Unless of course,
you are in the
Philadelphia Church of God
Now, Gerald Flurry trots out Jesus so he can justify telling PCG members to cut off all ties to former members and family members who have left the PCG. Flurry now tells his members that church members, like Jesus, do not need to forgive anyone in the church who has wronged them or have been kicked out, until they repent and return to the fold.
Do you understand the subject of forgiveness? Do you view it as God does? The world is very confused on the subject, and there has been misunderstanding even in the Church of God.
In the March-April Royal Vision, we printed an article titled “Forgiving Others.” The article contained errors that caused confusion. This is a foundational subject, so we need to make sure we have a proper understanding of it.
Did you catch the grievous error made above? Flurry goes on to reveal what his god has told him:The article started by saying, “We are all sinners. We all need forgiveness. … That forgiveness is contingent on two things: 1) We must repent—meaning a change in our thoughts, actions and desires; and 2) we must forgive others. Jesus Christ made this abundantly clear throughout His ministry.”
The second point was the premise of the whole article. But it is incorrect. And if the premise is wrong, then the entire article will be wrong.
How do we receive forgiveness ourselves? “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:14-15). These are the biblical conditions to forgiveness: repent and believe.
Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, “If we repent and believe, then by divine miracle God’s Holy Spirit removes the death penalty from us. Our sins are forgiven by the blood of Christ, and we are saved from the second death!” (Plain Truth, June-July 1982). The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course reinforced this by saying, “Not until we repent of sin, believe and begin to obey God can we be forgiven (Lesson 25).” Repentance and belief are the conditions the Bible describes for us to receive forgiveness ourselves—not repentance and forgiving others.
Notice that Flurry has decided what Jesus did not mean, and he lets PCG members know that everytime they sin they are recrucifyingIt is true that Jesus Christ said: “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:14-15). However, this has been broadly misunderstood and misapplied, as it was in that Royal Vision article. I want to show you what Christ meant and what He did not mean.
Here is a good summation of the incorrect view of Christ’s statement, as it appeared in our March-April issue: “This applies if we have committed a sin that has (in addition to costing the life of Christ) caused damage to someone else. But what do we do when we are the one wronged? We must forgive, irrespective of how much or how little the other party has ‘done right’ by us to fix whatever they’ve caused. Again, none of us can forgive as God does—and we must forgive, even without knowing whether or not God has truly forgiven them.”
That is simply not true, and it is a serious mistake. We do not forgive “irrespective of how much or how little the other party has done right by us to fix whatever they’ve caused.” We don’t forgive “without knowing.”
Flurry goe son to say that the words that Jesus said on the cross to the two thieves was only valid for them because they were "unconverted."We must see this as God does.
The article pointed to the fact that Jesus Christ and Stephen asked for God to forgive their persecutors. When Christ was being crucified, He said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Stephen demonstrated the same attitude toward those ready to stone him when he said, “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge” (Acts 7:60
“We might justify our lack of forgiveness saying that the other party needs to show ‘fruits meet for repentance,’” the article continued. “That is not what Jesus Christ or Stephen were looking for when they made those statements of forgiveness.” But let’s examine the context of those examples.
When Christ and Stephen made those statements, they were talking about unconverted people who, as Christ said, “know not what they do.” We must understand the distinction in how God is working with those in the Church, who know the truth of God, and those in the world, who do not. There are two different approaches.
Those in the world don’t know; they are ignorant of what God teaches. Even when they persecute us, they don’t know what they are doing. When they killed Christ, they didn’t truly know what they were doing. Christ held no bitterness toward those people; He understood they were ignorant of what they were doing.His interpretation only gets worse:
Jesus Christ gave His life a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:6). He gave His life in advance of our repentance. When Christ said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do,” He was showing His attitude, His state of mind, His willingness to forgive. He died to make forgiveness possible for those “who know not what they do.” Christ died for all of us before we did any repenting or believing.
This is an attitude we all need.
Now, here is an important point to note: When Christ asked God to forgive those crucifying Him, did God forgive them at that point?No, He didn’t. Did Christ forgive those people of their sins at that time? No, He didn’t, but He was willing to forgive them. And He showed by example that we need to be willing to forgive.
Have those killers been forgiven? No! But they will be forgiven once they repent! God does not actually forgive until there is evidence of repentance. Christ was simply illustrating the willingness to forgive. Those people didn’t know God!It is a different circumstance, however, with people who know God. This is an important distinction we need to understand.
Is it any wonder that PCG members commit suicide? What hope do they ever have? How can they ever have faith in the creature they call "christ" who only has a "willingness" to forgive? Flurry is like the rest of the Church of God leadership who have no idea who Jesus is or what he came to do and what he accomplished. They don't know because they were taught by a man who did not know either. That is the sick legacy of Herber Armstrong.
