Thursday, November 3, 2011

God Created The Internet for the Church of God's "gospel" Message

I bet Al Gore is really pissed at hearing that God is the one who created the Internet!  God created it expressly for spreading the gospel.

Never mind that HWA and Meredith used to crow that the printing press was designed by God expressly for HWA's message and that airplanes were designed expressly for the  gospel message to  be taken to world leaders.  Those are all passe and useless now that God has invented the Internet.

1,900 years of darkness and gloom as the gospel was lost somewhere in the world waiting to be found by HWA in Oregon.  You would think God could keep better track of his important things like "the Gospel."  Just sayin......I can lose my car keys rather easily, but lose the Gospel?

Yes, the Internet has proven to be a valuable tool.  But not necessarily like the originators thought it would be used.  Instead of rapid distribution of scientific knowledge and is now the greatest source of porn in the universe.  Yep, God's Internet is used more for porn viewing that anything else.  LCG members look at it, PCG members look at it, and COG members as a whole look at porn just as often as the rest of humanity does.  Why else would that coworker at LCG HQ get red in the face as you enter his office. You notice that rapid hand movement as he clicks on a new screen. 50 cents he was not reading Rod's latest sermon!

Anyway, back to the importance of God's creative juices that were used to create the Internet.

Here is how one COG cult  preacher views it all:

Internet the most spectacular door ever opened for the Gospel!

And I want to jump ahead here just a moment and point out that Jesus Christ has now opened what I consider to be the greatest, most spectacular opportunity for fulfilling our commission since the
And that is the Internet!!! The Internet is the most gigantic door
ever made available to mankind for the preaching of the Gospel! Its
power is mind-bogglinng! Let me say here that I believe God is
absolutely 100% intimately involved with every last infinitessimal
detail of His creation, and THE INTERNET IS NOT AN ACCIDENT!! It is a communications medium which was planned for and placed here by God at this end time for the express purpose of preaching the Gospel! It is a bona-fide miracle!

It's free and no man can shut it!

There has never been a medium like this. First of all, it drops in
our lap the prospect of FREE worldwide publishing! Right now this article has the potential to reach an estimated fifty million people online worldwide! And there is no cost of advertizing! There is no
astronomical bill for radio or television time! There are no printing
costs! There are no postage fees! I say it again, it is a miracle!!

God created the Internet for the Gospel

I am absolutely convinced that this is a massive door that Jesus
Christ has swung open on an unsuspecting world to get His final
warning message out to a suicidal planet!! And if Jesus Himself has
unlocked this door, then NO MAN CAN SHUT IT!! It will only be shut when Jesus Himself decides to shut it, and then no man will be able to open it!! So we can look to the Philadelphian letter and take courage in the fact that it is God Himself who has opened this door! No man can shut it on us, so we can walk through it with courage and confidence!

Isn't this great to know?  I think the truth of the matter is, that God created the Church of God for our entertainment purposes and nothing more!  :


Ann said...

You people are disgusting! God will NOT be mocked!

Anonymous said...

I take confidence in the knowledge that you are damned to the Lake of Fire! I hope you burn forever you jesuit pig!

Allen C. Dexter said...

OOOOH! I think some itty bitty minds are upset.

I also think the author of that pronouncement needs a reality infusion. The very internet he thinks is going to make it easy to promote his idea of the "gospel" also provides a conduit to massively repudiate all its foolishness. We're doing it right here every day and every hour.

I know that disgusts them, but as was pointed out, they can't do anything to stop it and we'll keep right on pointing out the absurdities.

It's no longer a matter of bombastic preaching by a charismatic con artist being swallowed by isolated people with very little in the way of resources for checking things out, like in the middle of the last century.

Allen C. Dexter said...

Oh, by the way, don't insult me by labeling me a "Jesuit pig." At least have the decency to correctly label me an atheist pig--as long as you have to express your anger in such a way.

Anonymous said...

Atheists are part of the Jesuit conspiracy to destroy Christianity. When you mock the Church of God and it's followers you are mocking God! He will NOT be mocked! If I were you I would be trembling in fear because God has struck down others before you. We prayed for God to strike the heretic that destroyed the Church Tkachie Senior. Tkachie's blasphemies ripped the church apart when he introduced the worship of Satan on Sundays and Xmas.

Anonymous said...

No one here is mocking God's followers.

The Armstrongists have demonstrated by their works of the flesh that they are not of God.

We mock and treat with utter contempt those false prophet idolaters and their followers obfuscating, deliberately cover up and obscuring the truth in their lies and deceptions.

It is those we staunchly resist who mock God with their behavior, claiming to have a power of godliness but who display not one shred of the fruit of the spirit.

Instead, they come with slander and libel and make empty threats.

If Armstrongism really worked, they'd be dead from punishment from God by virtue of their witchcraft of rebellion.

As it is, they are merely mediocre incompetents in decline from entropy, holding proveably unscientific beliefs like British Israelism and are disappearing in smaller and smaller splinters.

And as for the Great Commission, the ACoGs have made absolutely no impact on the world at large over the last 35 years except to be a source of ridicule by the small number of people who have barely heard of them. They also do an awful job of feeding the flock, making them double the failure.

Yet they become ever more shrill when their unsuccessful strategies produce negative results as a natural result of their worthless foolishness.

Anonymous said...

