Thursday, December 13, 2018

Bullshit Bob Asks.....


We all know that Bullshit Bob uses the Bronze Age concept of weather to assure everyone that his God uses it "to try and get people's attention."  A God that has to "try" is not much in the all powerful category. 

But " it's in the Bible" or " the Bible says"  mutter the God is Trying Haunted Weather Watchers.  In this case, as in many others, it does not matter what the Bible says, notes, warns, imagines or explains.  It is wrong, out of date and badly mistaken about the true nature everything from the "treasuries of the snow"  to the "windows of heaven." 

Today one can go through every "Where were you Job when, " or "Do you know...?" that Bible God throws at Job and give a perfectly good explanation for all of it. The answer to all of the "Do you know..." today is "Yes, in fact we do know." Most grammar school kids today know.  The speech of God to Job is badly and sadly out of time and date. Of course it was actually made up by a human being who could not imagine the answers to his own questions about the nature of things around him thousands of years ago, so.....It must be God knowledge!  You know....if you can't explain something yet, God did it! 

Or as some say,  "I don't know...therefore...ALIENS!"

 If Yellowstone blew sky high  tomorrow, or Mt Hood, St. Helens, Adams, Ranier or Jefferson in the PNW, it would have absolutely nothing to do with God or His trying to get anyone's attention for any particular reason.  It's pretty much connected to Juan De Fuca plate, heading East and  diving under the North American Plate, which is moving West.  It's just that simple. When, not if, the PNW has its next slip of the Cascadian Plates and the predictable 9+ earthquake to follow, which indeed will put Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland in the Stone Age in five minutes, it will have NOTHING to do with any God trying to get anyone's attention. It is simply how the planet works out here. 

Excerpt Most Stupid....
"...…..A mystic rabbi suggested that an alarming spate of recent geyser activity in Yellowstone National Park may be the precursor to the pre-Messiah war of Gog and Magog.  …

After four years of total silence, the Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone National Park in northwest Wyoming came back to life on Saturday, shooting steam 200 feet into the air. Steamboat  is the largest in the world with eruptions reaching up to 400 feet. This latest eruption set a new record for the geyser of 30 eruptions in one year. …

A correlation between geyser activity and earthquakes has not been proven, but some scientists believe that geological shifting may lead to increased geothermal events. The Yellowstone region has seen a period of increased earthquakes and swarms of minor tremors. In June 2017, the Wyoming area of Yellowstone was hit by a persistent swarm of approximately 2,400 tremors.  These swarms are continuing this year at a slightly lower rate.

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, author of the Hebrew Torah blog, Sod HaChashmal, emphasized that forces of nature, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, are manifestations of God’s judgement, denoted in the Bible by His name ‘elohim.’  (THIS IS BALONEY! The "Elohim" are the Council of the Gods overseen by "El" the Chief God , first of the Canaanites and then of the Israelites with modifications. The Elohim are the "US" of "Let US make man in OUR Image.") The rabbi noted that the seismic aspect of God’s influence in the world was explicitly described in Psalms.
Therefore we are not afraid though the earth reels, though mountains topple into the sea. Its waters rage and foam; in its swell mountains quake. Selah. Psalms 46:3-4

“The entire world will be judged before the Moshiach (Messiah),” Rabbi Fish told Breaking Israel News. “Nature will change, be less normal, because God will be guiding it in a more direct manner.”
“This will be especially true during the War of Gog and Magog,” he said. “The war will be unique in that it won’t be simply a war between countries. God will play a major role via nature, through natural disasters.”
“The verse in Psalms is clearly referring to tsunamis which will increase in the days preceding Messiah,” Rabbi Fish said. But we also see that earthquakes will increase around the world.” …
In his weekly sermon last week, Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi predicted that all manners of natural catastrophes are going to increase in the coming year.
“God will judge, ‘who to life and who to death,’” Rabbi Ben Artzi said. He also predicted that international conflict will increase. “The heart of the king is in the hands of God,” he said.

