Thursday, September 5, 2019

God, the Environmentalist

In reviewing some of the comments regarding climate change here and over at Banned by HWA, it is apparent to me that many Christians do not believe that man has made a significant contribution to the problem. From my perspective, this is consistent with a tendency on the part of many Christians to align themselves with the views of ultra-conservative, right-leaning Republicans. Moreover, the roots of this affinity seem to be traced to a shared belief that God created everything for the benefit and enjoyment of mankind and placed man in charge of nature and ordered him to subdue it. And, when they bother to attempt to justify these notions, it seems that the vast majority of these folks hearken back to the first two chapters of the book of Genesis.

Nevertheless, this blogger (along with many other Christians) wishes to make clear that he does not subscribe to such an interpretation of Scripture or share these views of human responsibility toward our natural environment. From my perspective, a Divine pronouncement of satisfaction with the finished product - that everything that had been created was "very good" - suggests little or no room for improvement by anyone else! Moreover, in the second chapter of Genesis, we are told that "God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it" - not to uproot and destroy it!

And, when we look at the history of mankind's impact on his environment, we have to wonder how anyone could conclude that we haven't had a significant impact on every part of that environment. We know, for instance, that humans in the Western Hemisphere are directly responsible for the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon (formerly the most numerous species of bird in North America), the American Chestnut, the American Elm and most recently several of our native species of Ash trees (admittedly, a few sick/dying specimens of these once-dominant tree species remain). We have wiped out over ninety percent of our virgin/old-growth forests and came close to wiping out the American Buffalo and Bald Eagle. The former range of bears, wolves, and panthers has been greatly reduced. And what about the current state of our groundwater, rivers, lakes, and oceans (the amount of pollutants in all of these waters is truly staggering). Hence, is it even within the realm of credibility to suggest that all of the gases and fumes that we have released into our atmosphere have not had any impact?

It is ironic that many of these so-called Christians look forward to Judgment Day or the Second Coming (different folks frame those events in different ways), but ignore some of the warnings implicit in the scriptures which talk about them. In one of those instances, we read: "The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small— and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) Yes, I'm fairly confident that God is an environmentalist!

submitted by Miller Jones


Anonymous said...

Ironically, the "ultra-conservative, right-leaning Republicans" (as you call them) have the solution to the problem: Cracking down on immigration-fueled population growth!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:09 PM said: “...immigration-fueled population growth!”

And the reason for this is, as the popular Clinton political slogan of the 1990s put it, “It’s the economy, stupid”—the politicians primary focus is the nation’s economy and its health. They care less for the people and their health. This is Mammon worship since the more people means the more money to spend and the more money spent means a “thriving” economy. But, the problem is it’s all an illusion of health and wealth. Quality is far more important than quantity. Yet, the government disregards this wise maxim in most, if not all, areas of its domain. Every dollar in circulation represents debt not savings so the more money spent by the government means more debt for the people and more wealth for the bankers. All the while an incursion on the once dominant population, religion and culture by foreign and opposing morals and values leads to increasing culture wars and race riots. Is it any wonder we’re in the dismal state we’re in since the Almighty Dollar is the real God of America while the people are its indentured slaves.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is bullshit
Miller Jones.

Anonymous said...

The lives most "progressives" lead is directly sustainable because our planet's resources are being used. Yet, we actually have more acres of forests in the U.S. than we did in 1900 though because conservation is being employed.

Extinctions occurred long before MAn as we all know.

Water and air are cleaner now than ever before since the 1950s.

I hate to see the Elm and Ash dying off, and maybe it can be stopped, but insects and blights have a way of propagating with or without Man.

Anyway, God wants us to use these resources. He is more of a Conservationist than an Environmentalist-- doesn't the Flood show that? Conserved man and animals and the potential for plant-life, but that isn't something an Environmentalist would do. :)

Anonymous said...

Toxic Pollution versus Vital Plant Food

Back when some real science was taught in schools, children learned that people and animals breathed in oxygen and breathed out carbon dioxide. Green plants then took in the carbon dioxide from the air and by a process called photosynthesis put out oxygen. Everything balanced out just fine.

Now, with the man-made-global-warming fraudsters telling their shameful lies to little school children (to mess up their small minds forever), a whole generation is being tricked into fearing that carbon dioxide is causing global warming and that it is therefore a toxic pollutant rather than something that plants need in order to live.

Reducing real toxic pollution in the environment is a good idea. The problem is that some ignorant people today do not know the difference between toxic pollution and vital plant food.

Byker Bob said...

I understand that Surf’s up in Greenland, and it’s going to get even better! Pretty soon they’ll be doing remakes of the ‘60s Beach Blanket movies up there. Meanwhile, POTUS has decided to let the methane freely waft from the oil fields. Fortunately, the big oil companies are more responsible, and will continue to use the expensive recapturing systems they already have in place.


Anonymous said...

