we love spending money

The basic problem with the way Armstrongism works on the human mind is that it conditions people to consider all possible outcomes to variable situations, and then to focus in on the worst or most negative scenario as being the probable outcome. Under such thought patterns, even the blessings for living a Christian lifestyle can’t be enjoyed in this lifetime as an example to others, you have to wait for the next life to enjoy them. Also, don’t even expect loving encouragement if you go in to counsel with your minister, expect a serious ration of crap, instead. And especially expect the worst if you need to interface with someone from “the world”! 
When they are writing articles for their recruitment magazines, this negativity is just so ingrained, that they can’t suppress it! That is what flows outward as the takeaway. Who in their right mind would want such negativity in their homes, and in their minds? The people who don’t renew are most likely the positive thinkers who realize that mankind is capable of high level problem solving. 
One of the aspects which makes churches grow today is a positive message, a message that people can influence the surrounding community or culture towards good. The example of Lot is cited, in which God promised to spare the majority for the sake of a small number of righteous, or where Israel and Judah had punishment postponed multiple times when God saw even encouraging signs of partial obedience. You just don’t walk into an ACOG sabbath service and hear a message about winning the community for Jesus Christ. Instead, the messages are about how minorities are going to start race wars for no reason, or how the homosexuals are going to convert everyone to their “lifestyle”, and then outraged and morally superior Germans are going to need to come over here and mop everything up for God. Droughts, floods, new diseases, and demon activity. They have all manner of toys or tools to use on the unsuspecting. People just do not respond positively to such negative coercion. Nobody wants to live in circumstances of entrapment. That is not what makes the human spirit thrive!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Rod Meredith Looks Into The Hearts Of Men

Many in LCG have watched in confusion over the years at the overt inequity with which their ministers rule and discipline members of their congregations.   For example, some members have participated in "private Bible studies" (aka unsanctioned Bible discussion without an LCG minister present) and get away with it, with no more than a slap on the wrist, whilst others get disfellowshipped for the very same offense.  A couple of years ago in Charlotte there was a rash of members engaged in adultery. Many were disfellowshipped without a second chance in spite of their shameless pleadings. Others got to remain employed at HQ's and are still active members of the congregation to this day. Some members can read the Book of Enoch but others have lost their HQ's jobs for the very same "crime". Some get suspended for getting caught smoking cigarettes or for refusing to cut their hair into a "proper men's style" while others are actively using street drugs such as marijuana and methamphetamine and get to remain in church week after week.  Some are permitted to divorce and remarry for the very same reasons that others are not. Sometimes LCG ministers will marry two people viewed as "unequally yoked" (different races, big age differences or an unbelieving partner) but others are told "no" forcing them to get married in shame at the Justice of the Peace. Some offenses are covered up such as trips to rehab and child molestation while other, seemingly less grievous offenses, are spread through congregations by whispering campaigns initiated from ministers who wish to diminish the reputations of those they are rumoring about (usually to rationalize their own unfair treatment of these people).

How does LCG ministry justify this kind of blatant favoritism and unfairness? Well, according to the top men at LCG headquarters, it is because they are Christ's apostles on Earth and as such, they are able to look into the heart of a man to assess real (verses fake?) repentance.

We have heard Rod Meredith use the claim that he is "3rd in all the universe" to command his ignorant followers into submission and obedience. Now he is using his self proclaimed Christ-like powers to judge the hearts of men and women who have the misfortune to end up in his self-serving, tired little cult.

You see, it isn't enough to say you're "sorry". Apologizing after one is caught doesn't really count in their estimation. Only "God's ministers" are able to really look into the offenders heart to determine if true repentance is found.

In true Amstrongism form, LCG ministers simply do not understand that God is the only Being in all the universe who is able to assess repentance. God the Father is the only One who can give mercy or take it away.  LCG puts themselves in God's place time and time again. They really don't get it. How many of Rod Meredith's victims have given up on God all together because of the harsh and hateful treatment they received in what they thought was God's church? What will Judgment Day be like for a man with such uneven scales and a heart full of arrogant pride and self righteousness? Surely RCM, Rod McNair and others in power at LCG have read that Jesus sat with tax collectors and sinners. Surely they have read "judge not, lest ye be judged" and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". James 2:13  says, "blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" and Matthew 5:7 warns that men who don't show mercy "shall have judgment without mercy". It is vexing to see that they sincerely feel these scriptures don't apply to them.

It should, however, go without saying that when LCG ministry makes a mistake, the members should remain focused on the "big picture" and remember that ministers are still human and deserve mercy; even if they are unwilling to afford it to others.

Justice dictates that the same crimes should have the same punishments. Justice doled out by ministers in LCG is  more often than not perverted and corrupt. LCG is rotten to the core.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men to do nothing." (quote by Edmund Burke)

From a guest contributor with ties to LCG.