Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bob Thiel: Continuing Ed Church of God Is All About "Love"

Now that prophet Thiel has started his own splinter group, he jumps out the door taking his first potshot at James Malm.  Malm is all about rules and regulations while prophet Thiel is all about LOVE.

What is the Philadelphia remnant of the Church of God really all about?
Is it simply a group or corporation who thinks it follows the right rules?
While rules are important (cf. John 14:15; Matthew 23:23), what is most important?
According to the Jesus, the apostles, and the late Herbert W. Armstrong, and the Continuing Church of God, love is what is most important.

If prophet Thiel wants to use Herbert Armstrong as the epitome of "love" then he is starting his cult off on the wrong track.  Herb was greatly lacking in the qualities of love!  Just look a how he treated his son, his wives, his sisters and his grand children. That alone makes him unworthy as an example of "love."

It is important for all to realize that despite flaws of Christians, including those of us of the Philadelphia remnant, that love is what God’s way of life and His kingdom are really all about.  And that spreading that message of love and all of God’s ways is what the Continuing Church of God wants to be about.

Bob Thiel: My Church Has Reached More People and Has More Members than Most of the Other COG's

Bob Thiel is now boasting that is new personality cult has more members and has reached more people in it's infancy stage of less than  a week than have most of the "300-700 groups that previously came out of the old Worldwide Church of God."

A few scattered individuals and groups, consisting of people that I do not know personally, have contacted me and declared that they want to support the Continuing Church of God. Though we are still quite small, counting them would make the Continuing Church of God larger than most of the allegedly 300-700 groups that previously came out of the old Worldwide Church of God. And in terms of gospel reach (on the internet at least), in less four days, it appears that we have reached more people with parts of the Bible's message than probably all the aforementioned groups currently smaller than the Continuing Church of God combined for the same period.