An LCG source writes:
"So is the harvest plentiful AND few are being called??"
One of the slick ways the Church of God has justified its ineffectual ministries in gaining new members is to make seem like only God sends them new members AND He is very concerned about too many gaining entrance into the one true apostolic end-time church that has all the answers to everyting. The reason the church has so few members never lies in the bland mind-numbing sermonettes and sermons some preach or bad public speakers representing the church in public appearance meetings. Considering so few of them ever preach about Jesus Christ and his ministry and what was accomplished by him, they instead talk about stupid church government ideas and old testament laws that NO ONE has ever been able to keep, and loads of other legalistic mumbo-jumbo that frankly drives people away. When every sermon is a Debbie-downer-style sermon or about sex, potential members quickly drop away. Not many want to be part of an elitist group of people who thumb their noses to almost everyone and everything, while secretly indulging in it behind their leader's backs.
Be Thankful for the Truth! As much of the world celebrates the year-end holidays that originated in ancient pagan practices, it is a good time to reflect on the unique privilege that God has granted to those He is calling (John 6:44, 65
). Jesus said, “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32
). Few today realize how Satan has deceived the world (Revelation 12:9
), or that God is only calling a few to understand His Truth and His Plan about the coming Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:26–29
). That understanding is a very special gift that is being offered to those God has chosen to work with now (Matthew 13:11–17
). Let’s never take that calling lightly. Let’s grow so that we can be more effective instruments in God’s hands—and let’s be thankful for that Truth.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail
Excellent comments by Doug Winnai. Thanks for posting it. As far as the comments you made about his statement, those are pretty much petty and goofy, except there is indeed little preached about the Savior, Jesus in any of the 'groups'.
This reminds me of the pep talks I used to have to endure from my Dad. Being "called" was such a privilege, he said. Of all the people walking the face of the earth, we got to know "truth", and what was going to happen to fellow man in a few short years! Honestly, life had been good before my parents came into the church. We had a great extended family. My personal quality of life had diminished greatly as a result of the parents getting involved in Armstrongism. I was miserable "knowing" what was going to happen to all of my non-church friends and family, and resented having to more or less throw them away or to see them as being "less than". This was agony, and I did not consider it to be a privilege, or myself as special. And then there were all of the stupid things that we had to do for no other reason than that "God's" ministers said to do them. But, I eventually succumbed to the manipulation, and fell into trap of all the arbitrary crap and rituals they laid upon us, actually believing for a time that our self-appointed teachers were exactly who they had said they were. What a horrible, hellish distorted picture of God their existence presented! Winnie the Pooh's message reminds me of all the propping up and delusions we endured in the past, and the constant fight of our inner minds as we believed that we needed to control our attitudes towards the badness inflicted upon us by a whole extra layer of authority which we voluntarily accepted as we attempted to make ourselves believe that good was actually bad, and bad was good.
I am thankful to be one of the special people who was able to see through the veneer of these whitened sepulchres, and to escape!
Ha! The writers on this blog could give old Doug Winnai a run for his money on being self righteous (if he is).
With ice cold robotic like tone you announce others to be in ERROR. Even to have used scripture in ERROR. Always behind others backs NEVER to their faces. Who died and made you the judge and jury? How long can the writers on this blog go on living a LIE whilst subtly attacking the hand that feeds you ?
Part 1
And He has been for a sanctuary, And for a stone of stumbling, and for a rock of falling, To the two houses of Israel, For a trap and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
, AV).
, AV).
, AV).
and the name of the city from that day shall be, The LORD is there.
I know where you live - where Satan has his throne.... your city [Pergamum] - where Satan lives.
Below has a couple of things I put together some time back, so it is more amateurish than what I put together now, or may be not:
Judaism and Armstrongism (Laodiceanism?)
Typology suggest that Israel the Church may be ‘blind’ in regard to the Kingdom of God close to, or even at, the time of Christ’s second coming just as Israel the Kingdom was ‘blind’ in regard to the Kingdom at Christ’s first coming.
