Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Peeling the onion

 from Facebook


Anonymous said...

Sad but so true.

Tonto said...

The WCG in the day was careful to make sure that its most extreme beliefs were not part of their public image.

For instance, you never saw in the PT, or on the TV/Radio broadcasts the idea that you needed to part with 30% of your income, or not go to a Doctor, or have to submit to all directives of a minister in "church government", or that HWA was Elijah and an Apostle and more.

Only once you were reeled in a bit closer, were you allowed to have the inside scoop on the stranger inner workings. Pack , Flurry et al. use the same techniques.

Anonymous said...

All cults have a inner and outer face. Scratch the surface of HWAs church and it's splinters, and one morally finds Marxism. That's the meaning of 'government is every,' ie, a command and control society, and the 'give way,' ie, ownership by need. Dave Packs common doctrine only differs by being more open about the matter. His common only enriches himself and impoverished every one else, but that's typical communism.

In the 1930s, an American politician ran as a communist. He only obtained a few votes. The next time he shunned professing communism, but ran on a platform of communist policies. He was voted into office. American politicians followed his lead ever since, including HWA and his minions.

Anonymous said...

How about, Armstrongism is like an onion, it always makes me cry.

Anonymous said...

Armstrongism is Marxist? Funny some people had WAY more money than others. It proved to me that God is totally unfair. The richest guy in the congregation was the biggest liar.

P.S. "I am not a Marxist" --- Karl Marx.

Anonymous said...

If you are worried about Commies you should be researching the Great Reset. Scary stuff!

Anonymous said...

This blog is like an onion too. If members, through trial and error, can see the Churches of God are far off being layered then they will see this blog is also layered.

Not everything in life is what it appears to be, applies to the Ministry and leaders of the COG and applies to here as well.

Liam Grabarkewitz said...

Anonymous said -- this blog is also layered.

Not true. Big difference is that this blog does not charge anything or receive any money at all. It controls no one, and it is fully voluntary. No one is claiming to be the chosen of god, or someone that you are suppose to submit to.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Liam!

And the good thing about this blog is that I could disagree with you as well, without shunning or some minister yelling at me for being too worldly..

Everyone’s opinion and thoughts here are respected.

Anonymous said...

Me also :(

Anonymous said...

"Everyone’s opinion and thoughts here are respected."

It sure would be nice if that were true but obviously you haven't been here very long.

NO2HWA said...

It's not true for those that send porn, advertisements, comments with posts that have absolutely nothing to do with the original post, are antisemitic or act like jackasses towards others. Otherwise, I let people from all over the COG spectrum comment, something they are not allowed to do on their own COG pages. Play nice and your posts will get posted in the future, if not, then continue to whine.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! LOL

Anonymous said...

It is true Liam. Of course you've have to keep the lies going.

Anonymous said...

Kiddos to the team running the blog. They pay comments from COG members and heathens alike! They have always allowed my comments and I appreciate the wife variety of opinions presented here. Obviously we are all converting controversial topics but I have found the regular commenters to be very considerate and helpful. Keep on folks, you are doing the Lord's work!

Anonymous said...

" or act like jackasses towards others."

Yeah, yeah, I know...

It was determined long ago that the only ones allowed to be a jackass are the ones the blog owner agrees with.

Anonymous said...


Hmm yeah I remember the good old days when there was zero moderation of comments on the blog so you could communicate in real time with people across the country and world!

Sadly censoring comments more and more online seems to be the objective of fascist social media giants like Facebook and Twitter.

Even among COG members I’m surprised with all the lip service to freedom of opinion especially if they’re conservative and protests over persecution for their views that one COG friend of mine deleted a positive comment about a State government’s handling of the coronavirus that they obviously didn’t agree with and blew me away that they would do that when it wasn’t about a moral issue like abortion, theft, etc. so I didn’t get a chance to see what was written except for the person’s later outburst at being censored. I would’ve rather seen the comment so I could agree or disagree myself rather than have the moderator remove it just because they personally disagreed with it.

I feel that censoring opposing opinions that one disagrees with and/or cannot prove wrong is out of the fascist cowards playbook seeing what recently happened to Australian PM Scott Morrison and the CCP’s Tweet of a fake image that upset him and he wanted China to remove it and apologize, but they didn’t. He also went on WeChat to speak to the Chinese people, but the CCP censored his post. Censoring opposing opinions especially on controversial topics on the internet seems to be the modern form of Nazi book burning. I don’t think we’ll ever learn.

NO2HWA said...

The "good old days" you speak was way before between 2,000 - 3,500 hits a day started happening here. It was before various porn bots, Russian brides, Chinese sites and grumpy COG members started being pissed off and saying some of the nastiest stuff imaginable about people here.

There is NOTHING fascist about me monitoring posts as 99% them get through. I could care less if someone is a Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, loyal COG member, or viciously anti-COG, if you act decently here then post away. It is not a fascist conspiracy when I don't let some post through. Unlike Bob Thiel and other COG sites which DO NOT allow comments at any time, this one has always been open to past and present COG members to share. Unless you are slobbering all over about how wonderful Dave Pack or Gerald Flurry is I don't care if you comment as a church member of any group out there. After all, there is a common bond that unites us, both good and bad.

That being said, if someone comes here praising Hitler as a poor misunderstood man, then I will delete those posts. You would be surprised at how frequently that happens. If you are an anti-Semite and claim the Holocaust never happened then be prepared for those to be deleted too.

The other frequent complaint is that why do we never post things but Catholics and mainstream Christian churches...HELLO...this is a blog about Churches of God that have a direct tie to Herbert Armstrong. This complaint is like going to a Catholic blog and whining about why do they never talk about abuses in the Churches of God. Common sense is not a frequently used tool in this day and age.

Tonto said...

Certainly anyone here that wants to start their own blog or FB page concerning any topic is free to do so.

The reason anyone bitches about this particular blog is that it has garnered a readership and following because it has relevant information, and news that appeals to a certain mass of people who have been involved with Armstrongism.

BANNED walks a very careful libertarian line here, and balances many viewpoints , good and bad , and I have to congratulate GL for the openness and broadness that is allowed here.

People want to hijack someone else's work and efforts , which are more than most people imagine, in creating a forum like this, without investing the time and effort that it takes, and then use that audience to promote their strange, narrow, doxxed, or dangerous goods and ideas.

Again, for anyone who wants to have a "wide open" unmonitored forum, have at it, and also watch how quickly it degrades into an ad hominem, free for all "pie fight" that is neither interesting or beneficial, and loses any kind of mass or following because it is a crap hole that no one wants to follow. So take the "Pepsi Challenge" and create the "perfect" COG forum!