Wednesday, August 30, 2023

PCG: Get A Grip On Your Finances So You Can Give More To Us

Of the many extra-biblical things the church felt they needed to stick their noses into, the big one was how you spend your money. Underneath all the expectations and rules set out by the church and its leaders, the bottom line was that how you managed your money determined how much money you could give to the church. After all, the church n needed your money more than you did.

None is worse at this than the Restored Church of God and its "common" teaching where all you have belongs to Dave and the church. Christ's return is minutes, hours, days, and months away, so why spend money on frivolous things when you can send it all to Dave Pack.

Quickly behind the Restored Church of God is the Philadelphia Church of God and its money expectations members. As membership rapidly drops, income is being affected. OCG recently ran a 2004 article by Wik Herrma, Get a Grip on Your Finances

Let’s face it, most people today struggle with their finances. Under today’s rising costs, many worry and fret over this issue more than any other problem, regardless of how much money they make. Yet this worry robs them of the real happiness and joy God intended man to have. Even among God’s people, financial problems hold an oppressive grip. 
Isn’t it time you reversed this trend and got a grip on your finances? 
But how do you go about it? Where do you start?

His first point out of the box is materialism, Everyone knows this is a materialistic society. The problem comes into focus when the church feels it needs to blab on about materialism. They see it as the more you buy the less you send into the church. Materialism is not good for members, but for church headquarters and the no-expenses-spared mentality, this does not jive well with struggling members. Lavish campuses, concert halls, fancy homes, fine art, lavish gardens, horses, etc. is like a slap in the face to struggling members. 

Did you know the "obsession" with physical pursuits drains the Holy Spirit at work in you? The more you do the weaker it gets.

Drifting into materialism slackens our dedication to God and His Work. We cannot let the cares of this world control our lives. If we do, we may not be alert to the signs of the times—those events that indicate the imminent return of Christ and the establishment of a government based on the way of give instead of get. Christ Himself said, “[T]ake heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares” (Luke 21:34). 
The obsession with physical pursuits leeches the supply of God’s Holy Spirit and will prevent us from reaching our full potential. “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would” (Galatians 5:17). Coveting will lead to more and more financial, personal and physical problems.

The church has always coveted our money. The more you have the more they expected you to give, It also did not matter how you struggled financially, that money still was required to come in. Some even resorted to checking on members' salaries to make sure they had their 20+ percent. 

He continues:

If God promised physical blessings for obedience to His commandments, wouldn’t it make sense that He’d specify what would happen if we let our minds drift from His spiritual law and dwell on the physical? Of course! 
“And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them. But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field. Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store. Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy [cattle], and the flocks of thy sheep. Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out. The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me” (Deuteronomy 28:14-20). 
Letting materialism become our god will automatically reap these curses, “until thou be destroyed.” 

Since the New Covenant does not require tithing nor the demands of the law those curses have been lifted and no longer have any sway of Christians.

Pursuing material wealth is a form of idolatry and if we go after it, we will incur these curses. One major reason people do not have control over their finances is their materialistic mindset that pushes God out of the picture.

The materialist mindset of so many Church of God leaders has shoved Christ completely out of the picture. They despise his name, and anything he stood for and instead bow down at the altar of the law and its demands of tithing. New Covenant followers of The Way give as they have been richly blessed. 

New Covenant followers of The Way give as they have been richly blessed. 

Wik continues with this little gem:

God is the multibillionaire who is eager to share all of His riches with us (Revelation 21:7), but we must learn how to manage our affairs now so God can entrust us with such responsibility. In order to prepare for our future roles, God has given us dominion, or rule, over our physical possessions now.

So, if you piss off magical god then their riches will not be shared.

Our generation has lost the mastery of faithful diligence. God will bless our efforts; He did not say He would reward our idleness. God wants us to learn to work and said that “if any would not work, neither should he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). God does not give social handouts to those who are able, but unwilling, to produce. 
Sadly, even among God’s people, some are not good providers. They rely on handouts from the government, fellow members or even the Church to supply their families’ need. God rebukes such behavior: “[I]f any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1 Timothy 5:8). 

We won't assist our own but let's spend millions on jets, concert halls, performers, lavish campuses, and private homes. Dumb fools! How dare you even contemplate asking us to help you when you are seriously in need!  

