Are you wearing unclean animal skin on your body? Apostle Malm has this to say about St. John wearing camel skin.
Some have asked about John wearing a coat of camel hair. In reference to unclean animals it is only their dead bodies which are unclean and not to be touched. All animals shed hairs and we would all become unclean just by touching a living animal. There is no command against riding a horse, or touching a dog, or donkey. The issue concerns the eating and touching of their DEAD bodies. Camels grow a woolly coat in winter which they shed in spring, or it may be shorn and then woven into fabric. That fabric is NOT unclean because there is NO death associated with it. An actual skin would be unclean because it comes from a DEAD animal.
I have to wonder how many people reading his drivel actually believe what he writes. He just gets weirder and weirder as the days go by.
That is what happens when you consider yourself a messenger of god and have too much time on your hands. Going over the same things repeatedly can get boring. To keep things fresh(er), think outside the box. Well, that and alcohol/senility contribute.
I'm sorry if Malm is saying that we're forbidden from wearing the hides, pelts or fur of "unclean" animals then he's just PLAIN WRONG!
) and Elijah the Tishbite who likewise wore "a hairy garment, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins"(2 Kings 1:8
And the Bible itself attests to this fact from the examples of both "Elijahs" i.e. John the Baptist (the "Elijah to come") who wore "a garment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins" (Matthew 3:4
Seriously Malm's just "straining a gnat and swallowing a camel!"
It's easier for camel skin coat to pass through the eye of a needle than for a lunatic to enter an asylum with a bag of pork rhinds?
Something like that..
When is this guy going to get into more relevant topics? You'd think he'd have some comments about oral sex, or whether it's ok for teenagers to look at the underwear section of the Sears Catalogue.
BB: Too funny. So far the Apostle has not ventured into the sex territory yet. My all time favorite comment from a Church of God minister was David Antion when he taught Principles of Living in Pasadena. The topic of the day was masturbation. He said, "95% of you in this room do it and the other 5% lie about it."
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