The apostle has been running a series of posts on the Psalms and how they illustrate that God is really pissed and is going to annihilate the wicked.
Today, the apostle had this to say:
One man took a stand for the Lord and executed the correction of Christ on a wicked and rebellious people who were committing fornication and adultery. Today as the various COG Groups commit spiritual adultery by following the traditions of a man instead of the very Word of Almighty God; is there a Phinehas among the brethren to take a stand and save the people by turning them back to the Eternal?
Malm has been saying for a while that he is the ONLY one preaching a warning to the wicked and fornicating Churches of God. Is apostle Malm ready to "execute correction" in the name of the thing he calls "christ?" many Armstrongites get giddy at the prospect of the wicked being punished. They want to see the people they call sinners be punished for their wickedness. By seeing that happen it legitimizes their law keeping and makes them better than the others. Since they have been trained for decades that they are "called out" they have always felt more enlightened than the pagans and sinners they spit on regularly.
I hope Malm doesn't watch Dexter and I'm glad I live thousands of miles away from him, in case he gets any ideas.
Malm mirrors his concept of God. If God were as Malm visualizes, who would not consider TLoF to be a better reward than the Kingdom?
And here I thought the New Testament was about redemption.
No wait.
We're talking Old Testament Christianity here.
James Malm wrote: "...One man took a stand for the Lord and executed the correction of Christ on a wicked and rebellious people who were committing fornication and adultery. Today as the various COG Groups commit spiritual adultery by following the traditions of a man instead of the very Word of Almighty God; is there a Phinehas among the brethren to take a stand and save the people by turning them back to the Eternal?..."
), then where does he come up with talking about executing "...the correction of Christ...? Did God lie to us there in Isaiah 46:9
is true!
Huh? One man, Phinehas, did what for Christ? Where was God?
How does Malm know that? Does Christ, who did not exist back in those OT days, know that someone was executing His correction?
Where did Malm get those thoughts? Is Malm confused?
Didn't the Book say that the Word was "MADE FLESH and dwelt amongst us?"
Does Malm mean that Phinehas "...executed the correction of the Word?" Or, does Malm mean that Phinehas "...executed the correction of God?"
Well, then whose tradition(s) is Malm following? Is Malm following the tradition of some man, too?
When the OT says things like, "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me," (Isaiah 46:9
Was God, none else like Him, as He said He was or wasn't He? Even a Christ could not be "like me" if Isaiah 46:9
I think Malm, pointing his finger at all of us, is confused by some "man" he has been following, and perhaps should investigate where the remaining fingers on his hand are pointing...
As one might say to Malm, "Rave on, Rasputin". Last week he was trying to do a COR-rection as to the various things one might do with an E-rection. Now that the amusement break is over, he's back to his drivel.
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