Christians have an obligation to work hard in order to provide for their physical families. They should carry the burden for not just their immediate relatives, but even supply the needs of generations before and after them. They should take care of any widows in their family and lay up for their grandchildren (verse 16; Proverbs 13:22). 

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Wik then moves on to hard work (not the kind of white shirt work that goes on at so many COG HQ's where legions of men have never formed a callus on their delicate hands from actual work).

Regular tithe slaves are needed to work long and hard hours so that they can give most of it to the church. After all, Gerry Flurry's grandkids need to travel the country doing Irish dance.
Hard labor will be rewarded. Those who apply this principle will prosper and be able to share their blessings with others. Through their first tithe they help God’s Church do the Work. By their excess second tithe they provide a way for others to attend God’s festivals, and by their third tithe, twice every seven years, they provide social security for those who really are needy, the widows and the fatherless. 
Such an individual is a credit to God’s Church and to his community.

Then there is this:

God has placed ministers in His Church who can help give valuable advice and counsel on financial dealings, from a biblical perspective. Too often, however, they are confronted with people presenting to them the consequences of their ill-thought-out actions.

Yep, go to men who get a salary from the church, get ministerial perks and deep deductions for homes, cars, gas, utilities, personal expenses, and large checks at Feast time for travel along with their free rooms. Yes, they sure know how difficult it is for regular members to survive. 

While not everything in the article is bad advice, and it does contain some good advice, the ultimate goal is that the more you make the more you give to the church in demanded tithing.



Monday, August 28, 2023

In COGland How Many Days Can Go By Without Jesuit Tricks?


One thing the Church of God movement was always good at was getting deeply involved in conspiracy theories, rumors, and wild speculation. Not content to be followers of Jesus, the church lived in constant fear of Satan with his wily minions hiding behind every corner. But, Satan and his pesky demons were weak in comparison to how much weight and power the church and some members gave to the Jesuits. 

In COG speak, the Jesusits ruled the world and interfered in governments, churches, and society as a whole. Nothing was beyond their grasp, especially when it came to COG persecution. Behind every trial and perceived persecution was a nasty little Jesuit seeking to destroy the church. Even God was powerless to their wily ways when they successfully suppressed and hid God's truth for 1,900 years! 

When the church was imploding with doctrinal changes and the dumping of so many destructive modes of mistreatment of members by the ministry the rumors swiftly gained traction that this was all the work of the Jesuits.

However, it was not only the Jesusits wreaking havoc, it was also the Germans. They worked closely with the Jesusits to get Hitler to Argentina. They worked with them to infiltrate world governments after the war with their expertise in nuclear science, medicine, astronomy, and more. 

The COG trinity it gives all power to is Satan, the Jesuits, and the Germans.

As we now painfully inch towards the 30-year mark of the Great Jesuit takeover of the Worldwide Church of God those rumors still are circulating in fringe groups and with some of its personalities.

This is from Samuel Kitchen:

UNDERGROUND NOW- "United States of Europe" Tomorrow! 

