Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wearing Ties to Church Makes You A Pagan Laodicean

The fun continues on the Church of Malm board.  Check out the sure signs that make you a  laodicean.  Watching a church service on the Internet is also strictly forbidden by scripture.
A COM acolyte writes:

Laodicean attitudes can be witnessed when women’s modesty is compromised by plunging necklines, short skirts, and tight form fitting pants. When men show up to present themselves to the Almighty God in casual wear; and, where men are called on for opening/closing prayer sans Sabbath wear i.e. coat and tie. These are some of the early and outward signs. Other signs could include watching Sabbath services frequently via Internet rather than attending congregational worship services – a practice rejected in Hebrews 10:25; or, tolerating other Sabbath compromises. Having a congregation peppered with cliques, or, a membership that does not readily extend hospitality to their brethren.
Individually and collectively we need to: examine ourselves; our attitudes; our conduct, and, our approach to Christian living, godly worship and dedication to God’s principles and commandments.

Pastor Malm's response about the demonic necktie.  Perhaps he should move to Iran where he would fit in better.

We should be neat clean and presentable when appearing before God. On the other hand there is no need to wear a tie which is a pagan phalic symbol holdover fron ancient Roman legions in Croatia. It may not be so considered today, yet this is an example of adding to God’s law which is forbidden. We are to be zealous for the law, we are not to add to it.


Banned by BLAH BLAH BLAH said...

I did not know that neckties are pagan....glad that I wear barong instead.

Anonymous said...

He'd make a great Pastor with all that truth to share.

My experience has been that when a guy fusses about cleavage, short skirts and tight pants, he's lookin' and struggling with mother nature.

Actually ties started out as a kind of wide front sided vest that tied behind much like an apron. It was a goodluck talisman worn to battle. Gradually it got more narrow and became fashionable...well to most.

I never could figure out why we thought tying a knot around our windpipe was fashionable.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere in the Bible it says, "blessed be the tie that binds." Right? So I don't understand how this man can say they don't belong in Sabbath dress .

Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

"where men are called on for opening/closing prayer sans Sabbath wear i.e. coat and tie."

I'm afraid you misread this. "Sans" means "without". Not that I agree with Malm, but let's ding him for his genuinely goofy statements.

Mickey said...

Oh dear and to think I gave all this up. Ceremonial tie burning on my front lawn this evening. Bring your own sackcloth (ladies keep them up to your neck and below the Knees) Ashes will be provided. ;)

Anonymous said...

There are those who claim that they were in the WCG for awhile but they moved on and it did not affect them.

Scientific studies have shown that liars actually do physiological damage to their brains and wipe out billions of neurons.

It is extremely unlikely that it is possible that anyone tolerating the lies, deceptions and distortions of Herbert Armstrong for any length of time could really be unaffected. It's possible that some clueless people didn't fully absorb the insanity, but that is sort of a problem in itself.

It appears that there are 1) people in denial who don't seem to realize how much damage was done to them and think they have "moved on" but continue to live in a realm of distorted perception, blisfully unaware of the mental changes they have suffered; 2) people who realize something is wrong with them as a result of Armstrongism, but live in denial and move to whatever strategies to cope and 3) those who realize what is wrong and are actively pursuing recovery and helping others to do so.

One more tangible piece of evidence of the damage done to the victims of Armstrongism is evident in the nutty declarations of David Malm as a profoundly unbalanced man, trapped in endless extremism.

Yet again, it is time for people to acknowledge the damage done to them and for us all to pursue more healthy life styles, including getting enough sleep, pursuing balanced nutrition, exercise, avoiding lies, deceptions, distortions and maintaining effective relationships.

Otherwise, we end up as nutcases as is so evident in the extremes of zealots fallen off the sanity wagon.

NO2HWA said...

I know "sans" means without.

The COM acolyte was telling Pastor Malm that he was upset that men were praying in UCG services without wearing ties and jackets.

Pastor Malm then starts in with one of his typical paganism rants condemning ties.

I can guarantee you Pastor Malm is wearing a wedding ring, drinks coffee, eats meat, wears leather - all things that so called 'pagans' did and still do to this day.

Pastor Malm harps on and on about COG's "adding' to scripture with unnecessary rules, yet he does it all the time. He is a hypocrite.

Mickey said...

It used to be a common quip from people who didn't like something, such as brussels sprouts, to claim the item in question was "against their religion"

Someone needs to let the COGs in on the joke:)

Anonymous said...

"Someone needs to let the COGs in on the joke:"

Oh but they were:

"Bacon, Christmas, Birthdays, Eggnog, Chocolate Bunnies, Sourdough Bread (once a year), and Sunday's are all against my religion."

Of course, with the horrible rejoinder:

"Oh, so you're Jewish, huh?"

Paul Ray

Allen C. Dexter said...

What a case of much ado about nothing. Seems to me James had a bit to say about regarding the well dressed as better than the casually or poorly dressed. Outward appearance always had a lot to do with how you were regarded, as I recall. Nothing has really changed.

I've heard ministers discussing who made the best suits and the fact that they wouldn't be seen in some of the cheaper varieties they characterized as canary cloth suits (cheap, cheap) that sacrificing people had to wear out of the necessity of being clothed and not being able to afford the name brands the exalted elite strutted in.

Allen C. Dexter said...

Incidentally, this blog post needs editing and reposting. The author misunderstood a common expression, so the whole thing is basically erroneous from thet title on.

Anonymous said...

"I've heard ministers discussing who made the best suits and the fact that they wouldn't be seen in some of the cheaper varieties they characterized as canary cloth suits..."

Suits worn by the very peasants who paid for the minister's high quality suits.

Paul Ray

Anonymous said...

HWA SCREAMED at his tailor his personal income taxes were SO HIGH, he couldn't afford custom-tailored suits made out of the world's FINEST fabrics!

Anonymous said...

Laodiceans wear wide, loud neckties, pink shirts, loafers, and new suits.

Philadephians wear traditional pattern narrow neckties, white shirts, brogues, used threadbare suit from Salvation Army.

Byker Bob said...

Just wondering aloud here, but since phallic symbols are always pagan, does that mean that my penis is pagan?


Anonymous said...

No. Your penis was created by god. Any phallic associations attributed to your penis are of pagan origin.

Was there a WCG booklet on this subject? I want to read the word "penis" in bold HWA type, with exclamation marks galore:

Paul Ray

Allen C. Dexter said...

"How about reposting it and the whole spiteful and malicious website in the TRASH bin where it belongs."

You'd really love to be able to enforce that, wouldn't you? Sorry, this isn't 17th century Salem, but there are plenty of people like you who would love to make it so.

It really frustrates you that there is no way to silence us, doesn't it? Yea for the internet! Long may it live and flourish!

Mohammed Jesus said...

Everyone is afraid to call men who go to church wearing three piece suits and ties materialistic and that they look like successful business men, lawyers in courts. Men should not go to church dressed as a wall street business executive. Churches shouldn't be courts of law. Just as ladies shouldn't be dressed as whores shamelessly flaunting their cleavages, legs, hair and men wearing shorts without socks is immorally hypocritical. Too bad they are afraid to speak about why the Amish never wear ties.