This is the argument:
Judaism is based on the Old Testament while Armstrongism is based on the Old and New Testament.
Judaism has truth and error and Armstrongism has truth and error.
From the Old Testament, Israel the Kingdom was looking forward to the coming of the Messiah and His Kingdom. Israel the Kingdom was expecting to be ruling in an earthly Kingdom.
From the Old and New Testament, Israel the Church, is looking forward to the coming of the Messiah and His kingdom. Israel the Church is expecting to be ruling in an earthly Kingdom.
Isa 8:14
“Israel the Kingdom” above is used for the “southern” house of Israel - the Jews. It was to this house Christ was referring to when He said “I am ... sent ... unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mt 15:24
HWA promoted a doctrinal version of the Kingdom of God which in Christian circles is termed “premillennialism,” previously referred to as chiliasm from the Greek of “thousand” in Rev 20:2
“The Greek word ... to slander, originally meant to deceive, literally “to throw across,” that is, to take something out of its proper context and put it somewhere else where it did not belong, but would appear to belong” (George Bailey, Germans, p.426).
“The Bible ... is like a jigsaw puzzle, with thousands of various pieces of different forms and shapes that can be fitted together in only one precise pattern” (HWA, The Mystery of Ages, p.5).
The ‘premillennialists’ puts together Scriptures such as these:
“... God had sworn with an oath to him [David], that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne” (Acts 2:30
“And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matthew 19:28
“And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth” (Revelation 5:10
and then come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ and the saints will be literally dwelling and reigning on the earth during the Millennium.
From a modern-western perspective it “would appear to belong” but not from the ancient Near Eastern perspective.
Cutting a long story short:
Eze 48:35b
Rev 2:13
The new name for the city doesn’t replace Jerusalem, it is a “name” in the sense of description (See D. A. Carson, Matthew, EBC, Vol.8, p.80).
“The phrase “where Satan dwells” means either that someone representing Satan lives in Pergamon or that evil is present in a particular potent way in Pergamon” (David E. Aune, Revelation 1-5, WBC, p.185).
Satan wasn’t literally in Pergamon in the first century but the rule and conduct of the city so reflected Satan that it could be said that Satan ruled and dwelt there.
Part 2
Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the LORD thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.
My favourite verse that captures a major dynamic of the Kingdom contains the words that the Chronicler puts in the mouth of a Gentile woman:
2Ch 9:8
In the future “princes” (nesi’im), descendants of David, will represent God and Christ in Jerusalem, exercising godly rule; and “good” will be “present in a particular potent way”, so reflecting God, that it may be called ‘The Lord is there’.
While Jesus Christ will not literally be in the city during the Millennium, He will have a ‘tangible’ spiritual presence in the Temple, some distance from the city - the same presence He had in the Mosaic Tabernacle and Solomon’s Temple.
Once again, the deceptive and dangerous Doug Winnail administered, with this piece, another indoctrination inoculation booster to keep his sheep numb and dumb.
“I am the way and the TRUTH and the life."
to make it fit his premise, expressed as "God is only calling a few to understand His Truth and His Plan about the coming Kingdom of God".
- which was referenced in the graphic posted by NO2HWA.
to rehearse one of the essential deceptions of LCG - which is LCG has special insight into the Kingdom.
The tile, "Be Thankful for the Truth" puts Doug at odds with Jesus.
Doug's "truth" is things like Saturday television is bad, a wayward wife needs spanking, he (Doug) is a leader in God's government, the Germans are Coming, and bacon is unclean.
Doug wants the people to feel superior because they have this "truth" that no one else has.
Doug wants the people to be oblivious to the real truth that is the main focus of Christians - that truth expressed by Jesus in John 14:6
Doug threw in the obligatory reference to the power of Satan, to reinforce the COG belief that they alone have special insight into Satan's deception, and if one leaves the COG, they have succumbed to that deception and will soon face destruction.
