Sunday, October 3, 2021

Common Faith Network Panama City Beach Feast Site Infections


Another COG group, called Common Faith Network, has had issues with COVID this year, CFM is an amalgamation of various COG's, including Church of God International and Christian Educational Ministries that share core beliefs and meet together throughout the year at various times and as one group at the Feast.

Common Faith Network, led by Jim O'Brien, Bill Jacobs, and Guy Swenson (former UCG ministers) held a Feast of Tabernacles in Panama City Beach, Florida this year. This Feast site is considered one of the largest Feast locations in the COG movement now.

A source has relayed to us that at least 30 people have been infected with COVID at this site.


Anonymous said...

Seeing they had infections does not shock me, but what I do find interesting is that here is a large group of COG members who chose to set aside differences and meet together as one at the Feast, and yet, there is Bob Thiel who cannot get ANYONE to join his group, no matter how hard he pleads.

Anonymous said...

What would be the intellectual capacity of anyone planning a major event in Florida, considering the current rate of Covid 19 infection? Florida's lousy governor and his anti-science, anti-common sense policies have all but insured maximum damage and human suffering from Covid 19. A huge major trade show in my industry, to be held in Florida this month, and normally responsible for generating millions of dollars in sales was cancelled (not postponed) because the promoters realized that vendors and attendees would not be safe under current conditions there. I understand they took a huge financial bath, as did many of the vendors, which is an incredible indicator as to how serious they considered the health problems in Florida to be right now. The organizers of the show and the people in this industry are generally conservative business people.

Anonymous said...

Florida's anti-science, anti-common sense policies..

Wow, that fits hand-in-glove with Wackadoodle Anti-Science Anti-Academic Armstrongism

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 8:35 PM

Who are you, Joe Biden?

Florida is doing it right.

Anonymous said...

From CFN Feast Coordinator Ken Swiger:

Friends and Prayer Family,

I had a text conversation with Guy and Jennifer Swenson last evening and they told me that they are "doing fine" in their COVID battle. Thankful to receive that news!

Jim and Donna O'Brien shared [by electronic media] that they are getting better and that the COVID is behind them now. To God be the glory!

Glen Leslie has tested positive for COVID and is experiencing the extreme fatigue. Devon Leslie tested positive at the Feast.

Danny Jacques let me know that he is COVID positive and living apart from his dear wife Aggie to keep her from getting it.

Becky Swiger tested negative twice in the past few days. She is developing a cough, but hopefully, it is just allergies.

I, Ken Swiger, am sick and have tested positive for COVID (negative on Wednesday, positive this morning) . I sanitized all the surfaces that I touched on Sabbath at SDCA in Knoxville, so hopefully, I did not spread it to anyone else.

We put my mother in law, Imogene McKin, in the hospital as soon as I got home from church yesterday. They think she may have pancreatitis. The hospital is overwhelmed with patients and she is still in the Emergency Room 22 hours later. She has no COVID symptoms, but has been exposed because of living in the house with me. Please pray that she will recover from whatever is causing her pain and fainting, and that she will not get COVID. She will be 96 years old in March.

Thanks for caring and praying.

Ken Swiger

Anonymous said...

The Church of Rebels, International is a relatively small rebel group that formed when Garner Ted Armstrong had to be put out of the Worldwide Church of God by his own father Herbert W. Armstrong for GTA's ongoing sins. It was started to support GTA's playboy lifestyle and his attempts to destroy his own father HWA and the WCG.

The Common Rebel Network is a hodgepodge of various little rebel groups.

Nobody ever should have had anything to do with supporting any of these useless rebel groups.

Stephen Schley said...

Wow that’s a refreshingly clear statement of facts and people using names.

I’m out of the acog permanatly and disagree with all large gatherings in the streaming era but at least some of the leadership stepped up and said we caught Covid and you should get checked (that’s what I hear from their example anyway)

May everyone who has been exposed to Covid not get it…
It’s horrible and I would recommend the Pfizer shot cuz the gates foundation is behind the Moderna shots and if I was not centrally blind would dump anything Microsoft/gates related but that a personal hang up so please take it with the pound of salt it deserves


Anonymous said...

Bitter much 7:15? Writing out of an angry backsliding backside. Hodgepodge ? What kind of language is that?

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

October 3, 2021 at 8:35 PM said "What would be the intellectual capacity of anyone planning a major event in Florida, considering the current rate of Covid 19 infection? Florida's lousy governor and his anti-science, anti-common sense policies have all but insured maximum damage and human suffering from Covid 19."

MY COMMENT - Many of us who actually live in Florida are quite happy with our Governor and how he has handled the pandemic. When the pandemic first broke out, he invoked military protocol in our nursing homes segregating COVID patients in quarantined separate facilities. Surely you must be confusing the Governor of Florida with the Governor of New York who did just the opposite comingling COVID patients in nursing homes condemning some elderly to their deaths. And he did this while writing a self promoting book on his handling of the pandemic when he wasn't busy sexually harassing multiple women.

