Saturday, June 5, 2021

More Stupid Things Gerald Flurry Has Said


GF has made an announcement that all men are to wear white shirts for Sabbath services. Evidently colored shirts are out. Exit and Support Network


The ultimate goal of Flurry.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to the cult I will never wear a white dress shirt as long as I live! No COG leader can tell me to do such a thing and expect me to do it. I would wear pink and park my ass in the front row as he was speaking.

Rod Meredith popped his cork in 1974 when he made fun of a guy wearing a pink polo shirt in his class. The next day almost everyone in the class wore pink.

Anonymous said...

This is so incredibly funny! But sad! Can’t people in the PCG allow themselves to think ‘huh, why 30+ years down the road are colored shirts suddenly not OK?’
Could it be that GRF sees that he’s bleeding people, unable to grow, not accomplishing anything, LOSING CONTROL. So he flexes his mighty muscle and does the only thing he has left to control….. your shirt! 😩

I might add that perhaps anyone in the organisation might also ask themselves if Amy’s dance show (yes it’s Amy’s, all put together for Jude, and Vienna) is able to go “on tour” then why on earth can they not actually do “the work”? Why can’t GRF go “to a city near you” and do a PAC? Ask yourself that!!! It’s becUse they know that they will NOT have an audience and it will produce NO “fruit”…..then how do they explain that colossal failure to the members?

But instead they twist that Judes dance show is “the work”
So sad! Wake up people😔

Anonymous said... unto whited sepulchres....... thou whited wall......

Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed that the men in the COG's who lash out about colored shirts are some of the most effeminate men in the church?

Anonymous said...

Oh give Gerry a break. White is pure, wholesome, clean and nice. Unlike all those other horrible colours about.
Adam and Eve were white. So was Abraham and Moses. Blue eyed too.
Time now for me beer as me goose steps to me white fridge.
Trump 2022, yeah man. Gerry said he would be back......
Shame I aren’t allowed to vote........damn Gerry.................

Redfox712 said...

White shirts are such a pain to wash. What a ridiculous demand Gerald Flurry has made of his tithe payers. It is even worse he should say such a thing during the current crisis caused by the coronavirus.

nck said...

People could express their God given "Genesis ordained free agency" and individuality through their socks still!


Anonymous said...

The bible in both the OT and NT instructs to not add or subtract from Gods word.
It was before my time, but older members told me that men who wore shirts with the slightest amount of color were escorted out of church services in the 1960s. They too had a white shirt only policy. A military dress code weakens it's members sense of independence, and the white color creates the Pharisaic illusion of moral purity. What a joke.

I pity the teenagers. First their parents were instructed to disavow their children if they stopped coming to services, and now these teenagers must ware these old peoples cloths and old peoples haircuts.

Hoss said...

Seeing Jerry Seinfeld's picture reminds me of the Friar's Club episode: will PCG have a supply of "spare white shirts" for men who didn't get (or abide by) the new dictum?
Will there be a color guide to show permissible shades of white? At what age does this start? Must male babies be dressed in white outfits?
It's like the "makeup rule"! How many COGs will follow (or denounce) this latest diversion?

Tonto said...

The thing that all cults, looking to distinguish themselves from mainstream culture have in common is a uniform that really sets them apart and makes all the members look alike. It creates a group identity.

It also "educates" the "followers" that any form of individuality, or choice, is not to be exercised in ANY type of decisions, and creates dependency on the leadership to make more and more decisions in life for them.

Anonymous said...

He must have visited Dave Pack. That’s their rule also. So stupid. Black or blue suits. Really dark gray will be fine also.

Anonymous said...

What would GRF or David Christ think of Doug Winnail coming to Sabbath services wearing COWBOY BOOTS?

Anonymous ` said...

What is absent from this post is any reason why this rule might have been instituted. Without that, we are hampered in our assessment. Was this move arbitrary or did it have some meaning. At this point, maybe this information is not available. No doubt we could all make a pretty good guess as to why it was done based on our past experiences with Armstrongism but do we know enough to form a unbiased view.

My family has a lengthy history with the Society of Friends. In the pre-Civil War period, Quakers wore undyed clothing. Most Quakers were clad in rough cloth in some shade of gray. This was done to make a statement. The slave economy produced the dyes for clothing - a major dye being indigo. In the 18th Century indigo represented about a third of the value of exports from the American colonies. Quakers believed that no human being should be enslaved. Wearing undyed clothing was then a very visible form of protest against slavery and the slave economy.

Maybe these Splinterists are not campaigning against some issue in the greater society but some deemed form of disrespectful informality within their small fellowship. What would push this over the edge into heresy is if they were to make an non-Biblical, denominational requirement for wearing a white shirt a necessity for salvation. Paul the Apostle would have to be forcibly restrained, if he were still around.

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the Ocelot said...

