Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Idiots in the Pulpit: Mark Davidson - Torah Institute Attempts To Discredit Christmas

The Six Foot.....

If you had any thought that Armstrongites were the only ones who  would go to great lengths to discredit Christmas you are mistaken.  Below is a video of an idiot that surpasses even the weirdest Armstrongite.  Of course Armstrongites agree with this guy as further proof on the paganism involved in Christmas.  This was on a Facebook COG board.  It is a Messianic cult that preaches a lot of legalistic silliness that some Armstrongite's want to cling to.


Anonymous said...

Somewhere in Australia a village is missing it's idiot. Wow...

Anonymous said...

I won't be watching the video, I'm all 'penis-conspiracy-theoried' out.

Maybe because I recently watched a video by William Tapley who sees penises everywhere, and thinks there's a satanic penis conspiracy at Denver International Airport.


Glenn said...

Happy Solstice today to all.

Glenn Parker

Anonymous said...

Norm, you wouldn't be missing much. It sounds like you have heard it all before. The only thing that is slightly amusing is the presentation, and it isn't supposed to be. This guy gets really wound up and exclaims "it's all lies!" quite a bit.

I am not familiar with this group, but it appears that they have their own version of a holy book. The bible is "all lies". It is definitely not the type of thing to spend your best years on as this young guy clearly shows.

Anonymous said...

This obsession with sex... Mark, really needs a girlfriend... or boyfriend, as the case may be.

If it's a boyfriend, he could stand to lose a few pounds. If it's a girlfriend, he's good to go.

You know, I looked at the website and learned absolutely nothing except you have to pay for everything. Talk about a commercial website. I think it may be kind of Jewish, but then again you can't find out much (one complaint was registered by a critic that even the supposedly free stuff didn't show up as expected). Maybe it is all about Je$u$s. There may be some Chri$tian Mu$ic thrown in.

Or not.

Here's a hint: If you're going to have a video about the evils of Xmas and the Xmas tree, it kinda counts what your background is in the green screen. It's like deriding porno with porno images in the background.

I'm just sayin'.

jack635 said...

Well, I only had to listen to the first 60 seconds to conclude that this guy is either sexually repressed or a budding child molester.(okay maybe i'm jumping to conclusions, but I am not watching the rest of the video just to come to a more accurate conclusion)

Now I've heard it all. My Christmas tree is actually a penis smothered in semen. This guy needs to read the new testament for twenty years in a room by himself..........., or get a hobby.

The first four words of the title of this post says it all. I've got to add that this guy might be in league with satan because I have an incredible urge to take the name of the lord in vain rather loudly and in a bewildered tone.

Merry Christmas everyone, even the idiot.