Gold plated bathroom fixtures, ermine covered toilet seats,
fully stocked high-end alcohol bar with beer.
Only the best for Gerald Flurry.
Gerald Flurry has now decided that he can no longer breathe the same air on planes that the commoners breath. He also cannot stand being int the same security lines with the unwashed heathen masses. Its important now for God's only chosen apostle to travel the earth in style and comfort.
What this really is is a tool for Stephen Flurry to fly around the world as his daddy sinks into senility. Stevie will use this for whatever purpose he wants, regardless what Daddy says he can do.
From a PCG source:
FYI: Yesterday in a play-all-areas sermon entitled “Abraham’s Vision”, Gerald Flurry mentioned that he is now considering buying a private jet! The rationale behind this unbelievable decision stems from experiences Flurry had last year on his flight to and from a US feast site. Apparently his trip left him feeling so unwell that it took several weeks to fully recover his energy levels. During the message he commented that modern air travel is now very unpleasant and that breathing in recycled air was unhealthy for him. He also complained how in the US passengers needed to get to the airport in sufficient time to allow for security screening, sometimes requiring that they arrive up to 3 hours before an international flight. He concluded by saying that owning a private jet meant he would be able to travel and do more for the work, especially being able to travel quickly between the two campuses in Edmond, OK and Edstone, UK.
What that all translates into is this: After buying a multi-million dollar stately home in the UK, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars refurbishing it, literally pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into a fruitless UK TV campaign for his son, after building a multi-million dollar music and Irish dance facility for the Edmond compound brats, all of which is financed by an ageing and declining membership, the PCG is now going to buy a private jet so Gerald Flurry's children Stephen and Laura and their children and friends can travel the world like rock stars and not have to rub shoulders with the unwashed masses. This unbelievable decision has been made during a time when PCG is experiencing a current 25% drop in income!
You seriously have to wonder about the long-term stability of the PCG and who is really running the church behind the scenes. Repeatedly throughout his message, Flurry referenced Josephus and how this ancient historian taught that Abraham was an educated and cultured man who introduced fine arts and music everywhere he went. Each time Flurry made that statement, after the expression, “fine arts and music” he would quickly add “and dancing”. I know for a fact that “Wittle Laura” and “Wittle Stevie” are both obsessed with Irish dancing, perhaps this is where the pressure is really coming from to buy that oh so needed Lear jet!
(Sent to this blog and Redfox's Living Armstrongism)
Why own?
It's not what you own, what matters is what you control.
I am not yet short on airlines (although oil is rising). Just waiting how the prophet reacts to the offered advice in the link. Then I'm expecting markets to react on this black swan event.
(This buying spree does not seem to corroborate the 25% decrease you claim. Unless of course this is some sort of "final push" which does not require "long term stability" that is so craved in the article.
Real estate investment has always worked out well for the cog leadership. After all it provided the pensions for Tkach, Kelly, and you can dream the names of those now "retired."
This just confirms how rediculous the PCG cult is! This is just what we need! Now their stupid plane will be flying over my house! Wonder how the neighborhood is going to like this!
There are two brothers in Arkansas that got pilots licenses in anticipation of this so they could fly Jerry around and take everyone to the Place of Safety! Great!
Mrs. Malone is going to love flying to all her Recitals in style! She is still trying to get back at her first husband for cheating on her, this will sure teach him a lesson! It's not enough that he stalks her at all her performances, but now he'll see her in her own plane!
Shane Granger and his homo buddies can now sip wine and flutter all around.
This post made me vomit in my mouth!
Looking forward to the ribbon cutting ceremony!
Who's left over there at PCG?
When Flurry began to draw people away from the local WCG, with his slick publications ("Just as good as Mr. Armstrong put out!") and his "powerful" message ("He's talking about prophecy -- he's talking about what's important!"), one did have to decide what to do. A local acquaintance made sure I had a copy of Malachi's Message, which I read and disposed of. I'd made my decision. Other acquaintances and friends urged me, in letters, toward an "important" decision they didn't know I'd already made.
I watched Flurry on TV. He had assumed, I observed, that by using the same phrases and pronouncements used by HWA, his message would be just as attractive. Not so given that he had 1/10 of HWA's speaking ability and 1/100 (1/1000?) of HWA's charisma.