However, the pastors and writers of the churches Winnail deceptively calls "Satan's churches" often focus their efforts on exposing the tactics of Satan.
These Christian pastors and writers do so by pointing out that Jesus has become, and forever will be, victorious over Satan.
These Christians teach that belief in Jesus as Savior overcomes all - fear not, Jesus makes Satan powerless.
Doug wants the people to believe that their only hope to survive what Satan has planned for them is staying in his church, following his rule and rules - not Jesus.
Next, Doug deceptively mangled 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
That passage certainly does not say only a few are called - it says only a few wise, wealthy, and mighty, are called - but most who are called are regular people. That passage speaks of many being called and supports Matthew 9:38
Doug cited Matthew 13:11-17
However, with LCG's very limited interest in Jesus; without any demonstrated understanding of the works of Jesus, such as redemption, justification, sanctification, glorification - or just the term salvation - Doug and LCG know next to nothing about the Kingdom of God.
HWA had the habit of taking passages out of context, then ignoring others that might not support his views. John 6:43
says, "No one comes to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." And, of course, the "many are called but few are chosen."
, "But I when I am lifted up rom the earth will draw all men to myself."
This was used to explain why the church was so small. But they ignore John 12:28
As with figs, there are two harvests. The first is small, on the old wood. Then comes the main harvest, a huge harvest, on the new growth. That second harvest is the one referred to.
The ACOGs are a toxic mix of some truth and much error. Why would God call people into a group where the ministers believe that it's their right to put the members under their thumbs.
The bible instructs people to leave their mother and father to be joined to their mate. The ministers contradict this by taking on the role of domineering parents, and then put lipstick on the pig by calling this "administering God's government." These rebel ministers deserve to be publically whipped.
Part 1 and part 2 writer. I find it funny that you can quote a lot of scripture and a lot of writing to justify your stance. Do you think quoting all the stuff you do is going to change one's mind either way? Try not to get into the thinking that just because you think you know more, that in you really do, because you really dont.
Anyone with a Nave's Topical Bible can do what P1-2 is doing. He probably does not even know the difference between exegesis and eisegesis.
Dangerous Doug has promoted his pet theory that before the tribulation, the majority of the world will be familiar with the LCG - as they are the true church, doing God's end-time work.
Now, when the LCG numbers are dismal, he frames the little flock corollary as few people are being called. Deceptive Doug must sell the people on the low numbers being God's choice - not at all related to his lacking leadership or his uninspired, Jesus-less messages.
Hey Anonymous of Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 7:18:00 PM: you graded Doug's writing as Excellent.
Yet, you acknowledge that "there is indeed little preached about the Savior, Jesus" in any COGs.
That is a fascinating comment.
How little mention of Savior Jesus is acceptable to you from a COG leader?
Is it a trade-off situation, where if they preach enough Sabbath, you give them a pass on ignoring Jesus?
I guess the COG leaders know the secret formula for preaching enough law to captivate the law-loving people, so that they don't need to bother going to deep into that embarrassing Jesus.
Oh, how they love the law, but finding nothing lovely, or lovable about Jesus is a fatal failure, in my opinion.
Whatever the COG's are giving you instead of Savior Jesus, can you tell Jesus that you are satisfied with and support that approach?
Can a COG be the church Jesus founded, if they discount him daily, and turn their back on him entirely in this season celebrating the coming of the Light of the World?
