Thursday, May 31, 2018

Does Jim Franks Think UCG Is Not As Unified As They Keep Proclaiming?

Ever since the United Church of God ruptured with an appalling number of ministers and members jumping ship to join Church of God a Worldwide Association, it has been going overboard on how "unified" it is as a church.  The track record over the years has proven otherwise.

UCG struggles to remain relevant as it seeks to draw in members with personal appearance campaigns, billboards and other drastic measures that have all ended up being failures.

COGWA likes to portray itself as a better version of UCG.  It is currently bragging that it has a 19% increase in income while UCG struggles. It also seems that Jim Franks is taking a big dig at UCG in the comment below:

On In Accord, 24 May 2018, President Jim Franks described how he spent the Pentecost weekend in North Carolina, attending services on both days, and driving more than 800 miles to hold discussions with all the elders in the four congregations there. 
After quoting Acts 4:32, he commented, “Striving for unity is always something we do. We do it because we want to be more effective in preaching the gospel to the world and also caring for the brethren.
But you know, we live in a time 2018 when there is a lot of cynicism. I see it and I see the reasons why. We can have an organization that will make a claim, “We’re unified now.” Well sometimes the loud cries of unity are only a mask to cover up division. We’ve seen that as well, and it’s always disappointing, and sometimes disillusioning.”
Church of God News

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Pre-Adamic Man: Falsely Called "Christian" Splinter Leader Has The Final Answer

Why is it that the Church of God had to weigh in on every matter under the sun and attempt to provide an answer?

Today the leader of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, and a so-called "Christian", has weighed in on preAdamaiac humanoid's.

Almost arrested, but not arrested, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, Bitter Bob Thiel has now solved the issue and has laid down the final truth of the matter. Afterall, he is now God's final end-time chosen man, the only one doing a real work and the only one who properly understands scripture.

Scientists admit that all humans have the same mother, though they often consider that mother was older than Eve of the Book of Genesis. 
Now, as used by critical historians, “prehistoric time” is said to refer to earliest antiquity nowhere documented in written records. But the Bible records, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Here is a documented account reaching back to the beginning of the physical universe. “Prehistoric time,” in that sense, is therefore irreconcilable with Scripture. It should come as no surprise, therefore, to learn that biblical passages reveal occurrences prior to the time of man. 
If however, we define prehistoric as the time before humans began to write, then we can speak of prehistoric creatures and events. 
There were no prehistoric humans prior to Adam. Including others of the ‘genus Homo.’ 
As modern humans are concerned, the Bible plainly states that Adam was “the first man” (1 Corinthians 15:45), and he named his wife “Eve because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). Adam and Eve were therefore the first humans. 
While there are fossil records of apes and other creatures that predate Adam, these creatures were not the same as modern humans as far God is concerned.
God gave animals instinct, but not the type of understanding that He gave humans. Many scientists will not admit that there is a spirit in man that God gave. 
Pre-Adamic primates, were, at best, like advanced chimpanzees. There were no humans before Adam.
Why would anyone trust the words of a peddler of homoeopathic false remedies and preacher of heretical nonsense be trusted as the final word on prehistoric humans?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Dave Pack: Big Bad Meanie Tkach Demoted Me And Deliberately Tried To Ruin My Life By Sending Me To New York City

Uncertain of the future, the Packs returned to Buffalo. 
Weeks later, on a Friday afternoon in August 1985, 
they received a telephone call
that would dramatically alter their lives.

It was from Mr. Tkach. Mr. Pack knew instantly that he was not calling with good news. Mr. Harold Jackson, an elderly evangelist and Mr. Pack’s friend, was also on the phone. 
“Dave, are you seated?”, Mr. Tkach began.

The field minister said, “No, but I can sit down.”
Mr. Tkach wasted no time: “We’ve heard some complaints. We think there are some lessons you need to learn, so we are sending you to New York City as an associate pastor.”
Mr. Pack could not believe the news. Yet another gross injustice, this time a plain demotion, and it had been stated in such a matter-of-fact manner—a terse notice that they would need to leave Buffalo as soon as possible—within a month. Mr. Tkach offered few explanations as to what were the problems, what lessons needed to be learned, or which brethren were upset.
“I was more shocked at this moment than at any other in my life to that point. I suppose in a way I feared it was coming, but the actual arrival of such an unbelievable injustice was the single most difficult experience in my life—or that of my wife. I had experienced injustice before, but NOTHING of this order. I knew that I had been the victim of a conspiracy of evil thinking, but would only learn later just how great that evil would be.
“What was worse, and what drove the moment indelibly into my mind, was that, while on the call, my 11-year-old son, Robby, ran into the house crying. Both sons had been playing a football game with neighborhood friends in the backyard—and Robby had snapped his collarbone—for the second time! He was simultaneously pleading for my help, while holding his shoulder as the bad news was being received. I did not realize the seriousness of his injury, and told him to go upstairs and I would be with him later.”
Mr. Pack hung up and walked upstairs in a daze to check on his son. Seeing his condition, the parents took him to the hospital. It was in the emergency room waiting area that the reality of the life-altering phone call sank in.
“I understood that New York City had been selected for my assignment because the goal of this maneuver was an all-out attempt to destroy my life. I would have no understanding of the true level of evil I was dealing with until years later. It was only in the apostasy that I fully understood the devil’s role acting through one of his chief agents in trying to destroy my ministry, in trying to get me to give up. Strangely, I was better able at that later point to more completely forgive the man for simply following the alien spirit that was probably always leading him.”