In the summer of 2020, my Gulf of Mexico community experienced an unusual summer seasonal tourist season the likes of which we have not seen before as Northerners escaped their tyrannical lockdowns and came to Florida which was completely open. Many have voted with their feet by buying homes here and re-locating.

Take the fetal position if you would like. After all, God calls "the weak and base things" as the WCG drilled into me in my youth until the day I woke up said to myself "I am not a weak and base thing". But don't come here to Banned to spew your politics, and expect it to go unanswered.


Anonymous said...

Every little rebel wants to start his own little rebel group and find other suckers to listen to his endless rebel noise and to financially support him.

Tonto said...

Annonymous above speaks about CHURCH OF REBELS.

Im curious to know, rebelling against what exactly? Doing things the way HWA did things?

Being a rebel implies that there is some kind of "standard" that is being immorally rebelled against. Does the poster imply that there is some "standard bearer" that everyone is supposed to be submitted to? If so, then who should that be.

In the end, there is only Gods Moral Law in the 10 Commandments, and Jesus Christ the King. We are all rebels otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Covid infection numbers are meaningless without context. Hospitalizations and mortality rates tell a more complete story. Right now the data suggests this is a pandemic of the vaccinated (in Wales a recent study showed 2/3 of hospitalizations were vaccinated, and in the US a pandemic of the obese -- 78% of hospitalizations were obese.

That aside, who cares if people want to exercise their religious freedom to gather. I'm no supporter of the ACOGs, but the assault on our individual liberties in the name of health is unbelievable.

And as someone with family in Florida, it's amazing to see how quickly people from lockdown states are willing to move to and vacation in more open states (courtesy to the above poster with the same remarks).

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous 5:49

You are operating at the level of "can I find something on the web that supports De Santis?" And you did - a little bit of bias called "The Right Scoop". A brief scan of their articles will tell you, in a blaring way, where they stand politically.

I can also find a ton of material out on the web that condemns the approach that De Santis has taken. No doubt some of this is also bias.

So how do you sort this out? For millions of Americans I believe the sort is done by whether or not they agree in a subjective and non-evidentary way with what they are reading. It's their gut. And maybe really determined by the fact that this view is politically packaged with other issues such as anti-immigration and customized "truth." If a political faction pushes anti-immigration then denying Germ Theory in support becomes feasible.

What we should really do is spend time with science and not opinion pieces. Not even my opinion piece here. Find out if someone is lying with statistics. That kind of thing. Don't be a victim of cult thinking multiple times. Its not a game of who can find the most articles on the internet.

******** Click on my icon for Disclaimer

Anonymous said...


" A brief scan of their articles will tell you, in a blaring way, where they stand politically. "

So, telling the truth labels you a right winger? You just made a powerful argument FOR the right.

"I can also find a ton of material out on the web that condemns the approach that De Santis has taken."

And all of it contains partial truths, along with complete lies (such as Joe Biden's statement that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated).

"So how do you sort this out?"

Have you considered using critical thinking skills?

James said...

Check out the numbers from Sweden and then Israel. Sweden is doing great. Israel where most are 'vaccinated' there is a massive spike in c19. Numbers don't lie like politicians.

Anonymous said...

NEO - your post went off the tracks here:

"And maybe really determined by the fact that this view is politically packaged with other issues such as anti-immigration and customized "truth." "

Maybe you've seen the images that are on every major news channel of thousands of people pouring over our unsecured border and then being released and bussed and flown at taxpayer expense to other parts of the country?

It takes a special kind of thinking to construe public sentiment as anti-immigration. How about a little honesty? A majority of the American public, including majorities in the Latino community, support LEGAL immigration.

Anonymous said...

8.08 AM
7.15 is speaking the truth. Yours is the typical protestant see-no-evil and refuse to pass moral judgement on the sins in front of you.
I once complained to a minister about some difficult church members, only to be slandered. The effect was that members were afraid to be seen next to me least it hurt their social standing.
I remind you that Christ always called a spade a spade.

Anonymous said...

To: October 4, 2021 at 12:18 PM

What source of information, regarding Wales, you used or found.? The situation in Wales, is very different to what you informed. The situtation in Wales, regarding Covid, is very much in control and I couldn't find information like the one you exposed here, about Wales. Please, provide your source and post in here. Thanks

Anonymous said...

12:18 pm

Yes same article.

I misstated regarding hospitalizations. That number is smaller.

Reverse the headline though and deduction says 2/3 of positive Covid cases are those who are vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they should have consulted with LCG and required TEMPERATURE CHECKS at the door!! 🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

James @ 5:41
Spot on!!