4.03 AM
Americas debt crisis is the result of people desiring unjust gain. This is in contrast to the just gain in "a workman is worthy of his wages."
Unjust gain is condemned in the ten commandments.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

The Painful Truth offers a link to an article "Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries" authored by Martin Armstrong. Haven't you learned to stay away from folks named Armstrong? According to Wikipedia this guy is a "self-taught (no college degree) economic forecaster who uses his own computer model based on pi. He was convicted in 1999 of cheating investors out of seven hundred million dollars and hiding fifteen million dollars in assets from regulators." Great source!
The article PT cites claims that scientists who support global warming have underestimated available nitrogen for plant growth (plants absorb carbon dioxide). Hmmm, I wonder why all of the farmers around me are spraying their fields with anhydrous ammonia - isn't that to supply nitrogen? And, how can the trees in the Amazon rain forest absorb carbon dioxide when they're burning? Talk about bullshit!

Anonymous said...

So says the liberal who has chosen that view for the same reasons that he accuses christians of choosing conservatism. There are gay conservatives you know?

Anonymous said...

An insightful post - To some, environmentalism is a cause that calls for political activism, grass-roots campaigning, or even violence if necessary. To others, it’s nothing but alarmist nonsense or part of a left-wing conspiracy, or perhaps it’s just an opportunity to make money. Is God Green?

Anonymous said...

Planet destruction = Superstorms:

How are the Carolinas doing after the destruction of the natural buffer that was the coastal wetlands??

Keep up the good work politicians: More population, suburban sprawl, pell-mell immigration!

Yes and No to HWA said...

My opinion is that “climate change” - man-made global warning - is an end of cycle society fad; a characteristic of these fads has proponents competing to come up with worst case scenario.

This response to a question on “climate-change” is one of the best I have heard:

As Martin Armstrong likes to note, the world works with the majority being wrong. Human psychology is perhaps a better indicator than science, that “climate change” is not what it seems.

When the economy collapses people will be more concerned with surviving than worrying about so-called climate change.

Anonymous said...

12:19pm - So what???????

I knew someone would comment on the last name, and just what does his not having a college degree have to do with anything?

All that just shows your bias!

Talk about bullshit!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

9:42pm - Much like Californians blaming wild fires on Anthropogenic global warming, when in fact lightening strikes have caused wild fires for millennia. If you build houses in forests, that's what you get.

About as smart as building a city named Pompeii at the base of a volcano, and wondering why the gods are picking on you!

Or a city below sea level and then bitch at Katrina!

James said...

Miller Jones, you deceive the people. Martin Armstrong did not do the research. He simply reports it.He wrote: The findings were published in the prestigious Journal Science,....

Some people will do anything to push their believes on others.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 9/6 @ 5:28 - And there are straight liberals and liberal Christians - What's your point?

Anonymous 9/6 7:03 - "extinctions occurred long before man" Nice to see another acknowledgement of evolutionary science. Even so, wouldn't you say that there is a fundamental difference between something that occurs naturally as opposed to something that is man-made? And, by definition (conservationist = "a person who advocates or acts for the protection and preservation of the environment and wildlife," a conservationist is an environmentalist.

James, I responded to a comment and link posted here - I'm not deceiving anyone! What about responding to the points I made?

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Toxic Pollution versus Vital Plant Food,

You may want to reconsider your ideas about educating young minds in light of the following facts:
"The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of the following molecules: nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), argon (1%), and then trace amounts of carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, xenon, ozone, iodine, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Lower altitudes also have quantities of water vapor." --Universe Today
"The atmosphere of Venus is made up almost completely of carbon dioxide. It also includes small doses of nitrogen and clouds of sulfuric acid...This composition causes a runaway greenhouse effect that heats the planet even hotter than the surface of Mercury, although Venus lies farther from the sun."
In other words, it is the AMOUNT of carbon dioxide that causes toxicity or problems. Seventy-eight percent of the air we breathe is nitrogen, but we would most assuredly die if that percentage was much higher!

Anonymous said...

Christians are required, by God, to care for the planet and climate change has been taking place for millions of years. There was no burning of fossil fuels during the last cycle of mass melting of continental glaciers. However, that doesn't give us the right to pollute. Reducing pollution won't stop climate change but will make Earth more pleasant along the journey. HWA was one of the early whacky climate alarmists who was always wrong. Too many scientists and politicians have also made earlier, dire predictions that have also been proven wrong by time. Our current celebrity alarmists and new generation politicians are whackos that do more harm than good for the cause. The international agreements always allow the worst polluter nations to continue in their destructive ways.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous 9/6 @ 5:28 - And there are straight liberals and liberal Christians - What's your point?"

The point is obvious, you're just as biased as the ones you're judging, quit throwing stones.

Anonymous said...

Well said 7:02am

Byker Bob said...

“The international agreements always allow the worst polluter nations to continue in their destructive ways”.

Latest information in Reuters indicates that China is #1, USA #2, India #3, and Russia #4 as worst polluters. These 4 seem to consider themselves above or exempt from international agreements. It is many of the European nations that take climate matters seriously.


Anonymous said...

I believe the Paris Accord gave China, India, and Brazil a free pass to continue to pollute as usual. The US is properly constrained by extensive legislation to reduce pollution.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What’s up with all yhese lazy assed cut and paste sites, anyway? Anybody even bothering to read them? Someone who can’t do critical thinking for themselves or remember and quote a few facts must be posting them expecting them to do their work for them.