Thursday, December 13, 2012

Unfortunate News For Gerald Flurry

COG Prophet Declares: My Prophecies are Coming True!

God's greatest end time prophet is so accurate that all of his prophecies are coming true!  I am not talking about Dave Pack who perceives himself as God's most super-duper Church of God leader since Jesus.  I am not even talking about Gerald Flurry, God's greatest beer connoisseur prophet centered in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma.  I am not even talking about Weinerdude Weinland, God's most favorite convicted felon.  Meredith has become so irrelevant that he is no longer on the radar anymore, so he's not being discussed either. I am not even talking about James Malm who has bastardized the law to his own perverted purposes.

I am talking about God's greatest prophet, E. W. King!  I stand in awe of his most amazing prophecies.  Never in the course of human history has a prophets predictions come true in such amazing ways!

God's prophet writes today on his blog:

In my prophecy forecast for 2012 I stated:
“Many countries are experiencing violent acts. People are full of stress and confusion. Since my last prophecy forecast we have heard of school shootings and other bizarre shootings taking place not just here in the US but around the globe. This unfortunate activity will continue, sad to say.
And the sad recent reality is that on December 11,2012:
Gunfire rang out in the mall food court, instantly transforming a casual afternoon of holiday shopping into a nightmare. The shooter, armed with a rifle, was dressed in dark clothing and wore a hockey-style face mask.”

“As panicked shoppers fled for cover, workers ushered some into hiding places within stores, or helped them to the exits. The first officers to arrive formed groups and rushed into the chaos, rather than waiting for the more heavily armed SWAT team.”

I have talked about this type of behavior and the fact that it would increase.
While these incidents are unfortunate, they are NOT prophecy coming true.  These are events that can happen at any time and any place.  Its not prophecy coming alive in front of us.

Prophet King continues:

I also predicted in my 2012 prophecy forecast the following:

I predict that more riots on American streets will take place. We have become much like Greece economically speaking. We do not have the moral strength to rise up. All those currently running for president have no real moral vision for America. It has become a world of global greed and corruption.”
And just recently we find out:
“In evaluating Tuesday’s union melee in Michigan, as protesters physically attacked supporters of right-to-work legislation and collapsed a large tent set up by the conservative Americans for Prosperity…”
“This week, menacing union goons unleashed threats, profanity and punches in Michigan, which is now poised to become a "right-to-work" state. Obama met the initial outbreak of violence with the same response he's given to every other union outbreak of violence under his reign: dead silence.” Read the story
We have also seen trouble in the NFL sports world which I predicted in the 2013 forecast. Are you awake? COGSR members are seeing things before they happen while others ridicule us.

Union goons have been doing this kind of stuff for decades.  Granted they seem to have more  power now, but you cannot look at it as major prophecy coming alive either.

I also see that we seem to have hit a sore nerve with Prophet King.  He doesn't particularly like being made fun of, but as God's greatest prophet he will take the ridicule gallantly.

If King was really a prophet he would NOT be dwelling on silly everyday events like sports controversies but upon major things that will catch the worlds attention in dramatic ways.  Union goons in the US, France or UK are not earth shattering events.

If anything, King, Malm, Pack, Flurry, Weinland and the others are nothing more than prophets of baal.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Convicted Church of God Felon Says: "This Is His Last Warning!"

Weinerdude Weinland is trying to go out in a blaze of glory before he goes to prison to be bunk buddies with Big Bubba.

Today on his pathetic blog he makes excuses for not posting on his blog because the world is fast asleep and ignoring his message.  Could it be because he has been in and out of court where he was convicted of stealing from the government by using his members tithe money to maintain his lavish lifestyle?

Weinerdude calls this his LAST WARNING!

December 12, 2012


It has been two and a half months since my last posting. There has been no need to make another, as the world is fully asleep—practically comatose when it comes to any true concern or worry over the possibility of WWIII. That war was the context of that last post, and that war is continuing to draw closer and closer as that time is now upon us. Even now, there are leaders in Russia and in China who have plans already in the works to engage in such a war.

Nothing like starting the very first paragraph with death and destruction. For some reason he fails to mention that he is now a convicted felon.  Wonder why?

After some more useless blabberings he has this to say about a soon coming gathering of true believers. 63,000 to be exact!

Just as God’s Church was fully caught off guard and asleep when the apostasy (great falling away) occurred on Dec. 17, 1994, the world and the Church that was scattered are now going to be fully caught off guard concerning the final end-time events. For the Church that was scattered, the devastation that begins once the Second Trumpet sounds will be the beginning of a great wake up call that will eventually lead to 63,000 scattered brethren being brought together once again into one true fellowship—together with God—reunited at last!

So what is this event that will gather the lost brethren all together one last time?  Jesus is returning! oops, sorry, make that Christ. Can't have the nelly, pansy, long haired hippie Jesus in the picture.

The Church that was scattered does not believe that end-time events can happen so quickly and powerfully or that Christ could return by Pentecost of 2013. But what people “believe” is what has magnified their state of “sleep.” Such statements are not happily received, but it is the truth.
I can guarantee that Weinerdude will be an epic failure on Pentecost 2013.  His fat ass will still be in jail.  His wife will still be using tithe money to maintain her home and daughter Laura will still be writing the checks to keep herself and mommy happy.

Weinderdude then blabbers on some more about comatose COG members who will be shocked to see his warnings  come to pass.

He then says this:

After this post, there is really no more need of warnings for what is coming, for the world is asleep and time has indeed fully run out. The “Day of the Lord” is at hand—we are IN it! We have just passed through the night-time portion of God’s final day. It began at sundown after May 26th when we entered the night-time portion of this last prophetic day for mankind in this present age. If only all could see! Paradoxically, it is by this very day-time portion of the “Day of the Lord” that mankind will be brought to “see” and “hear,” and by this, the blindness and deafness of mankind will begin to be healed.
No More Warning:

In the future, any post that might possibly be written on this site will no longer be warnings, but only explanation of the realities that are taking place in the light of the day of Christ’s return as King of kings. God is not going to give any more warnings to this world or to the Church that was scattered. The time for warning has ended because the time for fulfillment is at hand—it has arrived! 
 The truth about his above comment is that there will be no more posts by Weinerdude because he will be in prison!  Apparently his second in command are too stupid to carry on his prophetic tradition.  His second in command will only be posting the explanations that Weinerdude will give them to post.

Its not about God being so pissed he is giving no more warnings.  It's not even God being pissed at laodician church members.  Its because God's most important human being is sitting in prison.  Will we have earth shattering earthquakes that soon will free Weinerdude from prison like Paul supposedly was?

With any luck Weinerdude will find a boyfriend and will leave preaching all together.