It sounds like those who are still with him were fully captured in mind and feelings by what he offered then. And, they are deathly afraid to leave. That fear must be the strongest feeling of all. It would lead them to let him have anything he wanted, and pay for it. The "power" of the message is gone. Any belief that "The End" is near has passed. We're down to where people's tithes are about buying things for those they, for some reason, still believe in.
Why, people?
Wouldn't it be funny if Flurry's jet collided with the Donald's jet in mid air- while Flurry was flying to bring the Donald a bucket o' Steuben crystal?
When I started attending the WCG, the holy spirit led me to ballroom dancing outside the church. It did wanders in socially building me up, and is a great educator in male-female relationships. And it's very enjoyable. So don't knock dancing. I'm sure that both God the Father and Christ are great dancers. They would make great contestants on the 'Dancing with the stars' TV show.
The religion business must be good, but my gut tells me it isn't THAT good that it can afford a Learjet for this Worldwide Church of God splinter church. It seems Flurry tries to replicate and do everything that Mr. Armstrong accomplished with a fraction of the membership and a fraction of the income. So, Mr. Armstrong had a Gulfstream II jet, Flurry has to have a jet.
Have they counted the cost of keeping a Learjet? Hangar fees, maintenance, fuel, etc. Who will pilot the jet - will they put the pilot on payroll or contract it out?
Keep it up and the grossly mis-named Philadelphia Church of God soon will be renamed more appropriately BANKRUPT CHURCH OF GOD.
Savoring the flavor of God's exponential favor!
It's much more practical and cheaper to rent a private jet as needed.
Uh Dave will want his
They have to "own" a jet? Why not just use a jet rental service like Net Jets, which is sort of like an UBER service for private jets.
But the idea that they are just too darn good to fly on regular commercial aircraft (even in first class) is so freaking ridiculous as to be pathetic. His "little people" are to work jobs in retirement, sacrifice all, etc, so that Slurry can have his "convenience".
He should get the same kind of "jet" that Jesus and the Apostles used, IMHO!
They do know that these are expensive?
DD, Dave had been wanting to buy a jet two years ago. I guess the fund raisers and land/house grabs are slowing way down.
What if Flurry's pilot was a SDA, and the jet mechanic a Mormon?
What if the pilot refused to fly on a Saturday, and then the three of them got into an argument that led to Flurry converting to Mormonism, calling himself, "Captain Moroni" and those in the PCG started calling him, "Captain Moron"?
Would it be time for a new co-worker letter?
Or, time to take over a bird refuge?
Yes please! Buy a jet two if them if you want. Jets are good to have. They create jobs for people who are not in the organization. Even if you choose to train your own, it takes some time and money to do so. And the more money leaving the org and going back to society, the better it is. Oh, you will also have to do some major reconstruction on your abandoned, grass strip if you want to land your jet there, unless you are ok with buying a humble plane that can land on the strip as is now.
All it takes is for a few more oldies to die and leave their estates to this church. And voilà, money for a comfy plane.
Trump's jet will be in the market if he gets access to AF1. It's already trimmed in gold so perfect for Gerry. But he will have to drape it in one huge anointing clothe to cleanse it from all the debauchery that has probably taken place on that plane with all the comely ladies that have been at Trump's beck and call.
I like it when the xcg spinoffs make stupid purchases like this jet, the estate in England, establishing colleges and building faculty homes, auditoriums and expensive dance facilities. All those things cost money for the initial outlay and come with significant continuing costs that reduce the organization's ability to purchase TV time, produce literature and support field churches to draw in more supporters. I hope they all continue to build huge mountains of debt that they are unable to service and which will hasten their demise.
This is just another maneuver by GRF to keep those in PCG excited about what they are doing.
It'll keep them giving and sacrificing to "THE WORK". Meanwhile, in the real world nobody really gives a crap about what PCG and most of the other COG groups are doing.
Ministers and members are dying so quickly, and there is no one coming in to replace the losses. Most of the leaders would prefer to have "new blood" (that know nothing about the history of HWA & WCG). This way they can program them to their way of thinking....
This really shows just how authoritarian PCG has become. So Gerald Flurry does not like traveling in a plane. Maybe he should just record a message or two. Is his personal appearance really so valuable that PCG "needs" a private jet for his personal benefit? There are other, less expensive ways to deal with such a problem.
