Sunday, January 24, 2021

Church of God Outreach Ministries: Prepare to worship the Devil


COG UK joins the fear bandwagon, not that they were ever really off it, with fears about the election of Joe Biden and his Catholocism that he supposedly will integrate into the U.S. Government. A new church-state will be formed and will immediately start attacking COG members.  They envision the world where we are all told to worship the Pope by Satan himself and then the world will swiftly come to an end. 

This has been an ongoing COG fear tactic for decades to keep members in line. Dare to question that and you will be under the bonds of Satan himself and will soon be kneeling down worshiping Satan and the Pope.

Bible readers have long understood (in a variety of scenarios) that 'all the world' will in the latter days succumb to a despotic anti-Christian fusion of religion and state. Perhaps unwittingly, Donald Trump facilitated this in a bid for evangelical votes but he restrained the imposition of a world ruled by and for the elite.

The incoming President, a life-long and devoted Roman Catholic, has made clear his intentions to entwine church and state through state aid. The call to unity and peace, however sincere, is a prel-ude to the real agenda - the universal worship of 'the god of this world.

When this long-envisaged global plan is implemented the choice for Christians will be to worship as the Devil (through his anti-Christian servants subservient to the Papacy) dictates. Or worship the one true God as and when He has prescribed since creation.

When that moment arrives we are assured that the true universal millennial Kingdom presided over by the Saviour will be at hand: '...when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your re-demption draws near' (Luke 21:28).

Ambassador College Bricket Wood England Torn Down


More tithe money down the drain as the Bricket Wood campus is bulldozed down to put in a housing development. How long will it be till we see Dave Packs superfantabulous campus and Gerald Flurry’s cult college bulldozed to make room for housing? 

Doug Winnail: As a fellow worker in the church you need to learn to get along with each other and live in harmony.

Living Church of God just cannot praise its members and leave it at that. Every word of encouragement is followed by something they are constantly doing wrong.

Winnail starts off by praising LCG members as "workers" on a journey with the church in getting the gospel out, but then has to get in another dig at them for actually not being workers together, but for being haughty, conceited, judgemental, unable to get along with each other, not being humble enough, and rumormongers. 

Are people that miserable in LCG?

Keys to Working Together: Jesus referred to His disciples as His “friends” and encouraged them to “love one another” (John 15:12–17). The Apostle Paul referred to those who assisted him in his ministry as “my fellow workers” (Romans 16:3). He also referred to members of God’s Church as “God’s fellow workers” (1 Corinthians 3:9) and “workers together [coworkers] with Him” (2
Corinthians 6:1). These were exciting opportunities that came with important responsibilities. In the Scriptures, we find practical guidelines about how to work together. We are instructed to be “perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” and not allow contentions to divide us (1 Corinthians 1:10–13). We are also advised to learn to get along and live in harmony, to avoid being haughty and conceited or ambitious for a position, but to be humble and do what is right, and to strive to work together peacefully (Romans 12:16–18). We are told that repeating rumors disrupts friendships (Proverbs 17:9), that “a soft answer” avoids stirring up anger (Proverbs
15:1), and that a converted person is approachable and “easy to be entreated” (James 3:17, KJV). If we learn to “love one another” and treat each other as “friends” we will be more effective “fellow workers” both now and in the Kingdom of God. 
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail