Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Cult Nobody Seems To Remember



Anonymous said...

Started by a woman (Loma) who convinced dumbass high-school-dropout/naive Des Moines rube/pyramidology-conspiricist Herbert that "It is necessary to keep the 'seventh-day' sabbath"(wrong). His cult would rise & fall on this premise (Colossians 2:16,17)

And where did this idea come from?
Those Cornflakes-flakes the Seventh-day Adventists!

Anonymous said...

Cults aren't exclusively religious. Any organization can be run along cult lines. This includes workplaces, homes, political parties, therapy groups,
self defense groups, therapy groups etc. In fact western society is shedding it's freedoms, and becoming cult like.
You will be assimilated
Resistance is futile.

Anonymous said...

you should at least get someone that knows something about what they're trashing...but yes, God is not real to most people, which is why they create they own...

Anonymous said...

God used Herbert Armstrong to bring up the Philadelphia era when God first called him into the church of God he attended church of god 7 th day until Mr. Armstrong knew Sardis was ending it was a nice run but they rejected the identity of Israel with other stuff that God revealed to Armstrong so he had to go and start a new group so those who want the truth and God's true church members can flock there so it started as the radio church of god until he changed the name to worldwide church of god.

Anonymous said...

5 :46 AM God is not real to most people because he does not exist at all.

Anonymous said...

Makes me sick. A child trying to "educate" the world. Reminds me of the "celebrities" trying to "educate" us about vaccines which are NOT vaccines... no immunity provided. This world has gone to hell in a hand basket! Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Zippo said...

Anon 2:33 - (Loma) who convinced dumbass high-school-dropout

What was Loma's level of education?

(Colossians 2:16,17) Isn't that what you are doing??

Anonymous said...

you should at least get someone that knows something about what they're trashing

"...don't criticize what you can't understand..." - Robert Zimmerman

"celebrities" trying to "educate" us

I saw a youTube showing celebrity mansions - the celebrities were on a "take in a refugee/homeless/displaced..." binge. The narrator said, "This (celebrity's) estate has (16? or more?) bedrooms. How many destitute is (he/she) taking in?"

The Simpsons parodied the "celebrity expert" angle with Bart trying to talk about the Amazon rainforest when he appeared on Conan O'Brien for his "I didn't do it" line.

Anonymous said...

From 1927 thru 1939 Mr. Armstrong observed Passover on the sixth day of the third month — counting 50 as most Jewish sects do from the ANNUAL Sabbath. Then in 1940, God Revealed to Mr. Armstrong that Passover should be counted from the weekly Sabbath. We followed the English grammar rule for “from” during the years 1940 thru 1973 and excluded the wave sheaf day from the count. Then in 1974, God showed us thru HWA that we should have been following the Hebrew grammar rule in the original Hebrew text of Lev. 23:15 which calls for including the wave sheaf day in the 50 counts. Anyone who disagrees with me this is not called by God the father.

Anonymous said...

I knew David's parents. We moved out of he area shortly before David was born. We lost contact with his parents.

He gave a fair and balanced presentation of what it was like to be a kid in the WCG. Some commenters have taken exception to this view and I would be curious about how they feel David missed the target. I have a feeling that they don't really have any substantive issues. They are just grumbling because the truth (about WCG) always hurts.

It is true that every Armstrongist congregation seems to have people who glide along on the surface of things. They never clash with a minister because there are no troubling issues in their lives. "All is well, all is well with my soul." That kind of thing. They would find David's presentation alarming. But that is because they have never had occasion to become acquainted with the dark heart of Armstrongism.

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Anonymous said...

Ya. There is no place in the bible anyone is commanded to keep the 7th day holy. Its nowhere in there at all.

Anonymous said...

Some people know the hidden rules of abusive cults, such as never question the minister, keeping your mouth shut if they disagree with any church teaching, don't disagree with members pets irrational beliefs etc, so it's smooth sailing for them.
I assume many learnt these 'don't rock the boat' behaviors in other toxic environments.

Anonymous said...

One of the legacies of HWA is that he ended up converting thousands to atheism after the abuse, misuse of authority & other things people had to endure in Worldwide and its spin offs.

Retired Prof said...

May 19 at 9:08 AM says, "Makes me sick. A child trying to 'educate' the world. Reminds me of the 'celebrities' trying to 'educate' us about vaccines. . . ."

Reminds me of Jesus as a boy astonishing his elders in the synagogue with his knowledge.

RSK said...

Well, not wrong on one count - despite being 'the sole prophet of this modern age', 'doing a worldwide work preparing the way for Christ' and natter natter, hardly anyone remembers HWA anymore.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. But it is the greatest testament against his so-called "work".

Anonymous said...

1:05 pm you are completely mistaken. To keep the 7th day Holy is all over the Bible. Just because you say its not and choose to be bitter about it, doesn't make it so.