Have no fear ye followers of the one and only TRUE god. James Malm, your humble end time prophet, apostle, 1/2 of the two witlesses (sorry Mr. and Mrs. Weinerdude) and future martyr has firsthand revealed knowledge on just how things are going to start happening as the end times rolls in. Isn't this exciting! Wow! Time to start my Petra pack........
1 A Middle East war is expected to set the conditions for a peace agreement.
2 The Abomination, which IS the false prophet; will be set up (this is the first seal of Revelation).
3 A peace deal will be reached; allowing for a declaration of peace and safety very near the time that the abomination goes to the Holy Place, 1 Thes 5:3. There may or may not be a seven year treaty with the Jews, Palestinians and Vatican. There will NOT be 3 1/2 years of peace (this is a non biblical tradition of Protesant origin). War will begin AS SOON AS peace is declared.
4 He (the abomination; false prophet) will call for and bring about a revival of the Holy Roman Empire during a 75 day period.
5 The two prophets of God will begin their work.
6 Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies; probably peacekeepers to enforce the agreement.
7 The Church will flee into the wilderness; arriving at the time that the abomination visits the Holy Place.
8 The false prophet will travel to the Holy Place.
9 This will trigger violence which results in the occupation of the city by these European peace keepers.
10 Israel will not give up Jerusalem without a fight and all Judea will be subjugated.
11 The US will enter the conflict in support of Israel and will be nuked and defeated but not totally destroyed and probably not occupied; just brought to her knees.
12 Europe will be supreme for about 2-3 years.
13 Europe will attack the Asian nations of Russia China ect.
14 Asia will absorb the attack and move into Europe destroying it.
15 The beast and false prophet (abomination) will move to Jerusalem to make their last stand.
16 The two prophets will be killed 3 1/2 days later the resurrection will take place
.17 The Asian armies will move south toward Jerusalem and camp at Miggedo, the Wedding Feast of the Lamb will take place in heaven; and the seven last plagues will be poured out; during the 45 days between the resurrection and the end of the 1,335 days. See the Wedding Feast article at the link provided above; and also the article on the 1,290 and the 1,335 days.
18 The Asian armies will attack Jerusalem and take half of the city.
19 Christ will come WITH his saints and put down all factions.
20 The beast and false prophet will be killed at the end of the 1,335 days of Dan 12.
21 God's spirit will be poured out on all flesh, establishing his kingdom on a Feast of Pentecost.
22 There will be 1,000 years of peace; completing a 7,000 year plan for the firstfruits.
23 Satan will be released for a short time and then removed forever.
24 Then the 7,000 year plan for the main harvest will begin; and the Feast of the Ingathering of Nations or the Feast of Tabernacles will bring all repentant humanity into the family of God.
25 After the seven thousand years of the Feast of Tabernacles, the surface of the earth and all wickedness will be destroyed and cleansed by fire.
26 The New Jerusalem will come down from heaven, the Father will come to be with his Christ and his saints; and an eternal future of peace and harmony will bring an endless increase of God's Kingdom throughout the universe.
I don't know...the idea of the "saints" ruling over me is just plain scary. I'm not sure I'd view that as "the WONDERFUL World Tomorrow." More like the never ending nightmare.
Pious conviction with marginal information is probably the biggest shortcoming and danger of religion.
"The beast and the false prophet will be killed…" Really? As all good (single, double, false or true) Witnesses should know, it's a dangerous game to add things to the Book of Revelation – which, if my experience is anything to go by, a lot of us did by proxy in the past. But what the book actually says is that the beast and the false prophet are "thrown alive" into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20
). Just over a thousand years later, the Devil is added to the mix, and "they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever" (Rev. 20:10
- RSV). The information is readily available: the Greek verb really is in the third person plural. Now that would have made an interesting Bible Study question back in the day!
"After the seven thousand years of the Feast of Tabernacles, the surface of the earth and all wickedness will be destroyed and cleansed by fire."
Not very environmentally friendly is he?
The Wonderful World of Tomorrow is a totalitarian horrorshow, where the angelic Gestapo will be able to read your very thoughts. You won't be able to hide from the cameras as Winston Smith did in "1984." God and Herbert will be watching your very thoughts. Smiling and bowing won't save you. Parroting the party line won't hide you. You won't just dabble in doublethink to survive, you'll have to give your entire mind over to doublethink. You will convert your very being, or die at the hands of your merciful Big Brother In The Sky and his Heavenly Gestapo.
Paul Ray
What a bunch of total rubbish! As one perceptive person said..."religion is indeed the opium of the masses".
We've got some idiot group (not an ACOG) putting up billboards all over town proclaiming that the end is coming May 21, 2011! There have actually been reports of people quitting their jobs and selling off or giving away all of their material possessions.
Another bullgoose looney at work! As usual, he has been hard at work with Biblical geneologies, and doing extensive math calculations.
His theory is that May 21 is the 7,000th anniversary of Noah's flood. Way, way off on his date compared to most respected Biblical historians!
A professor of religious studies was also interviewed, and when asked for his opinion, opined that on the 22 of May, this guru will be telling his followers that he made a mistake in his calculations, and that the real date remains in the future. And, he'll continue to do this probably for the rest of his life.
Kinda sounds vaguely familiar, as in gag me with a Matzo.
BB: We have the same signs in Pasadena and many areas of Southern CA. The only thing they have accomplished is ridicule and laughter. If they thought they were actually giving a 'christian' witness, then they have failed miserably.
Does it ever sound familiar! This kind of sideshow has been going on for centuries. The freaks on display change, but the format stays basically the same.
The only conclusion an objective person could come to is that these End Time Prophets declaring lies which never pan out is that they are psychopathic monsters, outside the experience of the general populace.
None of them seem to understand how they look to people who know the difference between fantasy and reality.
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