Friday, December 3, 2010

Melvin Rhodes Strikes Back At Grumbling Ministers

Dear fellow ministers,

Some of you have no doubt received a document titled “Petition for Resolution to GCE” addressed to the General Conference of Elders (GCE), and apparently authored by and being circulated by four non-salaried elders. You personally may not have received this petition if it was considered by the sponsors that you would be unlikely to support its aim—which is to put the majority of the current Council of Elders on trial.

The resolution associated with the petition seeks to create a “GCE Review Committee” to, in effect, conduct an open investigation to identify and determine if any actions by the Council of Elders or the Administration against anyone in the United Church of God since January 1, 2010, have “in fact” been done “contrary to the published requirements and procedures” of UCGIA or “contrary to Scriptural guidelines.”
No specific improper actions or “aggrieved parties” are identified.

The resolution contains no way of giving those who may be accused access to any sort of due process and there is no mechanism for protecting the privacy of anyone involved. In fact, on completion of the “investigation” (very little time is allowed) the Committee’s “findings” or “recommendations” are to be made public—no doubt spread far and wide via the Internet.

The proposed makeup of the Review Committee is obviously designed to be composed primarily of men who are known to be critical of the present Council and Administration. One could easily envision the proposed Review Committee’s investigation becoming more like an inquisition.

The Council stated, by resolution on November 30, that this petition is legally flawed and has decided, with the backing of the opinion of UCG’s general legal counsel, that the associated resolution is clearly contrary to, conflicts with, and is inconsistent with our governing documents and existing grievance procedures. Such procedures are already in place under the authority of the governing documents. Legal counsel advises that it would require an amendment to the Constitution and/or Bylaws before the proposed committee could be created and become operational.

The proposed resolution is fatally flawed and members of the GCE should not support it.

Consequently, in a separate communication, the Council has advised the sponsors that their petition should be withdrawn since it would be improper to allow the associated resolution to be balloted upon by the GCE.

It remains the case that Council members can be removed through the balloting process at the annual general meeting of the GCE if elders are dissatisfied with their service.     

Melvin Rhodes—Chairman, Council of Elders

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