Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ron Weinland: My Mind Has Undergone A Metamorphosis; I Can See Clearly Now

Ron Weinland claims his mind has been transformed into the mind that all people will be given in the millennium. As God's most important brain ever to lead a Church of God, Weinland has been blessed with a mind that does and says miraculous and amazing making hundreds of false prophecies that have epically failed, and whose mind is so corrupt that it led him to lie and deceive the IRS with his money laundering skills that sent him to prison for 3 1/2 years.

His mind is so amazing that he wants you to know that it is just like the mind that will be changed in the millennium.  His mind sees crystal clear now, uninhibited by earthly lusts and desires.
I have been blessed for a long time now to be able to readily recognize human nature. I fully understand that the only reason I have been able to see this so clearly is because I am experiencing exactly what was described in the last chapter about a new creation—another spiritual creation within the mind itself. This ability and others that I have been given come from what God has been giving me, as He and His Son work through the power of the holy spirit to transform—to completely change—my way of thinking. 
As explained before, that process cannot be created by fiat from God; it cannot be instantaneously brought into existence. It requires the free will of the one to whom it is 
offered. It must be one’s own choice, and this individual must be filled with a strong desire to experience a complete change in life in one’s thinking, from the way of get to give, and from selfishness to outgoing love toward others. 
Since 1969, I have been blessed to be one of those few, who throughout the past 6,000 years have actually been experiencing that creation and its power at work in my own mind. How can such an experience be shared with others so that they can begin to grasp and understand what I am saying? It is my deep conviction that what I am sharing will begin to resonate with many who will be given the help they need so that they can begin seeing what must now change in themselves and the whole world as God intervenes to change it. 
That is why I am spending time explaining some of those things that have happened to me and the profound difference it has made on my way of thinking that is now in unity and oneness with God’s. This same process is what God is about to begin offering to the entire world, for all who are blessed to live on into the Millennium. 
This “change” that I have experienced, and that others will begin to as well, is described by the first apostle to the gentile world, Paul, where he states, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be [become] you transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). 
The English word “transformed” comes from a Greek word that is used to describe this “change,” which is “metamorphoó.” This very word is the origin of another, “metamorphosis,” which is used in biology to describe a complete change in body and makeup that produces a butterfly. 
This is an incredibly awesome verse in Romans. It is about that process of a new creation whereby God actually works over many years to help one’s mind become changed—transformed into something completely different in “how” one thinks and reasons. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Are Church Members Losing Their Ability To Buy, Sell and Hold Jobs

Life is really tough for the Kitchen clan right now.  The world is conspiring against them to prohibit their ability to buy things, sell things and to even hold a job!  That is all pretty interesting considering they just relaunched their window cleaning business to include cleaning RV's and graveyard headstones.

Vile and evil systems are working behind the scenes to bring the Kitchen's down as well as their "spiritual organism" they claim as their church.  I am sure it is those evil Jesuits!  They have been working overtime to bring down the Church of God, or should I say, Worldwide Church of God, since they have stolen the name along with all of Herb's writings and claimed them as their own.  The Jesuits have combined with Satan to sift out the Laodicean chafe that makes up most of the church today.  The only true remnant are the Kitchens, all three of them.

As usual, the god of the Kitchen's is testing them and the rest of the church.  That seems to be all their god ever does.  Everyone is automatically set up for failure due to the law they claim to follow. Their god has instructed "Christ" to come and chop some heads off on the chopping block  "Christ" seems eternally pissed off too.

When will the Kitchen's and the rest of the church ever learn to rest?  Rest in the one they claim to follow but do not.

The Church is learning to give up everything for Christ and His Work. And we are loosing the ability to buy, sell and hold a job! The Work is about to be cut short in righteousness. When the United States of Europe rises up from working underground, they will seek to kill those of the Worldwide Church of God! God's Word reveals it.(Rev. 12:14-17) 
But since WW2, that system has been working underground. And since the late 1970's it has PERSECUTED THE TRUE CHURCH! And since the death of God's apostle, God's Church has been scattered due to that persecution. Satan has set up a great sifting machine, and Gods people who hold fast, will COME OUT OF IT FOR THE BETTER! But God says to COME OUT OF IT! Not to stay in Babylon.
We, each individually, are being TESTED by God, to see if we truly love Him and His Ways, His Laws and Truth, or do we love this world? Some of your brethren ARE LUKEWARM, and riding the fence, not making known your loyalties. Jesus Christ is going to kick you off the fence, and you will have GIVE UP your life at the chopping block! Something you should have been doing all along for Christ.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

God's Chosen Few: "1 in every 14 million people"

Various Church of God splinter groups go out of their way to justify why they have so few members.  No Church of God group today is losing members faster than Ron Weinland is.  When he went off to prison, scores of members left.  Much more left when his dingy wife Laura and his money laundering daughter Audra were made "evangelists" and began preaching.  One living room church after another pulled the curtains shut.

Now, the Weinerdude prophet and Second Witless Witness, is admitting that he has less than 500 people left.  Of course, those 500 are the elect, specially chosen by his god to be the standard bearers of the new millennium soon to arrive.

Today, there are over 7 billion people on earth, and although you will have difficulty believing what is about to be said, it is true, and will be explained far more thoroughly. As of right now, there are less than 500 adults with whom God is currently working through with the power of His spirit, who are servants to Him as Noah was, and who are being led, guided, and currently being instructed in His ways. The rest of the world has rejected God’s warnings, instruction, and truths that He has been revealing to the world for over 80 years now. With the earth’s current population, the equivalent ratio of those with whom God is working is 1 in every 14 million people.
Servants as Noah was...that tells everything you need to know about this epic failure of a cult.  Being servants of Jesus is not something his group or any COG seems capable of saying.   After all, he is such an inconvenient dude!