Tuesday, December 21, 2021

And Now a Short Commercial Break: Happy Sun Stand Still (Solstice)

Sunrise far Southeast looking down the Willamette River. 
A fairly quick up and down day from Portland today
(Pics by myself)

Solstice Moon this morning.

Brought to us by...

Thea and the Big Splash

...without whose impact our seasons would not exist and certainly not ourselves to celebrate them.

Solstice NOON today in Portland. Pretty low.  Hope it comes back!

We now return to our regularly scheduled posts


Anonymous said...

Axially (and probably radially as well), not a bad commercial break!

Anonymous said...

Dennis: Don't you just love GOD'S creation? Including the earth's tilt. A design or a freakish "accident"?

Feastgoer said...

Sorry, but I do NOT plan to rock around the Xmas tree at the Xmas Party Hop to bring the sun back.

If it happens, it happens.

lnrd said...

DEIL . ! EXPALIN IN detail, how did the tilt originate.?

DennisCDiehl said...

nrd said...
DEIL . ! EXPALIN IN detail, how did the tilt originate.?
The current and basic theory is when Thea hit the molten Earth at an oblique angle and not head on. It's in the video


Anonymous said...

All of you GCI folks out there pay attention. He's not wrong. You might think you took pagan observances and made them holy, but you didn't.

Tonto said...

Flurry, Pack, Weinland and Thiel...


Real Hypocritical said...

Proof that Flurry and Pack are the two witnesses of Revelation.

DennisCDiehl said...

I love and enjoy what I can see. Lucky hit 😁

DennisCDiehl said...

Fear not for I bring you good tidings of great joy. The Sun will rise and be born again on Saturday next

DennisCDiehl said...

..or Saturday this😊👍

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of billiards. I saw this on Nova I believe. Interesting hypothesis. But I have some questions:

1. It would seem like the space aroud the earth would be host to a variety of planetary debris of differing sizes. Gravity would concentrate most of it in the what we now all the moon. But shouldn't there be other varied isolates and aggregates ciricling around?

2. The moon and the earth, at least at the earth's outer layer, should be of the same composition - but they differ. The moon is mostly silicates and the earth has metals. This does not fit comfortably with the Theia hypothesis.

I would find it more likely that the moon was formed out of a different crucible and was "captured' by the earth.

True Christian said...

People from the United States and Britain are NATURALLY AND PHYSICALLY BORN ISREALITES!!

Anonymous said...

I can see clearly now the rain is gone -- I can see all obstacles in my way

TY Dennis

Anonymous said...

True Christian said,
‘People from the United States and Britain are NATURALLY AND PHYSICALLY BORN ISRAELITES’

Wonderfully bizarre and inane comments on here during this ‘funny season’, especially considering the overwhelming evidence provided by this webpage and many other sources with solid accredited biblical scholarship proving otherwise.
Best to ignore the post and note the TROLLING,lol.

Anonymous said...

According to the soon to be released movie Moonfall, the moon is fake.

Jim said...

Merry Christmas everyone,

I hope all of you have been good boys and girls. I wouldn’t want any of you to get a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking.

Santa is loading his sleigh today and tomorrow for his yearly run. So let’s be nice today. I wish all of you peace and good health.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:03

I will be looking forward to this movie - sounds imaginative. It does make me consider how important the moon is to life on earth - stabilizaton of axial tilt, gravitational braking of earth's rotational speed, tides and the lunar months. Makes earth a much, much more comfortable place to live. The moon is fine-tuned to do what it does. The materialists will cry out "anthropic!" But this is without traction. Let them prove there is a multiverse.

Anonymous said...

If that were the case, which it isn't, what does that have to do with salvation?

Anonymous said...

This is slightly off topic, but I am so thankful that back in the 1970s when I requested literature from The World Tomorrow programme I NEVER received any of those booklets and NEVER got fudged up in that cult. Thank God for that bit of a blessing.

Agnostic said...

10:18, You dodged a bullet.