Friday, October 11, 2019

On the way to church


Anonymous said...

what was the purpose of this item.

Anonymous said...

It’s called humor. No church service because the phone says no service. Get it?

Also, most people given the opportunity would love to stay home instead of putting on a Sabbath face and pretending an hour and a half of pseudoscience, gay bashing, and “prophecy” is worth sitting in a seat for.

Netflix please :D

Anonymous said...

It’s called humor. No church service because the phone says no service. Get it?

Also, most people given the opportunity would love to stay home instead of putting on a Sabbath face and pretending an hour and a half of pseudoscience, gay bashing, and “prophecy” is worth sitting in a seat for.

Netflix please :D

Anonymous said...

What is so funny about this? This is something unconverted people do. Convereted true Christians would enver do such a thing. We need weekly strong meat.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! What the hell is wrong with Armstrongites? Why do they take themselves so seriously? Do they think Jesus sat around like a grumpy old sourpuss looking for things to call out as wrong? He drank wine and was surrounded by his friends. When you drink wine with friends, you laugh and tell stories and lots of jokes.

"Hey JC! Did you hear the one about the COG member who when arriving in heaven saw great rooms filled with people laughing and having fun? At closer inspection, the rooms were filled with splinter group churches all laughing and partying. Other rooms held Catholics and other rooms were filled with Protestants. God holds up her finger to her lips and says "Shush! They think they are the only ones here."

Ronco said...

It is written- a little levity leavens the whole lump.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What is so funny about this? This is something unconverted people do. Convereted true Christians would enver do such a thing. We need weekly strong meat."

Baloney is not to be confused with strong meat.

Tonto said...


Wendy , the UCG Sabbath school teacher, asked the children in the class , "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"

One little boy, , Billy, replied, "BECAUSE THE PEOPLE ARE SLEEPING !! ."

Anonymous said...

GASP! A joke! Oh my! You are going to the LAKE OF FIRE ‘cause you told a joke!!!

Armstrongites take everything so seriously because every single week they are told that they do everything wrong and they have an attitude problem, they’re slacking off, etc. There is no humor in their lives. Believe me, I know!

My ex had absolutely no sense of humor, and was real good at criticizing everything. Of course that’s how he was taught. Negativity was the norm in our house. The only time he laughed was when he thought women got their comeuppins.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:46
“This is something unconverted people do.” First I think the subject was funny. Second I am glad I got unconverted from Armstrong’s. Yes you do need strong meat. What church do you go to that gives you strong meat? Tell us about this strong meat you are being fed.

Anonymous said...

I hope COGs remain the humorless, joyless, stick-in-the-mud, antiquated, stifling places they've always been. Whatever makes it the least probable that the youth will want to spend any more time being stifled there than they are forced to by the humorless, joyless, stick-in-the-mud antiquarians who run them.

Byker Bob said...

Back before we all became more sensitized to the feelings of minorities, this joke would have been about Polish ACoG members.


Anonymous said...

Strong meat?
I’d rather strong wine!

Anonymous said...

"Convereted true Christians would enver do such a thing"

Is there such a thing as converted false Christians?


Byker Bob said...

Joke, actually told during the 1970s by a department supervisor at WCG:

Hey, did you guys hear about the three Pollocks who showed up this week at Mr. Armstrong’s office claiming to be the two witnesses?

Jokes were always part of the WCG experience, and were acceptable so long as they embodied the HWA/WCG experience. Polish people were not part of the British Israel theory, so it was open season on them. There is nothing wrong with using humor today to point out and dramatize the flaws of Armstrongism.


Retired Prof said...

Anon 11:16 says, "He [Jestu] drank wine and was surrounded by his friends. When you drink wine with friends, you laugh and tell stories and lots of jokes."

You've identified an important puzzle, 11:16. I know a Baptist missionary who searched the New Testament for any scripture like "Jesus laughed" to balance out "Jesus wept."When Jesus turned water into wine, he was presumably trying to keep the wedding fun going, but the story is presented earnestly as a sign of his power, and does not explicitly mention merriment. Yet we know that laughing together is one of the most characteristic ways members of our species form lasting bonds.

If the apostles were human, they must have laughed and told stories and lots of jokes, like Anon says. Did the Gospel writers just leave that part out because it could be taken for granted, like urinary and alimentary functions? Or did they omit it because they thought humor detracted from their message, the way many Armstrong followers do?

the Ocelot said...

Yes and I heard a lot of racist jibes too

the Ocelot said...

I'll drink to that!

Anonymous said...

Retired Prof 10:48 I recall watching this scene from “The Name of the Rose” in the late '80 as a young kid ( and learning God—and thus His Son— does indeed laugh. Just looking at some of the antics my pet gets up to—and more often than not what little, and not so little, kids too makes me realize God has got to have a sense of humor😂