Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Sad Legacy of Armstrongism: Flurry Cult (Philadelphia Church of God) Members Abandoning Their Children

The Painful Truth has a letter about a young teenager who was kicked out of her home because of Flurry's filthy teachings.  This is not an isolated case in Flurrydumb. This has happened to others.  If the child is older and does not believe in Flurry's filthy message then they are kicked out.  Flurry teaches parents to do this to their kids. He teaches them to cut  off all ties to family members who are not part of PCG.  Families have been destroyed, grandparents have been cut off from grandchildren, young adults from parents, and the list could go on and on.

Satan's Human Face

Philadelphia Church of God Parents

Abandon Minor-Aged Daughter

When my 17 year-old niece told her parents she no longer wanted to participate in the Philadelphia Church of God, her cult-member parents abandoned her to the streets. "God's Will," her mother said. For some time, my niece has been disillusioned by the Philadelphia Church of God. Her first awakening occurred when she asked her parents if she could stay with a non-cult-member relative who lives on the East Coast, (that would be my wife and me), for two weeks, as part of her summer vacation. A boy her age, (a non cult-member), who was enrolled in an accelerated program at school studying to become a doctor, was staying with us. My niece particularly wanted to meet this boy because she is also interested in studying medicine. The relative, that would be me and my wife, planned on taking the boy and my niece to see NYC and the NJ shore. My niece's parents adamantly refused to let her visit with us. My niece's "God ordained head of the household father," who had been barred from practicing nursing in several States for violations (I believe he showed up at the care facility in which he was employed, intoxicated. First, he was suspended for 2 years, then he had his license revoked permanently), especially wouldn't even hear of the idea. My niece became distraught. Instead of letting their daughter enjoy her summer vacation with a like-minded teenager pursuing a career in medicine, her parents forced her to stay at home in the company of another girl from the Philadelphia Church of God. My niece says this cult-member spent most of the time on her cell phone, bragging about having a three-way with two Mexican boys.

When my niece continued to press her parents to be released from the abuse of the Philadelphia Church of God, her mother said she was "dead to her," and turned her photo face down on her bureau top. Her parents told her to leave the house, as they wanted to concentrate their love and affection on their other daughters, who wanted to remain in the cult. My niece said her parents told her she was infecting the household with her "evil." While kicking her out of the house, they refused to drive her anywhere, and threatened anyone who helped her with legal action for harboring a minor. My niece was forced to walk a busy highway for over an hour alone, until a classmate saw her and gave her a ride.
 Read the rest of the story here:  PCG Parents Abandon Minor Daughter

Hat tip to Felix....Why We Don't Get Over It

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jesus Humor

One of my favorite blogs is "Jesus Needs New PR" a site the exposes the silly side of Christians and legalistic thought.  One of his side links is "Jesus Pictures"

"It's so cute that your daddy thinks he has himself a little football player, but sadly, you're going to be a dancer, a really good dancer." -Jesus

"Oh, don't let the sparkles scare you. This is just what happens when I'm around white people." -Jesus

"What did you say? Does your mother know you use the word, 'sucks'? And better yet, would she approve? I don't think so. Maybe we should walk over and ask her. You want us to do that? You realize your brothers are judging you, right? I can read it on their hearts. And I'm gonna let it slide for now." -Jesus

"Sometimes I pretend there's a staircase to earth. And I like sliding down its banister. I'm Jesus, okay? I can do that if I want to. You pretend there's a staircase to Heaven! You're just mad because you can't slide up." -Jesus