Take a step back and look at what has transpired in recent years. 
At the end of World War 2, Hitler escapes to Argentina, and top Nazi officials were disseminated into allied nations. Our NASA space program, CIA, Medical advancements all came from the scientists, intelligence and experimentation of the Nazi regime. 
The United States, Britain, Russia and other allied nations felt they would benefit in the knowledge the Nazi's had collected in World War 2. Also, Hitler in forming His SS GESTAPO, framed it to the Jesuit society of the Roman Catholic Church. The Jesuit society was already established in the allied nations. Hitler boasted that he could take over every nation in the world with just a phone call, but lacked the standing army! So at the end of the war, many of these SS officers including Hitler himself, were smuggled through the “Catholic rat-lines”! 
If you study the Jesuit society you will realize their integral part in the world around us. Abraham Lincoln blamed the Jesuits and the Papacy for the Civil War. He faced several assassination attempts from the Jesuits, and records prove that they had an personal role in his murder. 
John F. Kennedy deported the head of the Jesuit society, their “black Pope” from New York, and had successfully shut down the CIA and had created a “silver certificate” to replace the Federal Reserve note. So if any debt came due, it would be paid by the United States Treasury in silver, rather than the debt being placed onto the people themselves, as we have it today. Both Lincoln and Kennedy did this.(Lincoln with the greenbacks) Both men were murdered, and after their murders their actions were reversed by executive orders. 
To understand the rising “United States of Europe” one must look at the Jesuit society, their involvement with Hitler and other men throughout history, where this “beast system” went after World War 2, and how they are operating. We need also to look at the history of the Roman Catholic Church especially during Constantine's time. 
The rising “United States of Europe” will enforce the mark of the beast, much like the Holy Roman Empire enforced their laws concerning “state religion”. Capital punishment will be on those who do not accept the mark(Sunday worship). Like Constantine, the leader of this “United States of Europe” will declare the “Catholic Church” the official state religion! All other churches will be BANNED! 
Until the last head of the Holy Roman Empire makes itself visible as “United States of Europe” they have been working “UNDERGROUND” since WW2! It won't rise as a “Nazi regime”, which is national socialism, but it will rise as a pure “Fascist regime”! 
This beast power, since WW2, has been working underground, networking in the allied nations. This is what the Jesuits had already been doing, rising through industry and education to gain “top influence” for the Church at Rome! 
So with this understanding, we can see what has transpired in the last 30+ years concerning the membership of the Worldwide Church of God. 
What has been done in secret against the Worldwide Church of God will be done on a GREATER SCALE, this time visibly, to the world by the rising “United States of Europe” which will be the final rising up of the Holy Roman Empire! Jesus Christ prophesies in the book of Revelation that He, Himself, will destroy this great and evil system of Satan the Devil! That will come during the day of the Lord. 
When Herbert W. Armstrong died, the Matthew 24:14 Great Commission was finished!
Immediately the ministry “departed from the way”(Mal. 2:8) turning to “another gospel”(2 Corinthians 11:3) allowed wolves to devour the flock and lead many into apostasy. The Church was scattered once again, and the Church has been subject to every beast of the field.(Ezek. 34)
There has been a huge move to eliminate “the Worldwide Church of God” from off the face of the planet! First they had to “discredit” the name and reputation of “The Worldwide Church of God”- to slander it. This was step one. 
This gave way to step 2. They created the “excuse”. Much like Balaam caused ancient Israel to sin. Step 2: Create and “plant” churches systematically to lure members away, to separate them from the established Church much like the American Indians were removed from their lands and brought to reservations. They had to be brought into a foreign environment. All this to get them to call themselves members of 'another Church”(UCG, LCG, RCG, PCG, GCI, ICG etc. etc.) These “strange women” were offered. Note how Balaam got Israel to sin! (Balaam was the leader of the Babylonian religion then, today the Pope is in his seat of power.) 
The Church has been carried away into Babylon. 
Much like being carried into a “spiritual Babylon”, just as ancient Judah was carried away into Babylon! Today, God is calling a few OUT OF Babylon, under the end time Zerubbabel- Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong! He is that single voice crying out in this wilderness of Babylon confusion!
What the Beast system will do to the world during the Great Tribulation, is that slaves will be taken, much like the Jews were, in WW2! 
God's people today are drawn today into “work camps”, much like the Jews in WW2, they too are building their own “ghettos”! Each of these COG groups have their “work” and they invite especially members who have a history with the Worldwide Church of God to be apart of their work! They spend a lot of time trying to convince you that God is behind them and their work!
They teach “through work comes prosperity”. Remember the sign over Auschwitz? That is what the Beast system believed. 
These COG groups are governed secretly by Jesuit handlers. God's ministry has been draw into these groups too, to feed themselves(Ez. 34). Satan went after them first, because the sheep will follow a minister who had a history with God's Church. 
These COG groups are married to the governments of this world through contractual law! They are mere counterfeit churches. God's Word tells us who leads God's people into fornication. Mystery Babylon the great- the Mother of Harlots- Jezebel! 
The Church has faced this before throughout it's eras. 
