Monday, April 10, 2023

Are You In A Babylonian Church Of God Or The Real Worldwide Church of God?


For many years now the Kitchen Family have declared themselves the sole beneficiaries of ALL of Herbert Armstrong's writings and have usurped the name Worldwide Church of God as their sole domain. They and they alone are the real Worldwide Church of God. All other harlot daughters out there are Babylonian COG's. All the churches that splintered off the mother church are false churches and are not Philadelphian churches.

The Kitchen Boys have put up a couple Facebook sites to preserve HWA's words as well as proclaim their group is the only legitimate Worldwide Church of     God and thus allows them to steal all the literature they can from WCG/GCI to republish as their own property since they are the one legitimate heir to the WCG. They are having a little snit fest with the Scarboughs who also have a site posting HWA and COG literature. How dare those evil upstarts! How dare they!

Nuttiness in the church did not stop with Dave Pack and Bob Thiel, it continues on with the Kitchens:

"The publications of the Worldwide Church of God are the publications of the Worldwide Church of God." 
They do not belong to any other organization of men. 
The only membership of the true Church of God is the Worldwide Church of God. 
No other Church, no other organization, no other assembly, have replaced that true membership.
Everything else is BABYLON. 
Do you know what God is doing now? He's calling you to come out from Babylon! 
Some were taken into Babylon, away from the building site where Christ laid the foundation through His apostle. They started to build their own organizations, their own house, and the Worldwide Church of God lays in ruins because of neglect! Read the book of Haggai. 
In Zechariah 2, God calls on His people to "deliver thyself" from the daughter of Babylon whom they attend with! This is connected to Revelation 18:4. 
It's not time to join another church. It's time to get back and be the Worldwide Church of God!!!
That means getting away from any false doctrine, and any departure from God's Word and back to what was preached unto us by Christ's end time Elijah and apostle, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong. If a man or woman leads you into a different group....then you won't be the membership of the Worldwide Church of God. 
It does not matter how great of a church library they have. You are just fooling yourself. For there is NO ASSEMBLY which is God's, except the Worldwide Church of God. Facebook

"Only fools trust what David C. Pack says"

Ugh. Homework.


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God understands how to preoccupy the brethren, so instead of focusing on keeping leaven out of their minds, they can focus on him. He does this with non-stop updates and issuing crushing homework.


The Days of Unleavened Bread will end at sunset on Wednesday, April 12. So should the Pastor General's career when Jesus Christ does not establish the Kingdom to Israel on that very day, which is Abib 21 of the Hebrew calendar. Sadly, he will carry on without blushing because the trembling cowards at Headquarters will allow him to continue the blasphemous farce titled "The Greatest Untold Story!"


Part 434 is scheduled for today. Fingers crossed for this being the last one.


It is a mystery why this does not deter some from stuffing their green envelopes with more tree-buying funds. They should not feel good about where that money is going. David C. Pack betrayed a moment of honesty during his Greatest Hissy Fit.


Part 430 – March 18, 2023

@ 40:32 If all the people with the money…had sent it in, we could rock the planet...Or maybe pay off the buildings or whatever we’d do.


The tithes, offerings, and Common are going exactly where widows and retirees would hope. Where it is needed most. To preach the Gospel. But maybe for the Campus buildings. Campus trees. Campus gardens. Horse feed. Horse care. Shoveling horse manure.


Claimed with biblical authority, that money would be responsibly spent on “whatever we’d do.” Do not inquire Headquarters about where third tithe goes at the end of the fiscal year. It will only make you angry. Carl Houk would have to stare at his shoes if he told you in person.



David C. Pack is working so hard to fulfill prophecy it is embarrassing. He believes that communicating with the brethren for one week will somehow make “the days of his voice” of Revelation 10:7 come to pass. That is his private interpretation.


The problem is this has already been completed many times over.

Part 432 – April 1, 2023

@ 37:20 So, Revelation 10:7 appears to be fulfilled. Yesterday and today are “the days of my voice” before the Trumpet sounds.


April Fools!!!


Was David C. Pack lying, or was he just wrong? When it comes to speaking in God's Name, what difference does it make?



A string of Pathetic Updates is overwhelming the brethren of The Restored Church of God with page after page of homework used to distract them from David C. Pack's prophetic failures of April 1, 5, and 7. Include the impending and certain one to follow on April 12.


You could also count the Easter Sunday Great Tribulation No-Show, but since the Kingdom of Dave did not pop first, it was an unspoken fact among the enablers that the GT would be MIA this weekend.


The first update has been repackaged with a number. It is a reprint from the Right and Wrong article but is here to illustrate a point. There is no need to read it. Nor would I expect anyone to read the other two that follow. These are prime skipping materials, as some in RCG may also concur.


Skimming was invented for Pathetic Updates like these.


Those with stomachs strong enough to read will discover:


• The Kingdom of Dave will start on April 12 @ 12:05 PM ET.