In a previous sermon, he explained why God uses nature in this manner.
“People believe that nature just happens,” Ben Artzi said. “That is a mistake we make because we don’t always see or hear God. If God left the world solely in our hands it would have been destroyed a long time ago.”
Rabbi Fish emphasized that it is a mistake for men to think they can control nature.
“The only thing we can do is pray and do tshuva (repent),” Rabbi Fish said. “But these are the greatest acts a man can do. In our age, when the messsiah is imminent, this can save the world.”

The Bible is clear that God controls the weather and various calamities, but wants people to heed His prophets:...."

Only Bullshit Bob could connect Yellowstone and the groanings and mutterings of its internal world to Gog and Magog, as if he knew. Well actually he doesn't. He merely throws the question out there refusing to take responsibility of pre-dicting as Biblical prophets were wont to do. Bullshit Bob does not predict. He does not put his word on the line to see how well he is doing. He merely reads the news like it was the Bible, fills in the blanks with speculation and makes a non-critically thinking fool out of himself. 

 Bullshit Bob is as much a Prophet as I am an Apostle.   The point does not need to be proven over and over. Weather is just weather.  Volcanoes are all exactly where the shifting plates or rising magma chambers put them. Storms have NOTHING to do with any God trying to do anything. A low pressure system is not God ordained and earthquakes are just how it works down in the ground beneath our feet.  


John said...

Comment was made saying: "...…..A mystic rabbi suggested that an alarming spate of recent geyser activity in Yellowstone National Park may be the precursor to the pre-Messiah war of Gog and Magog. …

Yes, it does seem to be part of a stupid excerpt...and kind of fishy too!

Besides Gog from the land of Magog won't be doing anything until Satan exits the pit, but time will tell...


TLA said...

Dennis - after 14 billion years of this universe - plus what ever was there before this universe started - don't you think there may be other intelligent life out there, much further advanced than we are?
Even though you don't believe in God, doesn't it seem likely to you that we are not alone?
Think how far we have come in the last 200 years. How much further advanced would intelligent beings be who have been around billions of years?

NO2HWA said...

I saw Tinfoil Bob's post on this. It was incredibly absurd. He actually believes his minions in Africa give a rats ass about this stuff. They could care less. They are concerned with feeding themselves, getting food, tribal wars and all kinds of other stuff than this. Only stupid Americans fall for this crap. If you ever check out his "radio interviews" they are usually with the lunatic fringe broadcasters who are deep into conspiracy theories. This guy has serious mental health issues!

Anonymous said...

Armstrong always said that the Jews were deceived because they rejected Jesus and yet Bullshit Bob uses their words when it fits his wild imaginations. He also uses Catholics bullshit to prove his illogical points too. Oh, and the Mayan's. How can we ever forget his Mayan insanity!

Dennis said...

I suspect there simply has to be life spread throughout the universe displayed and out of reach

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree. The focus of the ACOGs, and all churches for that matter, should be on practical living rather than osoteric subject matter.

Anonymous said...

Increased volcanic activity in Yellowstone is as likely to portend apocalypse as it is likely a sign that Vulcan is upset. We have been neglecting our Vulcanalia festivals, after all.

Bob is an irrational, fearmongering idiot.

Anonymous said...

sometimes ministers make me think about Fred Sanford...

it's the big one Elizabeth!

every hurricane, forest fire, earthquake....or whatever....

it's always "the big one"

they do more damage to the Church's credibility than they realize.

Anonymous said...

TLA, It may come as a surprise to you, but, atheists don't believe in the existence of other lifeforms outside our planet earth.

Anonymous said...

For all of Bob's little quirky ways, he at least is an honorable, kind, caring person. I have the privilege of calling him not only a friend but a brother in Christ.

Hoss said...

wants people to heed His prophets:...