What is the truth DSW is referring to? Is it the "truth" that was revealed to HWA? even HWA admitted (not that he admitted, but he changed) error on things like Pentecostal and D&R. You can't have "the truth" and be in error at the same time. Is "truth" 1985 HWA? Well, LCG has changed numerous things since then also, for example they admit certain errors in Mystery of the Ages (humans being plan B etc). They have also changed doctrines of the falling away and going to heaven on sea of glass. So you can say you had "truth" if you have changed that "truth". Is "truth" all that they teach now? It is rather arrogant to assume that you are correct in all things and will never change. DSW references "the truth" about the coming KOG- many Jews have this "truth". What is the truth then? Jesus Himself tells us, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." (JOHN 14:6). It is too bad that LCG and many other COGs while claiming to have "the truth" (even in some ambiguous and nebulous version of truth) and de-emphasis the truth of Jesus. All you need to do to validate this is check out the Tomorrow’s World 'About Us' page. It doesn't mention the truth about Jesus coming to the earth to save us, it is too busy talking of God impending destruction.
Dangerous Doug Winnail opened with: “As much of the world celebrates the year-end holidays that originated in ancient pagan practice..”
As usual, Doug is being deceptive.
Christmas, as recorded in the Bible, started with all of heaven celebrating the birth of Jesus.
The most glorious Birthday celebration ever told of - the very one the COGs deny, can be found in Luke 2:13-14
"Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Merry Christmas and Joy to the world; the King has come!
Why is Doug worried about what the world of America and Britain celebrates, when he and Weston praise the worldly church of America and British Isrealism. Either you are the people of God (LCG) or British Israel (world)are the people of God, make up your mind!
Amen Anon 9:37. The ego drowns out reality. An over egged ego is Unreachable and resistant to chastisement.
Yes, FREE from FALSE so called Ministers!! FREE from the BONDAGE of men who THINK they know what the government of God is but are sadly deluded!! FREE from FALSE brethren and modern day Pharisees!! FREE and L❤️VING it!!
Thanks 11:57, 9:37 and 3:01 for lending support to my typological suggestion.
This Winnail guy wrote an article a while back entitled “What’s behind the War of History” and mentioned nothing about the individuals or nations that are involved in manufacturing and selling weapons of war. He didn’t even mention land or resources. I mean talk about peace on earth and truth. He’s not even close. His heart went right into that article.
Doug's commentary is titled: "Be Thankful for the Truth!" and he wrote another "profitable Sabbath" commentary several years ago under the same identical title; however, this one, although using some of the same scriptures, explains things differently, and that thread can be found on this Banned website for any interested.
But what Truth? Has Winnail, like a modern-day prophet of Baal, or the living group grown in any substantial Truth since they became established as a group? If so, then what Truth? Mickey Mouse Millennium? 3rd resurrection? "Another Jesus," magically some God in flesh during His first coming, to very soon have some “second coming” and then reign on earth for 1 0 0 0 years? Where is that Jesus? We learned theories like these since back in the WCG days, but were they of truth?
FWIIW, several portions of a November 2000 transcript of a sermon given may explain why Winnail, and other former WCG hirelings, haven't really learned much truth since about 1986:
"...Remember Elijah and the prophets of Baal, which you are, because you don’t preach the true gospel of Christ now, do you? In fact, all of you little prophets of Baal, you little angels of light!...This is no game. This isn’t: “Oh, I can have this little congregation do this little work. I can.”
Are you of God, or are you of Satan?...If you’re of Satan, you’ll be out there doing your own thing....What are you doing out there? Who do you think you are? God never gave you the authority to start your own churches.
Every one of you are “dead in the water” since 1986 when Herbert Armstrong died. You don’t know any more about the Bible: any more about anything than the day he died and stopped teaching you. When he stopped to teach, you stopped to learn and you haven’t progressed at all: none of you. None of you!...God is not inspiring you. He’s not directing you. Stop preaching “another gospel” of the kingdom of God! You still preach Satan’s gospel of this, don’t you?