• The 1335 must move a third time (since February).

• The First Kingdom is one year.

• The Great Tribulation is 30 days.

• The Last Great Day ends next year’s Days of Unleavened Bread.


As a fun exercise, scroll down the 1500 words on your phone, tablet, or computer screen to see how long all this is when the three updates are strung together.





Prophecy Update #1 – Friday, April 7, 2023


Brethren, here is a list of 10 verses to contemplate that were part of a much longer list of verses for your review. All the ministers here considered these verses in recent weeks. I drafted it March 27 with 40 more not included here, but the list would not gel in a final way that I could be sure of presenting it. It now has. They can only mean one thing. Questions will arise, but you should be able to readily see where this is going. Have fun with them! Think about them. Pray about them. When reading ask, when did world peace come? When were families fixed? When do many saints qualify to flee? When did people produce fruit? How long would God require before 35 billion people could walk in white? And was this even possible before the veil came off?


Isa. 61:2

Luke 4:19

Isa. 34:8

Hos. 3:3-5

Isa. 63:4

Jer. 23:12

Isa. 21:16

Jer. 51:46

Dan. 7:12 (time means year)

Luke 13:8


We are still on track. Despair over nothing! This list does not affect the 7 years and 1,000 years.


David C. Pack



Prophecy Update #2 – Saturday, April 8, 2023


I may give a message Monday. We’ll give the time if I do. To have one message, I decided to send two or three emails first so everyone can be ready for what I could then cover more quickly without losing people. This is the second one.


After reading the last announcement, you probably understand that a year is involved. As you meditate on this year, you will realize how it answers many more questions than the few sent last night. Here are a few more thoughts:


• Contrast the Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3 “swords to plowshares and spears to pruninghooks” with Joel 3:10 and its context. The heathen are also told to awaken and “reverse” their implements. This clearly evidences a significant period of world peace—that perfectly fits one year.


• Carefully read Isaiah 2 and Micah 4. They describe a long period of time for the last days. Isaiah 2 shows the Day of the Lord follows a long first Kingdom in the last days.


• Joel 1:15-20 describes the Day of the Lord following a period where everything had enough time to be completely burned up everywhere! Recall Isaiah 5.


• II Peter 3:3-4 describes scoffers wondering why things are taking so long!


• James 5:7 describes God waiting to come through both the former and latter rain (at least the first month of it)! This requires a year.


• No wonder Jeremiah 8:20 records people wondering after the harvest is past and summer is ended why the Great Kingdom was taking so long.


• The King of the North (Man of Sin) enters Egypt before ever reaching Jerusalem.


• When was Israel going to learn to keep new moons correctly as God says in Amos they never did?


• A bit more complicated to read, but really fun to think about if you enjoy math, is this: Hosea 5:7 says a month will devour Israel. Daniel 12:11 says the sacrifices at what would be the end of this year occur at 1,290 days. How obvious that the great tribulation on Israel lasts 30 days until the 7-year Kingdom arrives. The remaining 1,260 days would be until they stop again for the same amount of time. The 45 days before this is when many saints will learn they do or do not escape—and that they better start praying about the weather and Sabbath flight. Exactly one month before Unleavened Bread ends next year is Easter morning—the Man of Sin will truly rise “in his season.” Obviously, the Sabbath immediately precedes Easter Sunday. The saints will have had 10.5 months to qualify to escape. Remember also this powerful point: An acceptable year loses one month for the great tribulation. But not if it is a 13-month year as the one just ahead.


• Carefully read all 114 verses of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Now you know there is enough time for all these things to be carried out by God in waves. When God says in Deut. 30:19-20 that He will set life and death, blessing and cursing in front of Israel and all peoples, He means it! In His love, He gives 100 billion one full year to make their decision.


• It becomes obvious that those who go first are judges, counsellors and teachers for an ENTIRE YEAR! What an unbelievable honor for those who stayed the course for so long.


• The moad of Habakkuk 1:2-4 before God comes to “save” for one year (the world) is the whole 7 Days of Unleavened Bread. Lev. 23 calls it a moad 4 times and a chag once. For those watching, this is rapidly becoming a “REAL-TIME metric” we can see that proves we are in the right year for Christ to come—potentially exactly when the Days of Unleavened Bread end Wednesday in Jerusalem.


• Finally, of course now the 8th day of the Feast (Last Great Day) would follow next year’s Days of Unleavened Bread.


If I decide to speak, I will not send another message tomorrow because you have much to read and think about in this time when we are all to seriously “consider our ways.”


David C. Pack



Prophecy Update #3 – Sunday, April 9, 2023


Here is the next announcement. It does not mean I won’t speak tomorrow. I will—at 1:30 PM our time. Many brethren at the Headquarters dance last night were buzzing about what they are reading and I was (happily) besieged with questions. What follows is a series of simple, bulleted points that will continue to be helpful before I speak:


• With the first Kingdom a year-long, no wonder so many babies (sucklings) and pregnant women are spoken of in the Olivet Prophecy per their flight!


