It's all about the pagan filth that believe in the trinity. How Patrick took a pagan symbol of spring rebirth, the shamrock, and turned it into a tool of the trinity. It's about marauding hoards of youth running around pinching people not wearing green.
Although most probably consider that getting drunk is the biggest social problem associated with the holiday (other than its ties to idolatry), one particularly disgusting practice is that people who do not wear green on this day are subject to ridicule and harassment.
One such practice (especially among some American children) is chasing and pinching those who do not wear green on that day. And while some may consider that this type of persecution is only a harmless practice, it has caused distress and harm to many children over the years.
The Prophet adds this later on: can any who consider themselves any type of Christian participate or allow their children to participate is such a non-loving, non-merciful practice, like pinching?How can any real parent beat their children with inch think paddles. How can ministers stand in pulpits and tell their congregations that they want to hear their kids screaming when they paddle them? Thiel's hypocrisy has no boundaries.
He then has to get into the debauchery that he sees in all holidays. Drunkenness is the priority of the day. Everyone is out at the local bar getting smashed and then running out to their cars to kill people.
For decades I worked with the ministerial dining room in Pasadena and at a couple of other Feast sites. I have seen more drunken fools in those rooms, than I ever have seen wandering around Old Town Pasadena! I have never been in a car accident with a drunken "worldly" person, but I was sure in one at the Feast of Tabernacles in the Pocono's when a drunken church member hit us. Also, many of those drunken ministers are now parked in LCG where I can guarantee you they are still big time alcoholics!
The “fruits” of this holiday are not good. Not only are they dangerous (see St. Patrick’s Day: A More Dangerous Time to Drive) the type of revelry and drinking parties that occur supposedly to celebrate it were condemned by the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 4:1-3) and the Apostle Paul (Galatians 5:19-21
The Prophet ends with this:
For those and all the related reasons, we in the Living Church of God do not intentionally wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, do not pinch others, nor do we intentionally observe other celebrations related to that Patrick on that day.No, we PERFECT COG members do not wear green or pinch people, but we do call Christians fakes. false, unconverted, and pagans. We mock your beliefs, we mock your faith, we mock those for following Jesus instead of The Christ. We mock you for your supposed pagan holidays where we claim you are worshiping Satan and his demons. We prohibit you from seeing family members who are no longer believers and have left the church. We prevent you from seeing doctors. We tell you to mortgage your homes and businesses and send it all it all in for the :final push" as we build bigger and better corporate headquarters and "colleges." We stalk your women. We molest your children. We drive people to the point of suicide.
We, like others who try to “live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4), instead keep the same holy days that the Bible enjoins and that were kept by the original apostles and their early followers.
Give me St. Patrick's Day any time over that!
Some of my Irish-American friends have invited me to a St.Patrick's Day party at their home this evening. They did request that I wear green, and since green is one of my favorite colors, I actually do have some green shirts. I understand we're going to be eating some good corned beef and cabbage, and I'll probably visit Trader Joe's to see if I can pick up some Irish beer for the festivities.
We will not be worshipping idols, or getting drunk, and so far as I know, nobody will be thinking of the shamrock (which one member of the family has tattooed on his arm) as a fertility symbol. It's just going to be a nice family get together celebrating Irish culture.
That everyone there will be Catholic except for me would probably be of great concern to Bob Thiel or Jimmy Malm, but these folks are Christian, and do have wonderful values. That's part of the reason I hang around with them!
No green on today, but the corned beef is cooking and the cabbage is ready to go! I guess I like being a pagan, at least they have good food! :-)
Nuts! Forgot to get corned beef and cabbage for today. It's one of my favorite feasts.
We're planning to have a rich potato soup instead. That's kind of Irish too. The Kellys in my ancestry would be proud.
Unfortunately, you are all running behind:
ICG and LCG on US Debt Crisis
March 17th, 2012:
“I will break the pride of your power” (Leviticus 26:19
Keep up people -- you can't afford to fall behind with all the entries of COGWriter.
So now everybody discuss the United States debt crisis in the framework of British Israelism amongst yourselves.
Thiel is a few shamrocks short of an Irish spring.
So that's what the stink is! :-)
I wish someone would pinch me! That way i'd know someone was around!
Seriously, how many children do you know that have "traumatized" by being pinched on St. Patrick's Day?
Just like in his anti-football rants, Bob T reaches quite a bit for his arguments.
In all my years in school I was never pinched. Teased mercilessly for aberrant religious beliefs, yes. Pinching, no.
The biblical feast days have been proven to be pagan. So what's the fuss?
There were a couple of girls in the local Washington, D.C. WCG congregation where I attended in the 1970s that I wanted to pinch.
One of the girls went on to be the Church jet stewartess and Garner Ted got to pinch her instead.
"Oh Ted, pinch me harder - the dumb sheep will never know. And if they find out, your dad can cover it up by saying you are in the bonds of Satan, and that you are having emototional problems. The dumb sheep will believe anything... Oh Ted, pinch me harder right there".
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