So heed Bob's speculations and warnings, and explanations he offers after events that have occurred. Is that the way real prophets worked?

James said...

Bob Thiel. A theological Gomer Pyle of this modern age.

DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous said...
For all of Bob's little quirky ways, he at least is an honorable, kind, caring person. I have the privilege of calling him not only a friend but a brother in Christ."

I have no doubt in my mind that apart from the theological ideas and titles he has and takes to himself, I would like Bob too. He strikes me as a very sincere man. Bob and wife, no doubt struggle with a handicapped son, emotionally and literally. I grew up in that family and know that it either makes you bitter or kinder and more compassionate to all. I see Bob as the kinder and more compassionate man.

There are many who do not like my perspectives and can't separate that from someone who I can't imagine most wouldn't like as a friend for lunch. What we believe and who we are tend to be two completely separate things when we let down the barriers. We agree to disagree.

Bob has to have the heart of a healer to be in his profession. He no doubt in my mind sincerely wants to help people both physically and spiritually. Just as I disagree with the concept of homeopathy , which Bob teaches no doubt, correct me if I am wrong, I understand the desire to be a people person and helpful behind it. I see a lot of woo woo , as they say in both therapists and clients in my profession. Some I simply never believed and some I used to believe and believe no longer after thinking and studying it out. Just like theology, evolution and good science done well vs that done poorly and in need of revision.

At any rate, I have believe I'd like Bob and trust me, it takes a lot for me to say "Bullshit Bob". It feels mean and does not reflect my nature. But it is about the mistaken notions he has and those notions mislead. They give hope that will fall short and put myth and fable over information and truth. Bob is both evidence based as whatever scientist he considers himself to be. He is faith based in his view of the Bible. He often mixes the two with results that are less than accurate or true. That is my issue not only with him because he puts himself out there as if he knows the mind of God in the details and always has been with others such as Pack, Flurry, Malm, Weinland and my buddies over at UCG.

DennisCDiehl said...

PS I have ONE friend in the Churches of God who a man of influence and with whom I could not disagree more nor he with me. However, if he lived near me, we'd have the time of our lives as friends and probably get arrested together. He often begs me to never let anyone else know he knows me that we really like each other! lol. He's got a heart of Gold for people and anyone would love having him as their pastor. The man reeks of common sense and good judgments. His name is ____________ Oh...I forget :)

Anonymous said...

What I find offensive about Bobs and other ACOGs leaders detailed prophesy predictions, is that it portrays God as a micro managing, control freak. God does have His master plan, but He is also a freedom loving God, implicit in His "choose life or choose death" command. They slander Gods character.

James said...

Very gracious of you Dennis.

Bob might very well be a kind and compassionate man, but the way he presents himself and the declarations he presents is a cause for concern. This is why he is ridiculed. Stupid is as stupid does.

TLA said...

Dennis - according to 1:17 am you are not an atheist. Sounds like he/she believes there is a single atheist set of beliefs - just like us non-atheists. ROFL

Dillpickle said...

Some of the commenters here remind me of that one friend everyone has who has to put a damper on everybody's fun. You know the type, pokes holes in the story plotline when you are watching a film or television programme together.

DennisCDiehl said...

TLA Oh...I didn't see his comment. LOL, Yeah...we don't believe there is any other life than that on earth. Uh huh.... On Xmas we often sacrifice a small child as well and live lives of hopeless debauchery because if there was a God with laws, we'd have to obey them and live a life of nitpicking and self righteous all knowing about everything, just ask.

Anonymous said...

As I read through some of the comments made on almost everything posted here any more I find it difficult to understand what the purpose really is. It certainly is not done to support Christianity. It started out to prove the church Herbert Armstrong built to be a church that was not a Christian church, but now seems to question the whole of Christianity. I personally believe that the basic Christianity revealed in the Bible used in support of Christianity is the inspired by the one who is revealed as God in the bible Christianity accepts. What I see does nothing to encourage a stronger believe in the God reveal in the scriptures, but will cause people to attempt answer questions that have nothing to do with building the faith God want His people to have in the God of Christianity. To me this looks more like what the bible declares as the work of the anti-Christ. Of course this is just my opinion. AB

Unknown said...