The sickness gets even worse:
God’s law can be summarized in two great commands: Love God with all your heart, soul and might; and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40).
If you serve someone in the world, that falls under the category of loving your neighbor. However, Jesus Christ said that if you serve someone in the Family of God, then you are showing that same love toward God (e.g. Matthew 25:34-40). When God says that we are His Family, He means that we are His Family! The world is not our family yet—though they will soon have that opportunity.
Your neighbor in the world has not even been called yet (Genesis 3:24). He is not in danger of eternal death as those of us in God’s Church are. At the fulfillment of the Last Great Day, God will call the people of the world—our neighbors. They will be resurrected and have their day of salvation (Ezekiel 37; John 7:37
By contrast, anybody called during this age will either be in God’s Family or become ashes under the saints’ feet! (Malachi 4:3). Our salvation is at stake!
Because of this distinction, there is a big difference in how we are to administer the Spirit of forgiveness within the Family of God and how we are to administer it to the world, our neighbors.
Christ and Stephen demonstrated the attitude we must have as we take God’s warning message to the largest audience possible—the world, our neighbor, those cut off from access to God—against fierce opposition. As the pressure from those in the world builds against us, our attitude must be, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Those of the world, our neighbors, do nothave a relationship with God; they do not know Him. They are not being judged now.
But those in God’s Church do know God. We are His spiritual children; we are being judged now (1 Peter 4:17).
And on the craziness goes:As His spiritual children, God holds us accountable for our words and actions in our relationship with Him and in our relationships with each other. Where we sin against God or grieve a spiritual brother, God requires reconciliation in both relationships through repentance.
When we are dealing with Church members who have sinned, there are times we must mark people and put them out of the Church. When we do so, God says to avoid them (Romans 16:17). We must avoid them—not forgive them—until they show “fruits meet for repentance” (Matthew 3:8
). We don’t forgive them,and we don’t allow them back to services, until they have repented. That is the whole objective when people are put out of the Church: It’s about repentance. It’s about waiting until they have repented and believed—but especially repented. (A big part of their problem may just be a lack of faith and they have to build that more and more, but we do accept repentance.)
The congregation in Corinth had the wrong perspective on forgiveness. They had made a horrible mistake by keeping this man in. As Paul wrote, “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (1 Corinthians 5:6). If you leave sin in the Church and just forgive without dealing with it, then you will destroy the whole Church!
That hasn’t been happening in God’s Church today, but there is still some misunderstanding of this subject that makes us vulnerable. This is a fundamental lesson we must learn, and we have to make sure something like this is corrected. If we do not differentiate between how we administer the Spirit of forgiveness to our neighbor and our brother, it could endanger our spiritual lives!
Even ministers need to remember this. Hebrews 5:1-2give us an important perspective: “For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrificeshe himself also is compassed with infirmity.”
We ministers are just as human as the people we serve. But we do have an office, and we do have the authority to help keep the Church on track.
God says here that if somebody is ignorant or out of the way, a minster must go and correct that person—but he had better realize that he himself is encompassed with infirmities. He has problems, too, and shouldn’t correct God’s people like they are the only ones who have problems. If we are not careful when we do correct, we can begin to get into more than criticism, to where it is almost like condemning somebody.
I am encompassed with infirmities just like you are. And I hope and pray I always have judgment, mercy and faith, and that I love you the way God does. I will do that, although I certainly won’t do it perfectly.
This is God’s Church, and Jesus Christ is the Head of it. We really need to be a loving family, concerned about every individual in this Church. We must make sure if we have to say anything corrective that we know how to do it. Let’s not make it hard to get along and to be family. Let’s make it clear to each other that we really do love each other. If you are correcting somebody, make sure he really knows you love him—and you’re not just hammering him because he’s wrong. There is a big difference.After all the evil the man has done in the PCG and lives he and his henchmen have destroyed, he dares to say this:
It’s not easy to accept correction, and if you come at somebody like a truck, then it will make it awfully hard to take. When you correct, you had better try hard to be merciful, or it is going to come back on you.
If we are God’s people, we are people with mercy. If we don’t have mercy on each other, our own Family, then we are not getting it.
Government is a great gift of God—we can do so much with it if we use it God’s way. I know a lot of people who came out of the Worldwide Church of God and who were really good at detecting evil within that church, but they still turned away from the truth and are not here today. They saw the evil within that church, but they didn’t see the evil within themselves. We all need to be looking at ourselves first! (1 Corinthians 11:28; 2 Corinthians 13:5
We all make mistakes, and I think the Family of God understands that. We are not perfect, but we certainly want to be as perfect as we possibly can (Matthew 5:48You can read the entire article here: How to Administer the Spirit of Forgiveness). We must get this right in order to truly serve God as we should.