From the perspective of PCG's followers a personal jet for the personal use of PCG's leaders would be a terrible decision. It would need to be continuously maintained. It would be a constant drain on financial resources. It is simply not necessary.
I am a retired corporate jet pilot. I have a little experience with the cost of operating a bus jet. A used Lear 60 s a mid sized Lear jet is selling for 2,95 million. It is about 4500 nautical miles from Oklahoma to England. So they would need something with a range of about 2400 nautical miles. A Lear 60 or larger one can do this with one fuel stop. The fixed annual cost of operating this aircraft is 285,000. This includes pilot salaries and training, maintenance, insurance, hanger, parts etc. It costs about 2800.00 per hour to fly. The cost varies depending on fuel prices and what countries you go to. A conservative estimate would be flying 400 hours per year. 400 hours times 2800.00 per hour gives a total of 1.12 million annual operating cost plus fixed cost of 285,000. Calculating flight time from Oklahoma to England with a fuel stop at Lear's 457 knot cruise speed gives approximately a time of 10.5 hours. Round trip would be 21 hours. So 21 x 2800.00 = 58,000. A little more than 1st class on regular airline. The members are going to have to dig a little deeper in their pockets
Just to support what anon at 4:09 PM is saying here is a more recently updated breakdown from a fellow airline pilot.
Annual Fixed Costs:
Pilots $231,750.00 (obviously can be cut down because we all know that the PCG won't pay these pilots a hefty wage unless they are PKs or in the inner circle.)
Crew Training $69,380.80 (same as above - you can probably expect this role to be filed by a single widower in the pcg)
Hangar $80,000.00
Insurance $60,000.00
Aircraft Miscellaneous $28,500.00
Total Fixed Costs: $444,630.80
Variable Costs (these are hourly):
Fuel (320 gph at $5.80 per gallon) $2,204.00
Airframe Maintenance $243.39
Engine/APU Maintenance $709.51
Crew Misc. $350.00
Total Variable Costs (Per hour): $3,263.51
The Total Costs Per Hour do down, the more you fly so I have listed the Annual Budgets for 100, 300, 500, and 1000 hours. These are probably the numbers you are looking for.
Annual Operating Budget
100 Hours $770,981.80
300 Hours $1,423,683.80
500 Hours $2,076,385.80
1000 Hours $3,708,140.80
These are all just estimates of course because true operating costs will not be borne out, until several years after the aircraft enters service.
There are also some costs that are not included in this very simple analysis, as well as some advantages.
Costs Not Included:
Capital Costs
Depreciation of the Aircraft
Tax Implications
Advantages Not Included:
Production Efficiency
Tax Implications
Diverse Spend
An acquisition of any aircraft is an exceptionally complex transaction, requiring a very thorough analysis and careful thought - not to mention CONSIDERABLE capital influx especially set aside for this purpose.
This is the reason people like Donald Trump - a billionaire tycoon and other such people can afford these aircraft yet other people do not own lear jets - simply because you'd have to charter it out when not in use to offset much of the costs.
Flurry is obsessed in being just like HWA. I am surprised he hasn't had a face lift to make himself look just like HWA.
Hey 3;26 am. I did not know Paula Malone had been married before. I knew she was much older than her hubby but I did not know she had been married before Ryan. Did she meet Ryan while still married to husband no.1?
Also from what I have heard there are only 3800 members right now. How can they think of buying a plane? I am sure Andy Locher will come out with a sermon about sacrificing more money for the building fund, plane fund, UK fund, etc...
"RENT? are you joking! God's people don't borrow from the heathen!"
4:09 PM and 5:28 PM,
Thank you for telling us how expensive it is to maintain a jet. Clearly it is really expensive. It would be a terrible decision for PCG lay members and would add a further financial burden upon PCG members which they would be called upon to pay for.
That Gerald Flurry or anyone among PCG's leaders would even consider such an expensive acquisition shows how much disposable income PCG's leaders get and that there is little ability or will within the upper echelon of PCG's leaders to restrain any such extravagant idea as this. They seem to have more money than they know what to do with. The leaders can do as they wish and there will be little push back even against such an extravagant idea.
