Wednesday, October 21, 2020

BREAKING: Dave Pack Wadsworth Compound Now Has Many Staff And Members Infected With COVID-19

From an anonymous source:

Covid-19 Now Infecting "Many" RCG Wadsworth Headquarters Members and Staff

Multiple sources are reporting that many HQ staff members now have Covid-19. There have been several recent confirmed cases. Internal measures have been slammed into place to send people home. However, "essential" church employees must continue to report to work. One Wadsworth observer noted almost all the lights were out mid-day at the Administration Building. 

Local Medina County Health Department reports indicate a spike in cases in the county. One can only wonder if RCG is playing a role in this. Further, will those who are experiencing symptoms get tested? Or are they being encouraged to not get health authorities involved? Are they becoming superspreaders in the local community? 

Every effort will come from the church administration to play this down. 

This is just a week or two after all North American RCG members attended large group gatherings in several "Feast" locations across the United States. Church brethren gathered together in close quarters with little or no reported health guidelines or social distancing protocols. In fact, the leader of the Church, David C Pack, publicly mocked from the pulpit both an RCG member who didn't attend their special commanded convention and another Church of God group that was practicing social distancing and wearing masks. (See: Dave Pack belittles and mocks brethren who choose not to attend the FOT, and mocks another COG

Such arrogant and reckless behavior is only compounded by the fact that the entire church was led by Dave to fervently believe Jesus Christ was returning a week ago. Many attended these "Feasts" expecting to never return home, and were told the same by Dave Pack.

Now many are home. Sick. Sick from several failed prophecies and sick with the coronavirus. 


Unknown said...

"One Wadsworth observer noted almost all the lights were out mid-day at the Administration Building."
Coincidence that the members of RCG lights are out in their heads.
Maybe a few of them will connect the dots. "Hmmmm, Dave Pack mocked people playing it safe against the covid virus and now several RCG members are sick. Plus Dave Pack was wrong yet AGAIN on Jesus returning. Either God is toying with us or....oh, have mercy, Dave Pack isn't who he says he is!"

Anonymous said...

Anyone notified the local health authorities yet? Or the local news stations?

Anonymous said...

and they will all likely recover and continue on....

Anonymous said...

So Jesus coming to Wadsworth was the draw to get members to the Feast.
But many may return "home" (in the Protestant sense, die).

Anonymous ` said...

"Sick from several failed prophecies and sick with the coronavirus."

I am skeptical about how upset the congregants actually are. My guess is that they feel that this theater served its ad hoc purpose nicely and they are now on to other things. We, as critical observers, believe it is only rational for them to be upset. But rationality does not play a big role in this - emotion does. And, after all, I have watched conspiracy theories of the most inane sort flood this nation in the last four years. And sadly this systematic ablation of truth doesn't seem to have discouraged any of its millions of adherents. If anything, they are more enlivened. I would also expect this tiny band of Millerites to be more enlivened by what they just experienced.

DennisCDiehl said...

Look at the bright side. This opens up one last name, not taken yet, for the next splinter.
ICG...Infected Church of God


The first concern is for the greater Wadsworth community who may have been physically damaged for life or even killed by egotistical vanity.

With the spin already in place via the how to cough and sneeze and wash your hands brethren videos (we told them) it will be on to phase two.

Phase two will involve the theological spin. This will be the fire that Dave has talked about often that "we" have to go through and he that tarry and also tarry not is being made clear - we know "who" holdeth back his time.

Phase three will involve Mr. Pack taking on the identity of the new Colossus of Wadsworth - the new resurrected Lazarus crying out to the greater community: Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp! Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE, the wretched refuge of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

What Dave will get with this appeal is another D. Poliorcretes (the besieger) - but the conflict will be worthwhile and the celebration grand with the statue of Helios - the Colossus himself erected in the middle of the Grand Garden.

Is this all believable? Of course, you just have to believe the capability of the Maha (noun) a kind of baboon; the wanderoo

Anonymous said...