Don't worry It is a major responsibly of a loyal wife to make sure her master's clothes ate presentable As for me a polo shirt a nice pair of pants and a rugged pair of boots with do fine You know where Flurry can shove his suit and tie and white shirt up

Anonymous said...

“GF has made an announcement that all men are to wear white shirts for Sabbath services. Evidently colored shirts are out.”

Herbert W. Armstrong always wore white shirts in the Worldwide Church of God.

In some of the WCG splinter cults, even the newly-credentialed fake “ministers” like to wear black shirts, or at least gray ones. It seems to be sort of a gang color thing to show that they are with the Dark Side. It works, too. You can easily note them -- that is, mark them -- and beware of them.

Still, even wearing white shirts will not cover up all the evil that the PCG “men” do. The important and serious problem is their complete lack of morals, not their lack of fashion sense.

Anonymous said...

Only a false cult gets caught it in phoney doctrines such as make up or only wearing white shirts. It shows what a power hungry prophet of Satan Flurry is that he is that he is trying to dictate down to that last crumb of doctrine & personal freedom of his lay membership. It just shows how bogus prophets like Flurry just spit out bullshit edicts and lay grievous burdens on the membership but he will not lift his little finger. He is a FALSE, evil tyrant much in the same vein as Stalin, Pol Pot or Ceaucescu.

Anonymous said...

8:38 am wrote: "In some of the WCG splinter cults, even the newly-credentialed fake “ministers” like to wear black shirts, or at least gray ones."

Our very own wimp-master Bob Thiel does this. He looks corny as hell. I imagine he feels he looks impressive dressed like that but his flailing wrists and hands take away any masculine image he is trying to portray.

Anonymous said...

It brings to mind our Congress, focusing on minor issues so as to avoid doing the real work of addressing serious problems in our country, such as the national debt. There are big issues to address in these churches, but GF wants to focus on the color of shirts. Very pathetic.

Anonymous said...

There was no explanation given whatsoever. It was simply announced that Gerald made the ruling that men should only wear white dress shirts to services.

The W.A. said...

OK, thank you - but how about knee-high socks?

The late WCG Pastor Allen Barr said the old WCG required that of ministers.

Anonymous said...

What would they think if I showed up at services in the PCG with a robe and sandals at services? Isn't that they way the people of Christ's time dressed?

Jim said...

I guess I won’t be attending PCG. I dress to feel comfortable. I used to sit in a WCG church building in the summer without air conditioning, in a suit and tie. By the end of the service I was wringing wet. When I dress up, I put on a polo shirt, jeans and casual shoes. I really don’t think Jesus Christ wore a suit and tie. Gerald Flurry just likes to control people. It’s crap like Gerald demanding men wear white shirts and I remember Dave required wingtip shoes. Who cares what these idiots think.

Hoss said...

NEO pointed out What is absent from this post is any reason why this rule might have been instituted.

Thank you for that astute observation. Yes, this is the blaringly obvious question hiding in plain sight. My first reaction, rather than being reactionary, should have been, "What's that all about?"

Anonymous said...

This isn't new. When I was attending back in 2010, the ministers were starting to come down on men wearing coloured shirts to services. I was in my late 20's and was asked to give an opening prayer in the small congregation I attended. I had a coloured dress shirt on and after services one of the older ladies approached me and told me that I should know better than to be wearing a coloured shirt. What a joke. Apparently God doesn't care about the content of your heart, just the colour of your shirt lol.

Anonymous said...

Even the Amish are now allowed to wear colored shirts. Flurry is really turning the clock back now in how members dress back to the 1800's.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Anonymous 8:38 AM said, "Herbert W. Armstrong always wore white shirts in the Worldwide Church of God."

MY COMMENT - I think this statement was true 99.9% of the time. But dang, I seem to have a memory of HWA wearing a light blue shirt in a white/tan suit once.


Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Where is the faith? How much faith does it take to wear a white shirt? Very little!

To introduce faith in the Apostle Flurry's decree, Flurry needs to take the white shirt commandment one step further. He should command his tithe slaves - both men and women - to wear white only underwear. Consider the faith it would take that his flock are actually heeding his white underwear only decree. After all, faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what WE DO NOT SEE (Hebrews 11:1).

Where is Flurry's faith in all this?


Anonymous said...

Pedrito Cara, a longtime minister in PCG Philippines, back in 2018 announced that men should strictly wear white shirts only during Holy Days but any color will do on regular Sabbaths. But he also made the remark that men should slowly phase out colored shirts and start investing in white shirts only, and that colored shirts be used for non-service related events. So, somebody has beaten Gerry on this already. Poor Gerry, no originality.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how it came to be that 1950s era business attire became the only acceptable clothing?
Me thinks that the early church members simply wore what they wore every other day of the week.

Anonymous said...

