Doug Winnail really laid it on thick
in his December 18, 2015 LCG Weekly Update. His remarks were made
following the latest LCG Counsel of Elders meeting in which there was much
disunity in the "most unified church EVER" about the direction of the
church, doctrinal upgrades/theories, tactics to address all the bad PR they
have earned in the last year and most especially WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE FACT THAT
THEY ARE OVER-EXTENDED FINANCIALLY. Counsel members all had to put their
pet projects on the table for possible budget cuts. Alliances were formed and
politics ruled the week. Winnail likely had all of that fresh in his mind when
he penned this Update.
Sadly, anyone close to LCG headquarters or
close to any honest minister who is willing to openly share his thoughts and observations
about church government, knows what a load of crap these statements are coming
from the head of Church Administration of one of the most corrupt and carnal
church headquarters ever in the ACOG movement.
Winnail admonishes those in LCG to "develop and exercise Godly Love". Most
of us would completely agree that Godly love is a real rarity in LCG's higher
ups. Doug goes on to define Godly love as, "an
unselfish outgoing concern for others" which again is true but in
stark contrast to the self-serving, greedy, power hungry RCM and his LCG
ministry that demands total obedience and admiration from their subjects. They
expect to be served and are far too high and mighty to ever lower themselves to
the level of a servant. The admiration and submission that many in LCG give
them (think of the long lines at the Feast just to meet and shake the hand of
Richard Ames or Rod Meredith) just fuels the flames of their over grown egos.
The men at headquarters really impress themselves!
The best line in the whole piece is, "Godly love does not seek its own way; it is calm
and not easily provoked, it does not jump to conclusions or assign motives or
sit in judgment of others. Instead, Godly Love is gracious and forgiving".
Seriously?! Rod Meredith is one of the most spoiled, narcissistic,
self-seeking men I have ever met. He FREQUENTLY jumps to conclusions and
assigns motives. He is RARELY gracious and forgiving and feels that as 3rd in
all the universe, it is not only his right, but his duty to sit in judgment of WHOMEVER
It really makes one wonder if Winnail was
aiming this piece directly at Meredith himself...
The Most
Important Quality
Most of God’s
people understand the importance of keeping the commandments, the Sabbath, the
Holy Days and the health laws of the Bible. They also know the importance of
government, tithing, faith and watching for the fulfillment of prophecy. Yet
sometimes, in our zeal to obey the laws of God, we can overlook something else
that is even more important—the need to develop and exercise Godly Love. We are
told in the Scriptures that without Godly Love, we are nothing (1 Corinthians
). Here the biblical word for love (agape) refers to an unselfish
outgoing concern for others. In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul states that
Godly Love does not seek its own way; it is calm and not easily provoked, it
does not jump to conclusions or assign motives or sit in judgment of others.
Instead, Godly Love is gracious and forgiving. It is positive and focuses on
what is right and true. It never fails or falters. Godly Love is the most
important fruit of God’s Spirit that we must nourish and cultivate if we hope
to become like our Father and Elder Brother Jesus Christ because God is love (1
John 4:8
). Let’s make that our goal. Let’s ask God to help us learn how to love
Him and love others as He does, so we can develop this most important quality
of Godly Love. Have a profitable
Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail