Monday, November 8, 2010

Why The COG Does Not Extend A Helping Hand

Armstrongism has always had a perverted sense of 'helping the world' when it comes to natural and man made disasters.

Many Armstrongites (Meredith, Flurry, Pack) go into almost orgasmic fits when they talk about the destruction of the United States and the rest of the world. Their eyes start to glaze over, their voice rises and their hands grasp the side of the pulpit  till their knuckles turn white. 

They want to see people die, they want to see destruction and mayhem.  They want to see famine, torture and death.   

When they see these things it legitimizes themselves and their little cults as bearers of truth. 

One can only imagine the abject horror these ministurds would have if an entire nation 'repented' and turned from it's destructive ways.  It would not fit their paradigm at all!  There would be weeping and gnashing of teeth, month long fasts, sermons blaming the brethren, etc., etc., etc..

The world got to see how truly disgusting the basic tenants of Armstrongism really was when the LCG killings happened. The community reached out with helping hands and Bob Thiel, Meredith, and other ministers spit back in their faces with contempt.

Following are a few comments gleaned off of  a Yahoo group of LCG and XCG members talking about helping others.

The church always realized that these things are coming about as a result of America's sins and their refusal to acknowledge that they are Israel.
The church never got involved in "outreach" . One reason is that pumping money to help sin never works. The US sent billions in aid to foreign nations without one shred of help coming from it since if people continue to sin you are throwing your time and money away.

Our "outreach" is telling them who and what they are: Israel and that they had better wake up before Katrina (which pales in comparison to the flooding in the mid west frankly) looks like a Sunday school picnic.

The church was never one to give as a group to health charities as we do not place our faith in science to heal. Our charity of giving is in time of prayer for those who are in need of health. We ask for far more than just their physical health.

We did not give money to India, for example, as a church because as Mr Armstrong said as long as they worship idols all the money in the world will not help them.

Individual church members have always helped to take care of those in need when they found or knew about them. They just do so quietly without fanfare.

Giving to the brethren is always of top priority.


We do have a church to give to and Gods money is never to be doled out to just anyone.
The church is , was and always will be the baptized members who have the holy spirit.

1 comment:

James said...

It may sound like the kind of bogus claim made on late-night infomercials, but trust me when I say it's true: Those of the Armstrong camp serve as judge, jury, and executioner. They decree that anarchism brings one closer to nirvana.

One of the first facts we should face is that Armstrong-ism and the current group of apostles are a bunch of lugs (useless people.) As you know, lugs are dips; dips are charlatans; charlatans are galoots; and the galoots want to outrage the very sensibilities of those who show up for their horse and pony show once a week.

The point is that these galoot wannabes have no moral courage nor even a desire to be honest and forthright. They would rather the membership settle for the meatless bone of classism.

Without the swarm of the blind useful idiots within their flock, they would never be able to conceal the fact that they harvest what others have sown. Afterwords they look around waiting for applause as if they have done something decent and moral rather than power-drunk and sadistic.

I recommend everyone check out some of the newsgroup postings and draw your own conclusions on the matter.