Flurry will just continue to get worse before he finally goes the way of all mankind. He is obsessed with power,control and $$$$. He keeps changing the narrative to try and alter his writings to distract from his numerous failed prophecies. Don't be surprised if there is not a dramatic power struggle for his fake throne. Stalin was planning new purges and was about to set up new deportations of the Soviet Jews to Siberia before he was most likely poisoned by Beria. I would not be surprised to see some sort of attempt to displace old Gerald as he goes plunging head first into the rabbit hole.

mortisrigori said...

Be like Joseph. Wear a white shirt, and a suit coat of many colors!

Anonymous said...

Gerald stated in one of his booklets that one follows Christ by following Gerald. And since he is the leader of the one true church, and is led directly by Christ, this makes him almost infallible. So the pope is infallible, and Gerald is almost infallible.
This means that the veil in the holy of holies on Christ death split in two so that members can go to Gerry to know God's will. So Christs blood paid for Gerry being our middleman.
Have you got that folks?

Anonymous said...

PCG Philippines, back in 2018

It used to be okay to wear traditional Barong shirt(no tie) in WCG Philippines!
So why is GF now going around with a poker up his ass over white shirts?

Anonymous said...

Btw, there was no mention in Gerald's booklet of God directly leading Christians. Which is the sin of omission.

Anonymous said...

I visited the Philippines as a tourist. It's always stinking hot. Their traditional shirts are very functional.
When I visited Hawaii, I also found it hotter than expected. I'm surprised that Jack Lord in the original Hawaii Five O series typically wore a suit. He must have being sweating a lot.

Anonymous said...

So, some of you are saying that wearing only white shirts (like the Mormon's) is stupid and controlling. Others are saying that wearing a colored shirt is like a "gang color" and done to impress. So which one is it?

Dictating the color of a shirt is stupid and controlling. Wearing a white shirt, a colored one or even a (GASP!) plaid one is fine. If you're reading into the color of the shirt you're thinking WAAAAAAAAY to hard about this, it's just fashion sense. Some people have it and some don't.

My vote for worst shirt worn to services? At an independent COG Feast site in Florida, a grown man wore an "I Boobies" t-shirt.

Zippo said...

LoFCoG wrote wear white only underwear

And from Woody Allen's Bananas: “Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check ..."

Anonymous said...

Gearld Flurry is a false prophet.

Hoss said...

A friend in the WCG told me that a few months before I started attending there were two sermons on "rules". In the first sermon, the minister read out things like, "The rule on hair length is... on makeup ... on clothing worn to services ..."
The following week, the minister read an update on the rules: "The rule on hair length is ... there is no rule. On makeup ... there is no rule. On clothing ... there is no rule. ... "
I was around some years later when a clothing rule came out, and the minister commented on how one of his friends may take it. His friend was posted to a Pacific island congregation, where casual, comfortable, but non-standard clothing was the norm.
When the "call the minister Mister" came out, the minister commented on how Australian congregations would react, as the culture was egalitarian and casual.

Anonymous said...

This is Gerald Flurry
Listen here you riffraff apostate dissidents. If hundreds of colleges around the country can mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for its students and faculty, why can't I mandate white shirts for my group. Compared to them, I'm a freedom loving Mr Nice guy. Why look at the speck in my eye and ignore the log in the eye of Joebamas America?

Anonymous said...

Wearing a black shirt to church services can be a way to do the exact diametrical opposite of what HWA did in the WCG.

One of the loosest old sex perverts in the PCG wore a black shirt.

One of the worst newly-credentialed fake ministers in the UCG wore a black shirt.

Self-appointed false prophet Bob Thiel wore a black shirt.

Small time rebel James Malm wore a black shirt while spreading calendar confusion and other nonsense.

Maybe Satan's favorite false prophet Gerald Flurry can fool people by wearing a white shirt. Who would ever suspect anything then?

Anonymous said...

Absurd but to be expected from this cult. Glad to read that NCK is still wearing his white sox in his basement bunker pronouncements.

nck said...

Haha You're welcome my friend.
White sox good Red Sox better.


Anonymous said...

If you think life is rough right now, spare a thought for the self-important Gerald Flurry who was born with a poker up his ass!

Unknown said...

UCG is just like any another splinter group they are filled with stupid people.

Anonymous said...

You control the narrative
Control their behaviour
And limit opposition
-No room for opposition, it’s delt with swiftly.

All cults follow this pattern to control large groups of people.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there another self-appointed-clown flying around the world in a Business Jet trying to convince the uninformed to do the unnecessary? How did that end? It ended in economic & academic bankruptcy. Why should we believe the outcome will be any different this time?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there another self-appointed-clown flying around the world in a Business Jet trying to convince the uninformed to do the unnecessary?

There's a world of difference between a strong hand from somewhere and a flouncy hand in front of an ugly backdrop.

Anonymous said...

how ironic. Flurry has worn all sorts of non-white shirts when preaching his incoherent TV show in past years.

Rules dumb people down. The PCG is scared of any dissidents.