Jesus Christ is not coming back to this earth, setting up some dinky little kingdom for a thousand years so you can get your little “jollies” running around and making people obey Him. It’s nowhere in the Bible! It’s all maneuvered! You didn’t actually read the Bible; did we? And I think we’re all guilty of that....You are the servants of that darkness, and that’s why you’re stuck in the mud. That’s why you have councils. That’s why you have all of these little councils voting on things, because God’s not directing any one of you…
…The prophets of Baal were really angry too, weren’t they?...You preach “another Christ.”…
"...He hasn’t revealed any truth to any one of them since 1986. That’s truth in itself, right there. They’re “dead in the water,” and they’re living “fat” off of the backs of the sheep. It’s not nice to hear, is it? That’s what’s happening!...“Oh, how can he do this? How can he do this? Oh, how can he accuse us of this?”
Do you see? They won’t accuse each other, because if they accuse each other, then they expose each other and they’ve got a nice little thing going. They’re raping you, and they don’t care, because they’re going to come first, not you!
Have you seen any of them sacrifice for any of you? Never! Never! It takes God’s Spirit to do that.
Did you see them ever share the wealth, do anything for God’s people, except beat them down, and beat them down? “Boy, you better stay in the places I tell you to stay at the Feast,” while they go off of the list and get big suites and stay in those. And yet, they don’t even help some little old lady go to the Feast.
I don’t have to drag up the dirt. Everybody knows the dirt. Just open your eyes to it. Ask God to open up your eyes to it....
To be continued…
Continuing portions of transcript
…You know all of these people in Israel gathered around Elijah. They didn’t believe him either. None of them but, boy, when that fire came down, when God’s hand started to get in there: “Whoa!” They said, “Whoa! Wait a minute! This is God’s servant. Do you know what? We better get rid of all of this stuff, and we better follow this.”
It’s the way it will be. That’s how important this is.
This thing of understanding that Jesus Christ was 100-percent flesh? This is the basis of your whole belief. If you don’t believe that, you’ve got nothing. Then it was a sham from the beginning. “All God, all man!” It doesn’t even make sense to the human mind. Well, it’s stupid, and only stupid things come from Satan, who is the author of stupidity. That’s how messed up our minds were. We actually bought some of that garbage.
You can’t be “all God, all man!” That’s impossible!
Did you ever see a dog-cat? No. You’ve seen a cat and you’ve seen a dog.
Let’s be reasonable about this. If Jesus Christ was anything other than 100-percent flesh and, of course, after baptizing, or baptism, receiving God’s Holy Spirit like, like we are - but if He was anything other than 100-percent flesh, then He’s a liar. His apostles are liars and God’s a liar. Friends, you might as well go out there and do anything you want, because this is all a big lie, and all of this stuff is in vain, isn’t it?
We’ll be reading the scriptures of how He came as one of you, and that He was born of flesh…Once you know that He was flesh, then you know it was God’s Holy Spirit that made Him perfect.
It wasn’t His choice or His character, because He was “all God!” Well, duh! I think He should have been better if He was God. Why was He even - why was He even tempted in all of those things? Why didn’t He just walk right on by, if He was God. It’s kind of stupid to tempt God, isn’t it?”
See? We don’t think! We don’t think. We’ve been told another gospel!
God’s Spirit did it in Him, and He must do it in us too. That’s the whole point!
If you’re going to become perfect, it’s God’s Spirit that has to draw you, and pull you and do that within you. You can’t do it on your own!
Jesus Christ said, “I am nothing. I can do nothing of my own.” Well, did He lie to us there, too? No! No, He didn’t lie to us.
God gets all the glory and that’s where those other prophets of Baal will not allow. They will never give the Father glory. They won’t do it. They can’t do it. They’re of a different spirit. It’s very simple...."
I can imagine that those Doug was addressing are thankful for what truth they believe they have; however, Doug concludes with saying: “…Let’s grow so that we can be more effective instruments in God’s hands,” putting a burden upon his followers by insinuating that they must grow (but, Doug, how?) more, or remain as the ineffective instruments that they currently are. What a burden that all is! Will Doug explain how much he has grown and how he, self, did it, and thus became so effective an instrument in God’s hands as Doug believes he is?
Time will tell…
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