Saturday, July 6, 2024

Rod Meredith's Brutal Take Down Of Bob Thiel And His "Egotistical Ideas"

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel loves to claim that Rod Meredith, Richard Ames, Doug Winnail, and other LCG evangelists/ministers ALL reportedly said that he was a prophet. That is just one more in a long stream of lies that the Great Bwana uses to manipulate people. This is exactly why Living Church of God members and the rest of the Church of God movement have all turned their backs on him. This is also why the lies he says about Gaylyn Bonjour and Dibar Apartian are all figments of his delusions and fantastical imaginations.

"However, Bob, your own remarkable vanity and “dreams of greatness” have greatly affected your ability to think clearly many times. Over the last few years, many of us have noted that you have begun to think of yourself in terms that are not realistic. Also, to abet your desires to be a “great one” in the Work, you have carefully and cleverly twisted and enlarged upon many things people have mentioned to you." -RCM 

"Recently, I had a meeting with Messrs. Ames, Winnail, Wakefield and my son, Jim, to discuss this paper you sent to Mr. Wakefield (and now I see you have also sent it to Messrs. Tyler and Weston). All of us in the meeting except Mr. Wakefield have gotten to know you somewhat and have heard many others express concern about your egotistical ideas that you believe you are a prophet or one of the two witnesses. I will not take the time to argue about every single point you bring up in your paper; that is not the important matter. I will just say that over and over you subtly twist, enlarge upon or exaggerate many of the things you think you heard—some of which you may have “partially heard” but enlarged upon in your own mind and received in a way that was not intended by the one doing the speaking." - also RCM

Hat tip RSK 


Anonymous said...

Recently, I had a meeting with Messrs. Ames, Winnail, Wakefield and my son, Jim, to discuss this paper you sent to Mr. Wakefield

While we are on the subject of egotistical people, what would qualify Jim Meredith to sit in on a meeting between Wakefield and those three evangelists to discuss a paper sent to Wakefield?

Anonymous said...

ooh...chuck-slapped like Will S. clocked Chris R. with at the awards

ka-slapppppp 💥👋🏻 wappppppp kung pao

Anonymous said...

Notice what Bob was really up to.

With Ames dead, Bob is now playing up the idea that Ames agreed with Bob but just didn't act on that agreement. But in reality, Bob sent a paper to Wakefield, Tyler, and Weston, instead of to Meredith, Winnail, and Ames, which strongly implies that Bob knew he was getting nowhere with Meredith, Winnail, and Ames, and was looking for new supporters.

Bob, as I know you are reading this, let me encourage you to GET HELP, spiritual and psychological. Ask God to help you see yourself the way others (and the Father, and Christ) see you. You seem to be good at lying to yourself, but others can see right through you. You come across as deluded and pathetic. Read your Bible and see how God portrays His prophets. Despite your self-estimation, you simply don't measure up. Especially when you whine about not being recognized. Real prophets get recognized by their fruit and don't have to beg.

Anonymous said...

Damn! That's a lot of butthurt dished out there.

Anonymous said...

You know what is so totally pathetic? Let's say you are cruising the internet. You are actually more likely to encounter one of those awful, annoying "Stuck Poop" ads than you are any sort of Armstrong related message. Some ingenious person figures out ways to get messages to people, and the ACOGs are not doing it! You'd think the Flurrys would have established "St. Herbie's Food Bank" in Edmond and would have press releases, food drives, and public service announcements blanketing the OKC radio and TV stations during holidays. Or LCG would find a way to tie into one of the NASCAR charities. Unless any of them can get past their typical withering sneers long enough to get out a sincere message of some sort, the water circling the drain is just going to continue dragging them further down. Just about the dumbest thing I can think of is translating booklets into dozens of micro languages that nobody even heard of. Doesn't anyone know enough to follow a money trail any more? Surely, one of these ACOGs has someone talented in the performance arts, or knowledgable in multi-media self publishing. I just can't believe that they all have the evangelism equivalent of writers' block. The law of averages demands that there would be at least some talented people amongst the membership.

Anonymous said...

It was ironic & still is to offer gospel in a "do not proselytize" manner, (oh, never knock on doors like Jehovah's Witnesses or go out 2 by 2 missionaries like Mormons) but at the same time have World Tomorrow booming forth on multitude of TV stations.

No need to proselytize, since the message goes to those "called" anyway. Is that why Edmond smugly ignores community service?

Preach by like Job's friends and harp on a guy down & out in critical condition at I.C.U.?

Anonymous said...

Well, 9:14, if you actually believe that, then apparently God is calling people to somewhere else. Also, I'm not a Mormon, but Jesus sent His disciples out just as the Mormon church sends out their young elders. It's right there in the Gospels. Also, there seemed to be a lot of personal evangelism throughout the New Testament, with the healings, and Apostles going to discuss matters at Temple, or in the public squares like Paul. What they were doing back then is discerning where the Holy Spirit was doing His work, and feeding that, cultivating it to bring forth fruit. There must be seeds planted to determine who is being called. This can be done in many ways, but the most effective is personal example.

I agree about the JW's though. The way they do things just pisses people off.

RSK said...

The whole letter really is quite the read. Bob, of course, turned around and claimed that as a prophet, he waa higher in rank than RCM and should have therefore been in charge of LCG.

RSK said...

Entire letter and a few followups are here:

Ronco said...

Thanks for posting, RSK. While I've read it more than a time or two, Spanky's letter to Bob never gets old- awesome, as Ron Weinland would say.

Once again, the consensus is the same... Get some help, Dr Bob!

9:14 00 PM PDT said...

Yes indeed personal evangelism & seeds planted by individual flockmembers is what I thought I saw discouraged back when I was in WCG. I saw more than once how WCG wore as some kind of badge the sentiment of, "we do not proselytize" & I was a bit taken aback. If I ever questioned it, I'd be slightly shunned by the rest of them as if I was "left of center", a rogue, maverick, independent free thinker who didn't conform to all WCG tenets & creed.

So, my 9:14 above was meant to be a bit sarcastic toward old WCG being so proud of their "not proselytizing". I was always secretly appreciating the way tract society publicly placed tracts, & J.W. & Mormons actually sowed seed personally, & how the Gideons left bibles in hotel rooms. I thought, wow, my WCG thinks those people are fanatics or Jesus freaks.

Sometimes I was only annoyed by J.W. if the same members came back again to the door too quickly after a previous visit. But to this day I actually feel warm to answer the door at least a min. & speak with them, I like the Jehovah Witness' calm personalities, even when I explain right away that I already "go to chuch".

The guys I have trouble with are the street preachers who obnoxiously approach you asking, "friend, if you die tonight do you know whether you'd be in heaven, or in hell?" Or if they ask, "friend, have you given your heart to Jesus?" I tell them I'm already baptized, they continue to press their agenda, & I lose patience with those types & become edgy, & I end up smarting off George Carlin style.

But J.W. are always pleasant at least. I drove them often to their services in Milwaukee on my job for paratransit handicap CDL van. They were much less political than I remember WCG being back in the Reagan era. But that job was Clinton era.

I do remember the P.T. newsstands though out around town proselytizing "a little bit", (sowing seeds).

RSK said...

He hasnt recycled his old retort to said letter yet. Which is too bad as it really does a good job of proving a number of RCMs points.

RSK said...

There was a great post somewhere (Quora maybe?) years ago where the author explained very carefully how the act of proselytizing, as most Christians perform it, is really just a self-stroking performance by the proseltyzer, not for the benefit of the folks theyre speaking to.