We prayed for God to strike the heretic that destroyed the Church Tkachie Senior.

Fat lot of good that did, as his son carried on and the majority of the church went off to become the Grace Communion International.

And you say God did that? Are you sure you want to blaspheme God by claiming He failed to stop GCI?

Dangerous stuff, don't you think -- or do you think God is incapable of punishing you for making such claims of pride?

Anonymous said...

Maybe God invented the internet to help counter the filth of the Satan-worshiper and mass-murderer Herbert W. Armstrong.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Norm (and thanks for your help, by the way), not to worry: Since judgment begins at the house of God, He invented the Internet to show the Armstrongists how pathetic they are in their idolatry (or Herbolatry, if you please) and make it clear that they will live a pathetic life followed by an eternity of nothing if they don't change.

Of course the former is probably gonna be much worse than the latter, but who can say?

Anonymous said...

Do you think I am intimidate by you Jesuit filth? God said to spare not! God is not going to spare you from his wrath. He is going to punish blasphemers, sabbath breakers and Jesuit Christmas Halloween filth!

Allen C. Dexter said...

I now see the wisdom of the saying that you shouldn't wrestle with a pig because you get all dirty and the pig likes it.

This guy or gal has a "jesuit fetish." Everything they are against automatically becomes jesuit. I'm not going to waste any more time or computer space on that ridiculous mindset.

Byker Bob said...

Actually, the internet HAS been of great value to me spiritually.

When I first signed on, back in 1999, for those of you who don't remember, I was evangelizing Atheism, or at the very least, Agnosticism. I did a lot of research to support my atheist viewpoints, and presented it regularly on about four or five forums and websites. The reason I'd become a non-believer was that as 1972 and then 1975 came and went, and the Armstrong movement began lying and telling us they had never set dates, I became convinced that the Holy Spirit either didn't exist, was not working today in our times, or had never been involved with the Armstrong movement in the first place.

I explored many avenues to spirituality over 30 years of atheism, but never found anything which could bring healing or fill the void I had felt.

Then, about 5 years ago, undeniably, I found where the Holy Spirit was actually working. The evidence was the changed lives of some incorrigible screw-ups whom I knew. I was very cautious in observing these people and was hesitant in making any decisions regarding my own life, because in the past we had been taught that the HS only leads people to Armstrongism. But, He did not do this, and these people continued to have the strength not to return to their pathological criminalities or addictions! They are leading stable, productive, happy lives.

I had also observed on the forums who was being healed of their bitterness, and who was not. Incredible resources became available regarding the unconditional love of Father God, and His grace. There was a much better concept of God to believe in rather than thinking He was HWA on steroids.

A very significant part of the way in which God called me back to Him involved the internet. I learned in a way just not taught at Ambassador College how to really study, using primary sources without the cherrypicking we had been handed as part of the bill of goods. I ended up checking out library books and reading the complete works of Josephus, Eusebius, and available writings of the Antenicene Fathers whom the WCG had falsely labeled as Catholic and dismissed.

Through the internet, I also became aware of so much of the lying witness Armstrongism had utilized in attempting to prop up their fringe theology.

I'd recommend that before folks label all of us as being disgusting, or blasphemers, that they do a little more research, and find the real truth. Once you begin studying independently and allowing God to guide you to your conclusions, "But Mr. Armstrong said...." will just never cut it any more. There are just too many demonstrable lies with which he corrupted his gospel message.


A real follower of Jesus Christ is not going to be wishing anyone into the Lake of Fire, nor will he be taking joy in calamities which might strike those of different understanding, or those who were damaged by false prophets or teachers. The parable of the prodigal son should illustrate that very eloquently! What part of "pray for your enemies" do you anonymice not understand? What part of "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do" are you missing?

Anonymous said...

Somehow it never ends up being Rhodes Scholars or MENSA members who take up the mantle and attempt to come to the defense of Armstrongism. That, to me, pretty much says it all.

MT Proselyte

Vaughn said...

That's an interesting excerpt from a COG preacher, but there's no way for anyone to verify that it was not made up. A cite would be helpful in that regard.

And @Anoymous: you are not a very clever or original troll, I am sure that with your, ostensibly, Armstrongist background you could do better than that.

Anonymous said...

I gave out Snickers bars to cute kids in costumes the other night.

Should I have taped messages to the fun-size Snickers bars that said, "Jesus is hunting you down and will throw you in the Lake of Fire. I hope you burn forever you jesuit pig!"?

If so, I would not have to buy as many Snickers bars next year.


Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that God invented printers, tape and scissors, so I could easily affix such messages to fun-size Snickers bars.


Richard said...

I hate to break the news to that preacher - but man CAN shut down the Internet.

Ask Google about what the Chinese government has been doing.

Or ask the COG preachers who objected a year or two ago to Australia's government moving to ban dozens of websites -- most of them admittedly X-rated.

Anonymous said...

Richard, in 2004 / 2005 there was quite a rash of a cult leader from Australia who got a bunch of websites and blogs shut down because he didn't like the truth being disseminated -- and because they feared revenue loss and entanglements in lawsuits, a lot of web hosts gave in to the bullying tactic.

So at any time, it is possible for some disaffected cult leader to shut any of us down in violation of United States First Amendment Rights... unless you have some web host with integrity who won't put up with such nonsense: Psychopaths don't always win... just mostly.