You know, I'm sitting here drinking a cup of Sleepy-Time Tea because I couldn't sleep. I think to myself, "I'll check up on Banned" and I read this pile of bullchips. Flurry, by his own fruits, is a man of the devil himself, because only one of the devil would write an article like that! What a sorry excuse for a human being.
"When the machinations of fear collide with man's inventive genius the result can be both irreversible & terrifying. Can the true reason we so fear the unknown be that we know ourselves too well?" ~ HWA
It seems the old boy went off the edge.
Who wrote that March-April Royal Vision article? Unless it was a Flurry family member, it looks like we may be on the way to seeing another PCG loyalist put out of his church.
They redefine everything to their own advantages, don’t they? Flurry has to shut out so many scriptures which readily come to mind in order to arrive at this conclusion. Oh well. What a flagrant example of proof-texting!
I don't care what Gerald "False Minister" Flurry has to say about forgiveness, I have my own limits of forgiveness I'm willing to dish out.
What a piece of revolting, nauseating, disgusting crap from the devil himself.
YES, Jesus forgave the thief on the Cross! How dare Gerald read into the intentions of our Savior for his own perverted, disgusting, sick interpretations. This man is a deceiver in the worst possible way.
Jesus Forgives Sins (Matthew 9:1-8
9 Jesus got into a boat, crossed the sea, and came to his own city. 2 Some people brought him a paralyzed man on a stretcher.
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Cheer up, friend! Your sins are forgiven.”
3 Then some of the experts in Moses’ Teachings thought, “He’s dishonoring God.”
4 Jesus knew what they were thinking. He asked them, “Why are you thinking evil things? 5 Is it easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 6 I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, pick up your stretcher, and go home.”
7 So the man got up and went home. 8 When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe and praised God for giving such authority to humans. (GW)
This is what God's Word says. Flurry's interpretations are deception and deceit. Pay it no attention!!!! How dare he distort and twist Jesus Christ in such an abominable way. Oh yeah. He's just taking after his idol.
If you sign up for a PCOG account, you probably could read the original article.
Unless, of course, it's been deleted. I searched for the "Forgiving Others" title on PCOG just now, and it didn't come up. (And if the article was wrong, how did it get by all the editors?)
How nice that King, uh, Mr. Flurry can go back to a Herman Hoeh sermon of the 1970s to help make his point. Can anyone do that with Gerald Flurry sermons of the last 10-20 years? Or have they all been destroyed?
The point he fails to grasp is that forgiveness isn't for the perpetrator, it is for the victim. It removes the grip one has over the other so that the victim can move on. It doesn't mean reconciliation or that the occurrence has been "forgotten".
The article is listed above in the link.
Right on, 8:53. Also, not all of our relationships with others are capable of being close or deep. There are always going to be people with whom we are uncomfortable when we’re in their presence, due to personality types, occupations, philosophical differences, etc. If you feel it necessary to put on an act just to get along, you are better off creating a gap rather than come off as insincere, or accidentally doing damage. You can still watch out for those individuals behind the scenes and avoid disrespecting them.
As a general rule, those who were euphemistically referred to as “God’s ministers” were people with whom there should have been minimal contact. If your relationship was with Jesus Christ, you had to!
Have they all forgotten Where Christ said if you do not forgive someone the Father in heaven will not forgive you?
I've red somewhere that Christ's "forgive them because they know not what they do" is not in the original manuscripts, but was added hundreds of years later.
Missing in the article is that forgiveness means paying for another's sin/mistake. Eg, if someone owes you one hundred dollars and you forgive him/her, you are out of pocket one hundred dollars. SHT ignores this point as well.
Contrary to what Flurry says, peoples sins prior to baptism count. The members who struggle the most to live by Christian principles, and those who hence give up, are the most morally challenged in the church. Observation proves this. Which is why I tell people here to make sure that their kids work hard and do their homework. Otherwise, they will become spiritual trailer park losers.
Why should I forgive anyone? They never repent anyway.
"The point he fails to grasp is that forgiveness isn't for the perpetrator, it is for the victim"
Which is why God forgives sin. So he can get on with his life and stop hating us. It's not for us because we have salvation anyway no matter how much we sin.
"Who wrote that March-April Royal Vision article?"
Haven't we read the horrible story of Cal Culpepper seated in a member's home, and Cal's eyes rolled back and the member just saw whites of his eyes? ...this a minister, right, ON WHOSE'S SIDE?
And Gerald, where do we think he's from?
Any real Christians left in PCG,
Next time old brother Gerry pops open another 6-pack of Bud Light in his car we pray that the Police will NOT FORGIVE HIM until he shows REPENTANCE. Next time old 6-Pack Flurry is lying dead drunk on his living room floor I hope his grandkids will not pick him up and carry him to bed UNTIL HE REPENTS.
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