Dennis, there's also the option of annoying Bwana Bob by taking the name Covid Church of God... in other words, the properly named CCOG!

Anonymous said...

The way that Dave Pack vomited uncontrollably over the past 250+ sermons everyone ought to have realized by now that he is sick, sick, sick.

nck said...


He should have prophesied that after the Feast people would meet their Maker.


Anonymous said...

He should have prophesied that after the Feast people would meet their Maker.

Nck, as Lex Luthor said to Superman, Couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

Dave (and other tithe-hungry churches) are already experiencing diminished income due to COVID-induced downturns in the economy. To risk making job-holders (and you MUST have a job if you're in the RCG) unemployable is another short-sighted piece of insanity...

Anonymous said...

Lies, damn lies, and statistics are all trumped by David Pack’s new truths

Anonymous said...

Deut 3 I put before you life and death, blessings and curses. CHOOSE LIFE!
What is the greatest commandments? What is the most important?:
Love God (meaning, be loyal to God), no idolatry.
Love your neighbor: Love is a verb, do the living thing.
Israelites were commanded to observe Holy Days. But is that a greater or more important commandment than "do not murder"? No. How should CofG members respond to COVID 19? Choose life, do the loving thing for others, don't gather in large groups and put your mask on.

Anonymous said...

Words change their meaning in time.
The Christmas Hymn: "Now we don our gay apparel, Fa la la, Fa la la," Really, they all got on their gay outfits? No.
"Have yourself a merry little Christmas . . . May your yuletide be GAY."
The Flintstone Cartoon theme song: "We'll have a GAY old time." Really? What's going on in Bedrock? Hmm?
Love was understood to be a verb, not a noun. An action, not a feeling. "Husbands, LOVE your wives." "Love your neighbor" means "treat them in a loving way, regardless of your feelings.
The most loving thing to do for others during this pandemic is to help them remain healthy. The loving thing to do is to abide by the recommendations to wear a mask and keep your distance.

Anonymous said...

eh, masks can be considered a type of the mark of the beast...

if you don't subscribe to my way of thinking you will not be allowed in to buy, or conduct business, or travel on the subway, etc etc...and the mask is the outward sign that you are thinking "correctly".

the idea that masks help is a lie....they actually increase your chances of catching the virus because the strict protocols for mask use in the operating theater are not being followed by everyday joe on the street.

the mask is not to protect the surgeon's to reduce the risk of the surgeon from contaminating the field.

there is no reason whatsoever for healthy people to be wearing masks.

nck said...

The "Mask of the Beast" a faulty translation? Stay tuned!

My crazy SDA uncle is gathering quite a following with the active resistance against "The Mask of the Beast".

Many try to admonish him in brotherly love, others feel he sows division.

I just grab a handful of popcorn, bingewatching this series until next summer.


Anonymous said...

The mask is a sign of submission. I call it the modern-day burka. The epidemic is over but the mask continues on. The new cases are nearly always false positives from old FRAGMENTS of destroyed virus. Most of the people who have fragments of dead covid in them never had any symptoms so they were never sick. Only sick old folk die of covid.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone notified the local health authorities yet? Or the local news stations?"

You keep asking that. Why don't YOU? Go ahead, be a Chinese Commie spying on your own citizens. Stop getting others to do your dirty work. What are you afraid of?

Ron said...

The epidemic is over but the mask continues on. The new cases are nearly always false positives from old FRAGMENTS of destroyed virus. Most of the people who have fragments of dead covid in them never had any symptoms so they were never sick. Only sick old folk die of covid.

Pure and simple, that's utterly pura basura......

Lemme guess, you like tRump

Anonymous said...

Getting infected with COVID-19 is among the least of the problems of a brain-dead RCG zombie.

After the last seven years or so of Dave Pack's “Greatest Bullshit Ever Sold” an RCG member must have an extremely severe case of Itching Ear Syndrome.