There is ALWAYS and always has been plenty of fears to go around for spiritual quacks (or quacks of any category) to use to exploit and manipulate. It is marketing 101 and is used in every endeavor... the classic fear and greed which are the two most emotional and arguably greatest human drivers.

The following quote , although written in 1859, is as true today , 169 years later as it was then, and any of us could profit from its wisdom...

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Unknown said...


Are you a Reformed, Conservative or Orthodox Atheist?

Inquiring minds need to know! ;-)

Anonymous said...

James wrote:

Bob might very well be a kind and compassionate man...

Everyone I know who knew Bob in LCG considered Bob to be a haughty and judgmental little turd who would be nice to you if you flattered his ego, and who would pay attention to you to the degree that you purchased his naturopathic advice or products.

If Charles Ogywn or Davy Crockett were to start their own little churches, they are loved enough that they could probably draw away a larger following than Bitter Bob has gained. In all his time in LCG, Bob was more tolerated than liked, and he didn't give the impression that he liked people who couldn't help him get ahead.

Anonymous said...

The SINCERITY of the FALSE Prophets

Bob Thiel sincerely thought that he was a prophet and sincerely looked to demon-inspired pagan prophecies and fake news and fake polls on television to try to guess the future. He was sincerely wrong. He sincerely thinks that he has followers in Africa. He is sincerely wrong yet again.

Ronald Weinland sincerely wrote prophetic fantasy fiction books and sincerely travelled, shopped, and dined out with his followers' money. He did some sincere 3.5 years of prison time. He could have gotten away with it, like the other false prophets do, if he had shared some of the money with sincere accountants and sincere lawyers (lol), but he sincerely wanted to be thrifty with the tithe money he had stolen.

David Pack sincerely used HWA's name to attract HWA's followers and their wallets. Then, he sincerely changed HWA's teachings in massive ways. He sincerely demanded and took virtually everything they had. He sincerely vomited all over them about 145+ times just recently, on top of all his previous sincere sickness. He left his followers sincerely deceived, robbed, betrayed, and destitute.

Gerald Flurry immediately and sincerely did away with preaching the gospel (good news) of the kingdom of God and sincerely replaced it with the non-good news of “warning the Laodiceans” by causing division everywhere he goes. He sincerely wants people to support him and his family while he sincerely tries to break up and wreck their families. His local goons sincerely try to pair up younger people (but not the goons' own children) with old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators who sincerely want to “help” them by doing their own selfish pleasure with them.

TLA said...

Anon 9:59 AM - people on this forum have a wide range of beliefs from being members of a COG, ex-members who are still Christians, agnostics, and atheists.
As a result you get to read many points of view.
This isn't FoxNews or CNN where you only get one side of things.
Think of it as a comparative religion class like AC used to have.

Anonymous said...

In that case, you would have felt right at home with the Nazi book burnings.

Anonymous said...

Greenland must be home to evil.

Anonymous said...

Some people harp too much on the imagined, incredible, endless sincerity of the false prophets.

Jesus said to beware of false prophets and warned that many of them would come and would deceive many people. He said that they would come in sheep's clothing—that is, acting sincere--but inwardly were ferocious wolves.

Some people think that some of the false prophets are doing some good.

Jesus said that the false prophets cannot bear good fruit.

It is easiest to babble about the imagined sincerity and decency of the lying, thieving, destroying, killing false prophets if you and the people you know have not actually fallen for any of them yourselves and do not have to put up with any of them.

Anonymous said...

I am an atheist! I have NEVER been to any of the ACOGs'.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack is running scared. He has had 3 of the videos exposing him and his cult banned by youtube. Please Help Promote these videos to stop anyone else from being sucked in PLEASE.

