Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's Still All About The Money in UCG Rebellion

This past year a group of COGers set up a fund to assist the ministers and churches in South America that UCG had kicked out due to their rebellion.  Now this same group called "International Ambassador Outreach Mission" is setting up another fund for those ministers around the world who have resigned from United.  Those loyal to UCG will see this a a front to support rebellious angry ministers, those on the other side will see it as a means of supporting the "true and loyal servants of God."  Gotta keep that money flowing in to support their lifestyles. Uh.....where have we seen this before??????  Oh wait!  The formation of UCG in the mid-90's.  Same old broken record.  Paybacks's a bitch!

International Ambassador Outreach is dedicated to the preservation of unity within the body of Christ, and sincerely supports any Godly solution that would heal and preserve the unity of the body within the Church of God.

However, as the crisis in the Church of God has continued to escalate, ministers and members in the United States have now become affected as salaried ministers have been terminated or have resigned due to conscience. Should this trend continue, more full-time ministers of good reputation will be terminated or resign, thus impacting and further fracturing unity within the body of Christ.

Because of the aforementioned situation, International Ambassador Outreach is hereby expanding the scope of its mission beyond areas solely outside of the United States, and will now include the support of Church of God ministers and members in transition in the United States of America within its purview. Ministers of good reputation and their families will need financial support to meet basic life needs while working through an unexpected time of transition – and International Ambassador Outreach will seek to assist those needs.

International Ambassador Outreach does not consider itself a Church organization, nor does it ever plan to become a Church. It continues to exist to provide a pathway for God’s people to support the financial needs of congregations around the world, and to financially support those in the ministry that seek to humbly care for members in these congregations.

The generous gifts of many worldwide donors to date have resulted in significant aid being provided to Latin America congregations. All donations made to-date will remain restricted for International areas. However, as of December 5th, 2010 donations made to the General Fund will be deemed usable for any need, including Latin America, other International areas, and the United States. Additionally, future donations made to IAO may also be restricted by the donor towards International areas or any other cause covered by the scope and mission of IAO.

1 comment:

Felix Taylor, Jr. said...

I think the best case scenario for the members of the United Church of God is that they leave the organization mass exodus and go to the Church of God (Seventh Day. It would be a lot better for them but I am afraid they need to develop critical thinking skills and some need to get over their drug addiction over their religious fantasies to make that first step. Also a concept of "We The People" would go a looong way! As for us watching from the sidelines, we wait, we wonder and we pray.