Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dave Pack Ready To Premier The Worlds Most Advanced Web Site

Dave Pack, the most arrogant of the Church of God splinter cult leaders, is crowing on his web site about it's new design.  It is a design that is soooooooooooooooooooo mind-boggling and super-duper that it ranks number one in the entire world for religious sites.  At least in his narcissistic eyes.

Only the worlds most important church could ever manage to produce a site that is so advanced that it eclipses all other religious sites around the world.  How spectacular is that!  We are in awe Dave!  In awe! 

He writes:

State-of-the-Art Website Redesign: This Monday, July 16, marks the debut of a completely redesigned site. The website now takes its place among the most advanced in the world, eclipsing all other religious sites!

You will soon be treated to these mind boggling features on this spectacular website:

The new version employs cutting-edge technology, and some features found nowhere else on an Internet of 600 million websites, including:
  • Full responsive design! This automatically optimizes viewing on all the thousands of types of desktop and mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones
  • A “My Bookshelf” function allows users to personalize the site
  • Streamlined navigation
  • Simplified hardcopy literature ordering
  • Notifications of news updates, literature orders, and items added to My Bookshelf
  • Expanded search capabilities
  • Stunning, productivity-enhancing surprise features available on no other site!
Visit soon to experience these powerful, groundbreaking features!

 Once more, Big Bro Dave is kicking sand in the face of all the skinny weakling COG splinter cults.

ht: Tom

Friday, July 13, 2012

Apostle Malm and Prophet Thiel: Despisers of the Cross

We all got to see first hand how the Living Church of God hates the cross when we saw Prophet Thiel enraged that citizens were erecting crosses in Milwaukee in honor of the people Terry Ratzman murdered at a Living Church of God service.

Now Apostle Malm has joined the cross hating band wagon.  It's all that willy Constantine's fault that the cross is being used today.  Sorry, make that Satan's fault the cross is used today. Satan told Constantine to use it, at least according to Apostle Malm.

The cross is simply the same thing as the letter “t”. Go to your paper and write the letter “t” in English and you will find that it is a cross. And the letter “t” stood in the mind of Constantine who was a sun worshiper, for the high priest of the sun god; Tammuz. The letter “t” stood for Tammuz. Tammuz was the originator of the worship of the sun. People who worship the sun will tell you, “We do not worship the sun. The sun is merely a symbol. It is a symbol of the light bringer”. And the first high priest of this religion, the first teacher of this religion, the originator of this religion was a man named Tammuz. Tammuz was high priest to the Sun god and the Sun god is only a symbol for the uninitiated, and the initiated know that the sun is merely a representation of the light bringer Lucifer.

Lucifer, the being who rebelled against God and who became his adversary and was renamed Satan, the adversary. Lucifer, the god of this world, who deceives the whole world, used as his symbol the sun, because his original name Lucifer meant “the light bringer”. Now Constantine worshipped the sun. He was a sun worshiper, but being initiated into the highest levels of the hidden mysteries, he was a Satan worshiper, a Lucifer worshiper. The sun was the symbol of his god and the letter “t” or the cross was the symbol of the originator of and high priest of the sun god; Tammuz. In fact the cross was not and has never been the symbol of Christianity. The cross has always been a symbol of the religion of sun worship and of Tammuz.

The cross was later adopted by certain elements within the religion of Rome and accepted and labeled as Christian, but it was not Christian. It is simply relabeled as Christian and has been used to help deceive people into the religion of sun worship. Now Constantine conquered his opposition and assumed the leadership of the Roman Empire in the name of Tammuz, the high priest of the Sun god. And he worshipped the sun until the day of his death; continuing to cast coins throughout this reign dedicated to Sol Invictus, the Invincible Sun. Constantine realized that he had a problem on his hands. The so-called Christians were turning the foundation of the empire upside down. And the more that were killed, the more were converted to that belief. So, that on many occasions the actual executioners were convicted and converted by the example of their victims.

The only problem with Apostle Malm's stupidity is this.  This is the symbol that Constantine supposedly used.  It sure doesn't look like a letter "t."