Sunday, November 22, 2020

When you are no longer welcome at your parent’s house because you chose to leave 'the church'


There has been a lot of discussion on this blog over the years about various Churches of God who actively destroy families due to their arcane and divisive doctrinal/church teachings. From Dave Pack's cult breaking up marriages to Gerald Flurry's cult which prohibits members from speaking to children and/or parents who are no longer church members. The list of abuses has been long and at times shocking in how unchristian they all are.

Here is a letter from a person who has dealt with this in his family's life. 

A post recently appeared here about what it means to be persecuted, and one of the comments that it provoked hit particularly close to home. The commentator wrote: "What does it mean to be persecuted? I will tell you what it means .... It means that you are no longer welcome at your parent’s house because you chose to leave ‘the church’. It means that your children never met their grandparents because you are an outcast (because you left ‘the true faith’). It means that you, your husband and your children are told that you are ‘evil’, ‘satanic’ and ‘lost’." Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon experience among those who have left one of the Armstrong Churches of God.

And, like many others, I have personally experienced some of this rejection and isolation described in this person's comments. After leaving the Worldwide Church of God, all of my former friendships and associations within that organization ended abruptly. Even worse, the only way "back" was to conform to the expectations of the corporation/organization. Without my complete submission, it was made clear to me that reconciliation was impossible. All of those relationships were contingent upon my unqualified acceptance of the party line.

Later, when I left the “fill-in-the-blank” Armstrong Church of God, the same thing happened - only it was even worse this time, because family members were also involved. My dad was a minister in that organization, and he was friends with one of the leaders of the group. Even worse, that leader/friend was a hardliner in the tradition of the old Worldwide Church. Also, my brother (along with one of his children's family) joined the church and adopted and fully endorsed that leader's theology and political views.

However, unlike my earlier experience, this time the death of the relationships wasn't immediate and complete. Instead, the relationships deteriorated over time. Eventually, religious and political topics were declared to be off limits in my interactions with family members - they didn't want to hear anything that contradicted their views. Contact and conversations became less frequent and confined to the weather, home repairs and the health status of family members.

In fairness, I don't want to give the impression that this was an entirely one-sided affair. Over time, I began to resent the restrictions on our relationships. I also began to resent my dad's frequent traveling on behalf of the church, and his unwillingness to visit me. And how does one deal with the sincere desire to "fix" things - to make things better? What do you do when the other side regards you as ignorant, deceived, apostate, wicked or some combination of all of the above? Do you surrender your identity and beliefs to rekindle the closeness and affection that you once shared with them?

In thinking about these things (and I've had many years now to think about them), I'm reminded of the principles behind successfully navigating relationship difficulties (marriage counseling, conflict resolution, etc.). Among many, the foundational principles governing such endeavors are that both sides acknowledge that there is a problem and have the desire to "fix" things. And how does that work when one side believes that compromise or accommodation might endanger their prospects for eternal life in God's Kingdom? How does that work when one side believes that the other is intent on destroying the church or the republic they cherish?

I must admit - at times, the situation seems hopeless and beyond repair. But then I'm reminded of something that alcoholics and addicts have known about for a long time: The Serenity Prayer. You know - the one that goes something like this: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


Mason said...

This is so sad and unfortunately happens all the time

Anonymous said...

When people believe that their or family members lives are on the line, things will get ugly.

Mason said...

It should be family first not the organization first, but for most in the cogs that's not true.

Anonymous said...

I meant that when people believe that their, or others eternal lives are at stake, things can get ugly.

Anonymous said...

It's all about power and control. The ministers want to stay in control at all costs and they do not hesitate to tear families apart or break up married and engaged couples. It has nothing to do with God’s love or what the scriptures tell us.

The RCG forced my brother to break up his engagement because his fiancee had started questioning the hypocritical behaviour of her minister. When it was clear that she wouldn’t stop questioning things, she was removed from the RCG and then my brother was told to break up with her. Which he did.. He is devastated by it and sooo depressed ever since that my heart breaks every time I see him! He is on the point of breaking

Anonymous said...

The ministry love to shun.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Europe for a while and came in contact with two young women (sisters) that lost contact with their mother because a COG minister told them to stay away from her. They obeyed him, although one of them told me how much she misses her mother because they were always really close. The only reason they were told to stop contacting/communicating with their mother was that she had asked her daughters to visit her on her birthday.
These COG’s are inhuman and these ministers are heartless fools

Anonymous said...

The ministry of COGAIC practices shunning, but to their credit, the members do not.

Anonymous said...

The only reason for shunning is that the cult leaders are afraid that someone would open the hearts, minds and eyes of the people they hold power over.
When COG members would open their hearts, minds and eyes, these cult leaders would lose their jobs, status and power.

In a way you can’t even blame them.. I would fight to keep a job that provides me with a life of luxury for little or no work. All I have to do for that is bully, harassing members, make them feel totally worthless, act like a mini god. What a job!