The Roman Catholic Church has been “working on the wills of the lukewarm peoples”(quote from Pope Pious in 1952 speech). Her daughters, the protestant churches have come back to their mother church. A little while back heads of protestant churches declared that “the protest is over”! They said this as they joined with Pope Francis on screen. 
Those of God's true Church who have the laodicean attitude are being caught up in these COG groups, much like the Jews were caught up in the Ghetto's they built! It is, as scientists have proven, harder to let something go when it is something personal. 
Those of God's Church today, who are Philadelphian in attitude, who are holding fast, are being targeted and they are losing their ability to “buy, sell & hold a job”! Why? Because the underground Beast power has gained positions of government, positions of industry and education, and they are SQUEEZING God's people out! They will ultimately do this to the laodiceans in the Great Tribulation, but capital punishment will be enforced then. Those finding refuge in these COG groups might gain a small boost in their finances, they might temporarily not feel the persecution that comes to those holding fast to what was taught to them by Christ through His chosen apostle, but they will soon realize that Satan wasn't worried about them because they were already caught in the pen! He is worried about those who doesn't have now. And that is who he is targeting. 
It will reach a point before the Great Tribulation, that this “shadow government”(human men led by Satan the Devil) that is underground will have tried to kill God's Philadelphians yet failed! God has been supernaturally protecting His people, and will promise them protection by flying them to a place of safety!(Rev. 3:10; Rev. 12:14) 
God's people will be killed if God doesn't deliver them into a place of safety. That is why Satan goes after them with His army FIRST! His Beast system, which will no longer be UNDERGROUND, will rise up as “the United States of Europe” and will enact CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, and will seek to deliver God's true Church to be MURDERED! But God intervenes and protects His jewels in a place of safety. 
Now, when this attempt ultimately FAILS, this Beast System will go back to where God's Church was and will WAGE WAR on the remnant of the Church, the Laodicean brethren! Those who are caught up! 
The Worldwide Church of God is receiving a systematic persecution today from the underground “shadow government”(led by Satan and his demons) that will rise to become the “United States of Europe”! 
Remember, Hitler escaped to Argentina, and was tied closely to the Jesuit order 
Pope Francis is a Jesuit from Argentina. He has a vendetta against all “sabbath keepers” because his brother left the Catholic Church to keep the Sabbath. That is what his family has said. 
And while many are apostatizing and joining these COG groups to protect themselves, or to participate in a “work”, to “belong” and to “fellowship”(good times), what they don't realize is what is coming to them in the Great Tribulation! This is why God says to COME OUT FROM HER!
Satan is deceiving lukewarm brethren in build their own “ghetto”. But God says, ESCAPE, touch no unclean thing! 
The Worldwide Church of God isn't dead. They are under HEAVY persecution(Rev. 12:13).
They are now taking the HITS because they won't compromise what was taught to them(Rev. 3:8-111) And because they aren't compromising, Christ delivers them, and protects them in a place of safety! (Rev. 3:10; Rev. 12:14; Malachi 3:16-17) 
But those who have compromised, who join another church, they, unless they repent and “come out from her”, will go into Great Tribulation! They are spewed out, because they were LUKEWARM! They were put into the outer court! They wanted so much of this world, that God says in a sense “If you love this world, these gentiles(spiritually) then I will give you over to these gentiles”. 
Revelation 11 reveals that the outer court is given to the Gentiles to be trodden down for 3 ½ years!
These COG groups are bound in contract to the governments of this world! 
What is prophesied for America is that the United States and the other English speaking nations, will be liquidated into the NEWLY CREATED United States of Europe! Just like a corporation is liquidated! 
ONE THIRD of our people will be the surety that will be taken away into captivity!
So the members of the Worldwide Church of God is going through a hell on earth right now. Those who are holding fast to what was taught. 
The United States of Europe will rise up and it's first mission will to stop God's Church!(Rev. 12:15-17) 
They don't want them to escape! They will call for CAPITAL PUNISHMENT and will enforce the “mark of the Beast”(Sunday Worship- forced upon people). 
They don't want a group of people escaping from their clutches, but their attempt to catch them fail(Rev. 12:15-17). In returning to where the Church was, they find these COG groups locked into contract with the former government. THEY WILL BE TRAPPED AS SURETY! 
Those who come out from them to obey God fully today, will be persecuted now, but they will be granted protection by God! That promise is surer than sure! 
God's Church today is facing the preliminary stages of the Great Tribulation, that is being enacted UNDERGROUND by a “shadow government”. 
Knowing where and what Satan's system is doing today, will not only help you understand where we are in Bible Prophecy and world events but it will help you understanding why these COG groups and why you are facing what you are facing today! The pressure is on to join one of these COG groups! 
“through works comes prosperity” the sign says. In this evil time, it will be prosperous for people to join with Babylon and this "Beast system", but the plagues of God come on those who do! 
God's Church, the Worldwide Church of God, is #1 on Satan's hit-list! Beware of Satan's traps! Hold Fast to what was taught and escape the time to come!

Gofundme Account To Raise Money For The Worldwide Church of God Ends Up An Epic Failure


Original posting on Facebook


How it is going