Thank you

Here is a new one with many ministers that are now gone

RSK said...

Oh, its just close to Christmas, the COGlodytes get extra grumpy and defensive in November and December. Its that Nimrod's Testicles thing.

Dennis said...

Connie, As much as lies in me, I am Non-condemnational 😇

Byker Bob said...

The ACOG “prophets” (or analyzers of the news via Bible) are to be taken about as seriously as the dyslexic psychics in the National Enquirer. An infinitesimal percentage of either group’s prognostications ever become fulfilled, but they never get discouraged and seemingly have no concept of the word embarrassment.

We have no prophets in the modern era, save a few highly educated and intuitive scientists. The people who call themselves prophets are in reality cartoons. I think I’ll call Monte Wolverton and ask him to draw us a prophet!


Anonymous said...

Anon 2:01 said
AB - In that case, you would have felt right at home with the Nazi book burnings.

I am missing something! What did I say that would indicate something like that. My point was that most of what is said does not encourage people have a faith that will draw them closer to the God revealed in the Christian Bible. In many cases it encourages doubt. I personally believe that does more harm than good. AB

Anonymous said...

I see that anon 2:56 made the comment: I am an atheist! I have NEVER been to any of the ACOGs'. and use AB after it. This was not the AB of 4:07 or9:59 The AB I use is the letters starting my first and last name. Maybe I should use ASB if some wants to use AB

Anonymous said...

You said that you believed that this site is the "work of the anti Christ." So I accused you of being a book burner. It seems fair comment to me. Or are not allowed to see the obvious connection, because we can only notice that which has your permission, Sieg Heil.

Anonymous said...

Bob's explanations for storms is more rational than theoretical physics which blames it on butterflies in Africa. So who is more out of touch with reality?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Bob missed the news. God transferred authority from the Rabbis to the Church 2000 years ago.

Anonymous said...

"In that case, you would have felt right at home with the Nazi book burnings."

Perhaps we should be condemning today's anti-free speech laws in the West, like in Germany, Canada, and the UK, rather than what happened in Germany over 70 years ago.

Anyway, so far as I know, the Nazis only burned stuff like homosexual porn books. The same kind of thing that was banned everywhere else at the time.

Anonymous said...

6.47 PM
The "Nazi book burning" article by Wikipedia says otherwise. They burnt books they considered ideologically subversive, such as those written by communist authors.

R.L. said...

But back on the topic: did you really read all of Bob Thiel's post on this geyser question?

He ALSO said the answer is no.

It took him a while to get to that, but he did.

Should we blame a messenger for bringing up someone else's message - absurd though you may think it to be?

DennisCDiehl said...

R.L. said...
But back on the topic: did you really read all of Bob Thiel's post on this geyser question?
He ALSO said the answer is no.
It took him a while to get to that, but he did.

I understand his final conclusion to the question. My observation is that Bob uses obscure questions that no one, save maybe the person who came up with the question, would even care about and to Segway into an answer he wants to give. ("Is Switzerland ready for the coming collapse?", "Are Protestants a Tannenbaum Religion?" etc) The question reminds him of a topic he wants to write about.

Secondly, the Yellowstone Article sparks his need to explain that natural phenomenon are not really natural phenomenon but rather the means by which his concept of God endeavors to "try to get our attention" and repent etc. Weather is not just weather to Bob and, of course there are plenty of OT scriptures to back this up because the OT authors didn't know weather was just weather either. On this topic, that he uses to show how evermore close Jesus coming is, it isn't, he is sadly mistaken and misleading people. He never seems to comment on the feelings of very good and innocent types that are impacted by weather if any god is doing it to them. Of course, anyone outside of his miniscule Continuing Church of Fog, is game for his god to attention grab with fire, water, quaking and low pressure systems. In season of course.

Dennis said...

Continuing Church of Fog