3:26 AM,
Paula Malone was previously married? I had no idea. I wonder who was the first husband was?
On other matters photos of the dancing facility (Dwight Armstrong Performing Arts Conservatory) being built at PCG headquarters are available. According to one tweet it has seventeen rooms to accommodate dancers and musicians.
If there were a large, community based church of 3,800 members, such a church would have considerable resources. They might be able to sustain a fairly ambitious building program, and most mainstream churches believe in community involvement, and programs which include residents of the surrounding area. But, it is doubtful that those numbers would support an overseas campus, or a corporate jet. To fund such things, a church would need to be one of the TBN superstar churches. HWA once had such a budget, but really none of the ACOG splinters are anywhere near this realm.
Numbers and donations are dwindling, yet these slivers are spending on items typically associated with a growing church. These churches should be 'contraction mode,' or 'closing shop mode,' putting their remaining resources into the professed work of warning of the coming tribulation. It's ironic that most members in their personal life, are making do with less and less, yet the leaders are insisting on more and more. Next, they'll claim they need a large new yacht to entertain dignitaries, and cruise the Caribbean to witness to its leaders.
The even more bizarre part of Paula Malone being married before is that she hasn't told her children! She has stated many times that it is none of their business! We all think it's heartbreaking that her perfect little family will shatter when her shield ten find out that momma had a life before virgin pious Ryan!
Her first husband was her high school sweetheart. He is now a big Whig at the nearby university . Paula says he comes to her performances and drives by her house. Makes you wonder if she didn't marry Ryan to get back at him? The whole Malone marriage is really bizarre and freaky when you get close enough to see inside.
4.50 AM It is a good thing that you are not in my life. I agree with Paula that her life is non of anyones business. If anyone publicly discussed your personal life, like you have discussed Paulas, you would feel violated. I know because I have experienced it. God has made this easy to understand, there are parallels between the physical and mental. You do not walk about in your underwear, or walk about publicly naked. Thanks to your write up, Paula feels the same way as you walking around publicly naked. Bad dog, bad dog. And no, I know nothing about Paula and her family.
I always wondered why the Malones, GRF and the rest of the ministry insisted that the Malones keep Paula's previous marriage top secret. They don't hesitate to shame us for our multiple marriages or unfortunate divorces but she is put on a higher plain.
I feel so bad for those kids, they're all of the age where other kids talk about those things. What about Seth and all his recitals in public venues? Surely the ex is going to approach him one day.
It's just so odd that they make it so secret!
I think the point being made is that the ministry have expectations that their lives will be kept private while our business is aired in sermons as examples. Paula shouldn't expect any more special privilege than the rest of us!
This is one of those situations where we have bad ethics learned from double standards exemplified in the ACOGS. It's best for all to keep hurtful things confidential.
Since Fearald Slurry isn't with God, he has to fund his own chariot for the eventual escape.
"It's possible that not everybody will be able to go to petra at the same time..."
1.51 PM I felt like a voyeur reading about non minister Paulas life.
It was quite the scandal when Ryan started pursuing Paula. They met in college (pre AC) she was worldly and I can't remember if he was even baptized at the time. Mr. Flurry put an immediate halt to it! Mr. Malone senior was in support of it, but it seemed no one else was. Somehow Mr. Flurry changed his mind and Paula started reading the literature and joined the PCG.
Who knows if their marriage is legit or if she's getting back at her first husband for being jilted. You have to admit, it is rather odd that she is with such a younger, flamboyant man who is now head over everything musical and he now writes plays and musicals just for her. Hmmm...
The BIG PICTURE: 100% of the money sent to the PCG will be (mis)used to support the PCG impostor cult, That False Prophet, his family and “friends,” and all their false teachings and bad behavior. The little details can be interesting, but it is all a waste one way or another.
Can we stop on trashing the Malones? The fact that she was married before Ryan is a non-issue. She doesn't have to tell her kids if she doesn't want to...there is no paternity issues at stake. I am sure most of us have past relationships they want to keep in the past and not burden present family with. If she was in a bad relationship before and had the guts to get out herself and start over again, good for her. Maybe one day she will use the same resolve to restart life after PCG. There are many more ministers in PCG who were not in their first marriages and it is public knowledge. Rethford, Rumler, D. Fraser are just a few. Others have taken to the pulpit and spoken about how wild their lives were before PCG: Turgeon, Harrison. For now, as long as Malones have their "cute, little happy family", her past life is hers. Oh, I quit PCG 8+ years ago just incase you are wondering. Now let's go back to talking about this new money drain. Does anyone have numbers of how much (actual or alleged) PCG owes for all the buildings and projects currently ongoing?
