Saturday, October 12, 2024

Gerald Flurry: I am That Prophet And WIll Speak The Final Words To Christ


The blasphemy that comes out of Gerald Flurry's mouth is appalling. Even worse are the idiot members who sit there and believe this garbage. 

Armstrongism has produced some of the most brain-dead followers imaginable. Just look at the people who sit there each week listening to Flurry, Thiel, and Pack and hang on to their words as if God spoke them himself. Common sense and spiritual/intellectual discernment are truly lacking.


Anonymous said...

Why does Flurry always sound like he has just come off a long hard weekend bender? His voice is even more irritating than bouncing Bob's.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that if Gerry dies before Christ's return, he will have conclusively proved that his church is a fraud and that all the members should leave instead of following Lil Stevie?

Anonymous said...

Profoundly disturbing…………………

Anonymous said...

The answer is yes it does prove fraud - but knowing them they'll then say Jesus must resurrect Gerry so as to fulfill his stated mission!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

I think that when Flurry does finally stand before Jesus Christ he'd better keep his mouth shut and his head down!

Anonymous said...

I feel embarrassed for the man. Even Moses when he slipped, put himself as equal to God before the Israelites, while Gerald has put himself above Christ by supposedly handing Him a message. I assume this is Gerald's way of fighting back against those who want him to retire, but it's very much the wrong solution. At age 89, he needs to consider retiring rather than dishonoring himself by following in sleepy Joe's footsteps.

Anonymous said...

I do not hear him saying in this clip at least, that he himself is "that prophet". I do not support this man at all, but please people, let us not be like the mainstream media. Truth and context is everything.

Anonymous said...

It is the only truth he ever dissiminated. His last words will be uttered before Christ.....nck

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know the Flurry's since I left the WCG back in 1975. But I would not want to be in Steve Flurry's shoes when Gerald dies. Whereas several evangelists were seeking to fill HWA shoes when he died, I doubt if there are many who would envy whoever takes over after Flurry passes away. To be his successor would be like being given the control of the Titantic after it hit the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

Is he secretly eating mushrooms or smoking enhanced skunk weed? Flurry has really went down the rabbit hole and keeps heaping grandiose honors and titles upon himself. Have the members of PCOG just checked their brains at the door? He has made numerous prophecies and predictions that have failed dating back to the early 1990's

Anonymous said...

Steve has been doing the trumpet daily video segment on their web site for quite a while. In my opinion, his presentations and interviews are very professional.

Anonymous said...

He wrote a book called That Prophet where he…..literally declares himself as the prophesied That Prophet instead of Christ. The context of this KOD is that he is clearly referring to himself. I was a member there for many years, and anyone who questioned that teaching was kicked out. Here’s another exact quote from him in one of his articles you can find on their website: “I heard a voice announcing the new throne of David….I am a descendant of David, and God has given me the title of a king”. Before you act like you actually know anything and try to make excuses for someone like Gerald Flurry who teaches clear heresy, and destroys many families in the process, maybe you should do 2 seconds of research.

RSK said...

The PCG Shahada is "I bear witness that Herbert W. Armstrong was the Elijah to come and Gerald Flurry is That Prophet!" ;)

Anonymous said...

I do not know what planet you are on, but he has been proclaiming for years that he is "that prophet." He has booklets on it, and the internet is filled with stories about it.

Anonymous said...

False Prophets (and Identity Thieves) Claiming Titles

Gerald R. Flurry came up with a series of five sermons about 25 years ago in which he said that someone had been reading their Bible, came across Deuteronomy 18:18-19, and suggested that Gerald was the prophet referred to. Apparently, the guy did not know anything about Jesus being the one spoken about. Apparently, Gerald did not know anything about it either. So, modest little Gerald supposedly then humbly looked into the matter and discovered that he was indeed “That Prophet.”

Hundreds of people who did know that Jesus was “That Prophet” that everyone was supposed to listen to then left the PCG over the matter. Others just slept right through Gerald's boring ramblings.

Unfortunately, many of the former PCG cult members then went with David C. Pack and his RCG cult. David Pack wrote a booklet proving that Jesus was “That Prophet.” However, David Pack later deleted his own booklet and claimed that he was “That Prophet.” David Pack also wrote a booklet proving that Herbert W. Armstrong was the one who had been prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to restore all things. David Pack later deleted that booklet also and declared himself to be the Elijah.

Anonymous said...

It seems like whenever anyone who has actually been there and knows firsthand what has gone on in the PCG simply tells the plain truth about it, some idiotic ignoramous like the one at Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 1:35:45 AM PDT, without knowing anything at all, tries to imply that the report is not true and that the person is spreading slander.

DennisCDiehl said...

FEAST Smackdown: "The Church's greatest liar vs the Church's greatest fool-Gerald Flurry vs. David C Pack"