• We now know how long our families prophesy, dream dreams, and see visions—a year!


• Think. Many of our children, grandchildren and, for some, great-grandchildren, now have 8 years(!!!) to be old enough for eternal life by the Millennium. Virtually all of mine will be adults by then, and one or two in their 30s. After this point, the wait for salvation will be long. (Of course, those who go first are still scheduled for eternal life right away.)


• The incomplete saints will grow up exactly as calves of the stall do for one year! This is an example of a more “oblique” proof of the first Kingdom being a year.


• All mankind will now keep all of the Holy Days for one cycle before the Day of the Lord—including the Last Great Day that it depicts! Also, several we thought would disappear will actually be kept forever per Lev. 23. It seems unlikely God will have the whole world keep all of them and then drop some of them as Ezek. 45:18-25 could appear to say. Note what God tells Israel in Hos. 12:9—also obliquely proving a one-year first Kingdom. (Obviously, the long day is still the Day of the Lord at the end of the year.)


• Related to this is Zech. 8:19. This describes fasts turned into feasts that would require a year for all to be kept and enjoyed in what four verses later calls “those days”—when people are seeking God in Jerusalem.


• Mal. 4:2 describes Christ arising with healing in His wings before many grow up for a year. Thus, mass healing permits all to enjoy perfect health for this year—hardly an action God would stress if only a few days for the first period applied.


• Somewhat related to this is that the start of the year is the natural time for all miscarried and aborted babies to return to the families who are being pieced back together in this period!


• The veil must stay on all those who don’t seek God, or He would have to destroy them at the Day of the Lord. They would be accountable for their sins—and there would be no 7-year Kingdom!


• Related, Satan is able to influence mankind, plant tares among the wheat, and deceive the whole world until the Jude 6 Great Day of Judgment (Day of the Lord).


• Matt. 19:28-30 describes what has to be a long period when the saints have lands and houses. Of course, this is now easily understood to be a year! These are the same houses they are to flee immediately when the great tribulation arrives.


• Isa. 11:4 describes the wicked can be slain within what we now know is the year. Remember, no one can hurt or destroy in “God’s Holy Mountain” there. Certain rebels/troublemakers will just not make it through the year.


• A final thought will help you see the first Kingdom is a year. All through His Plan it is evident that God works in months and years.


This is the 5th straight day I have communicated with you by voice or email. Tomorrow will be the 6th. There will be one more email on Tuesday, with things I cannot fit in tomorrow’s message. Please be sure you are keeping up with these and encouraging others to do the same! Also, please remind others about 1:30 PM tomorrow.


David C. Pack





Man, that is a lot of homework.


Through all that text, nowhere does David C. Pack explain why he has failed for 800 hours and 18 minutes across 2700 days and why he is qualified to lead.


I laughed out loud when I scrolled. It is at its most hysterical on a phone, especially when you consider Prophecy Update #4 to be released on Tuesday after Part 434 today.


One amusing moment was found at the end of Update #2.


Prophecy Update #2 – Saturday, April 8, 2023

If I decide to speak, I will not send another message tomorrow because you have much to read and think about in this time when we are all to seriously “consider our ways.”


David C. Pack


Prophecy Update #3 – Sunday, April 9, 2023

Here is the next announcement.


Only fools trust what David C. Pack says.


It was at Update #3 that they realized Dave was on a five-day streak, and shooting for seven would win him a plastic ring, so they retroactively added #1 and #2 to the others. Dave lusts after Revelation 10:7 like it is wearing a short skirt and high heels. You tempting hussy, you.


Dave wants so badly to force God’s hand to make prophecy happen. He will be as successful as the fish that wished super hard for long enough that they “evolved” lungs and feet to crawl out of the primordial ocean and explore the dry land they could not see.



These long homework updates are a desperate “look over here” distraction from three recent failures. If Dave waves his left hand wildly enough, you might not realize his right hand is empty. None of those pages explain why April 1, 5, and 7 failed or even acknowledge that they did. If you mention Christmas or Purim, well, you are just being impatient and faithless because God is not working with you.


David C. Pack is drowning, and the hirelings at Headquarters will let him. He is drowning in Bible verses while he tries to drown the brethren. No matter what content is given today and tomorrow, Wednesday will fail. It is sure and certain.


If you want to be right about nothing happening, just say out loud that nothing will happen Wednesday and when IT occurs, what did occur is that you were proven right. You thought IT would happen, and IT did.


Now, we can ponder together all day long wondering just how right we are, as we suspicioned.


That is your homework.


 Marc Cebrian

See: Ugh, Homework

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!


  1. Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia!
    Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!
    Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
    Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth, reply, Alleluia!