Ugh! The PCG is flooding Twitter with tweets on how they have reprinted HWAs autobiography! It has a new image and look! I wonder if they edited to their liking the way they have edited all his other books!
Good grief!
So much idol/idle worship!
Your tithe dollars hard at work!
It is my understanding that PCG does not owe money. Only operating costs.
You must remember that the GII and GIII were not owned by the church. They were leases. Also the auditorium had operational lease. With a last installment in 1993. Exactly the moment they pulled the plug.
I don't know about the G-II but I do know the G-III was owned by the church and it was sold by the church. It sold for slightly less than 13 million. Hmmm wonder where the money went.
To the BAC? Or was that rental?
The GII was leased at a too high price from Stanley Rader!
The professional who said the price was too high is still working for a Rader firm. Not associated with cog but heavily invested in entertainment though. Paper moon was just kindergarten(baum).
Just to remind the Raising the Ruins people.
Rader set up Mid-Atlantic Leasing in Pennsylvania and two companies that leased three jet planes - two Falcons and a luxurious Gulfstream II - to the church. He says it was necessary for him to create the leasing entities because "the church could not afford to purchase the airplane and could not lease it through normal channels, since lessors are reluctant to lease to churches, feeling that they do not want to be placed in the position of suing a church in the event of default." Rader also received indemnity from the church on tax losses that he might have incurred as lessor. Moreover, Rader's Worldwide Advertising, Inc., earned commissions on the millions of dollars spent by the church to buy television and radio time for its nationally broadcast program, "The World Tomorrow." Rader's Gateway Publishing, Inc., has sold thousands of dollars' worth of specially printed books to the church - including presentation volumes to be given to world royalty. And he reportedly helped set up an in-house insurance company and an agency that booked hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel arrangements for church officials.
if those reports are true, then pcg obviously has more in common with the vatican that what they do with the Church that began on Pentecost...
at the end of the day, anything that is valued and appreciated by the five senses, i.e., touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing is simply that what an animal values...pcg has animal values, not Godly ones..
i remember the sermons GTA gave on the topic of death. mainstream Christianity teaches the immortality of the soul.but their eyes no longer function and not even their frontal cortex(the third eye) With what eyes do your departed loved one's see you?
A possibility not explored here is that Gerald Flurry has a medical conditions/s that the church is trying to hide or get around, by using a personal jet. But with modern Skype type technology, you have to wonder why all the traveling.
And it shall be done!
I still get my private jet, though!
On the Trumpet Daily out of the UK, it was not S. Flurry talking as the host R. Palmer said he was gone to Austria. I wonder if this has anything to do with that last sermon Abraham's vision as mentioned above as. I was told that G. Flurry believes Abraham was in Austria and a powerful leader over there influencing music, dance and government affairs. It supposedly comes from the Austrian ancient chronicles.
And the baton of self¤righteousness passed from hwa ( Hogbert Warmstrong) to geraldor mcflurry wearing the obvious cloak of Hippocracy.You will be found in contempt of God's church (people) if you do not repent.
Anonymous said...Stanley Rader set up the following: Mid-Atlantic Leasing (leased the Grumman Gulfstream II to WCG); Rader's Worldwide Advertising, Inc., earned commissions on the millions of dollars spent by the church to buy television and radio time; Gateway Publishing, Inc., has sold thousands of dollars' worth of specially printed books to the church....
Don't forget Quest Magazine, Everest House publishing, and Ambassador International Foundation.
All of these were "legitimate' ways to siphon millions of tithe and offering dollars into the pockets of Mr. Rader & Company, the man behind the dark sunglasses.
As a former member of the PCG, l learned they play favoritism and are biased, don’t be naive , this happens even in the face of eyewitnesses and true complete facts .
I met her once when she came out to LA. I can tell you she's the most arrogant woman I've ever met. I've always thought that every time she opens her mouth to sing she ruins the song they're performing.
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