Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Gerald Flurry To Personally Deliver The Final Message To Christ When He Returns


There are two absolutely batshit crazy elements in the following letter from the Exit and Support Network site.

First off is this:

Gerald Flurry has declared it a SIN to not refer to their mini-me auditorium as God's House:

October 6, 2024 
I am writing about two very concerning things that have recently come from Gerald Flurry. 
The first being from the latest Royal Vision magazine. September/October 2024 in an article titled “Two Psalms That Make You Stop and Think” by Gerald Flurry. 
On page 6 he says: 
“That house [speaking about their Armstrong Auditorium] is called by God’s name! What kind of a sin it is to call it a different name, or not call it God’s house! What a terrible attitude that shows. This is God’s house!” 
So now that GF has declared it a sin not to call their silly little auditorium “God’s house” we shall all be waiting for them to publicly make this change–hopefully starting with their web page, X account, Facebook, Instagram account and even their Pinterest page! Let’s see if GF can put his money where his mouth is……. Or would that public proclamation interfere with the image they are trying to cultivate in the community? “We aren’t a cult!”

You can guarantee that there is no way the Philadelphia Church of God will start announcing concerts performing in "God's House" instead of the Amstrong Auditorium. This is all meant for his dumb sheeple to keep them under control. Flurry uses this phrase because Herbert did the same thing with his Ambassador Auditorium. No one called it God's House back then other than in a few limited articles and appeal letters. 

That building was soon a den of iniquity where alcohol and drugs flowed freely and where molestations, sexual assaults, thefts, and enough gay and straight sex that it would have taken weeks to sanitize it. Demons were reported to be active in it. Yet, it was God's House, at least Armstrongism's version where we pollute anything we came into contact with.

Next, we move on to the blasphemous King Gerald Flurry and this utter balderdash about where he will deliver spoken words in a final message to Jesus Christ when he returns.

Second, in a recent Key of David program, titled “Who is that Prophet? (2024)” the narcissistic, megalomaniac Gerald Flurry, made one of his craziest declarations thus far! At approximately 50 seconds into the program, he stated, 
“this man, who is ‘that Prophet’ is going to deliver the final message to Jesus Christ when he returns.” 
This blasphemous statement was also printed along the bottom of the screen, no mistake was made. And for those who may be new to learning about the PCG, Gerald Flurry claims he is “That Prophet,” among other tiles such as Apostle, King, etc. (Read: Biblical Titles Gerald Flurry Has Appropriated for Himself
So to clarify, GF has claimed that he receives revelation from Christ both through scriptures and hearing voices. This then begs the question, if GF has to give this message to Christ, who then who is actually “revealing“ these messages to GF? He actually believes he is so special that God will use him to deliver a message to His son Jesus Christ. Absolute insanity! He is essentially placing himself in a position above Jesus Christ! 
Those familiar with the workings of a cult and cult leaders will already know that things like this often happen with leaders. 
If this won’t raise a few eyebrows of the mind-controlled members, then at the very least hopefully it prevents new people from joining this religious cult, as their leader continues to escalate. –Z. A. Exit and Support Network

In spite of all this craziness, Armstrongism in its various imaginations claims they are God breathed into existence. God supposedly speaks directly to various leaders telling them all kinds of super fantastical tales and they then feel the need to report it to their dwindling flocks. There is no message that so many of these crazy loons proclaim that has worth for humanity. Jesus is never the center of attention of these groups.


Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Gerald Flurry is a very flawed and egocentric men who is operating under the delusion that Scripture identifies him and his Church as special. He is the same degree of human as you and me, and he has exactly the same opportunity that you and I have to be a part of God's Kingdom through Jesus Christ. Moreover, his cheap imitation of Ambassador Auditorium is no more God's House than Dodger Stadium is! We, the individual members of the ekklesia, are God's House!

Anonymous said...

Today's batch of church leaders are degenerate liars. God has had no part in setting them apart to start a church, lead a church, collect money, or speak on His behalf. This includes Bob Thiel and David Pack.

Anonymous said...

They all want to one up HWA and his "glory days". David Pack, and the others are no exception. Dillusion is a strong drug.

Anonymous said...

Bat shit crazy stems from the likening of a person to an abandoned church, which’s bell tower is infested and marked by bats and their excrement.

That is to say, not only is the church (person) empty , it has been empty for so long that time has allowed the bat's to have taken over - typified by the level of excrement everywhere.
How appropriate a term for Flurry's behavior and organization that he runs.

Anonymous said...

Crazy stuff. He is a a megalomaniac and it’s getting worse and worse. First he was going to hand over the throne to Jesus Christ and now he is even going to deliver a message to Jesus Christ! Who does he think he is?! The blasphemy gets worse and worse and he dare call himself a man of God! He is the son of an abusive alcoholic who once held a gun at his head. So a downtrodden Gerald set out to prove he was someone. He has spoken publicly how he had his heart set on becoming a minister in WCG. He was even frustrated that it took him longer than he thought. That was always a little alarm to me that someone set out to be a minister. Look where he is now puting himself on the same level of Jesus Christ. It’s disgusting and I wish I was never part of it!

Anonymous said...

Jesus : Hold my beer..... that is darn funny...... LOL......

Anonymous said...

Dwelling Places

In both Old Testament times and New Testament times there was a TEMPLE for God to dwell in.

Nowadays, God is expected to live in an AUDITORIUM, probably somewhere in the back behind the dressing rooms, and listen to all the noise that the performers make.

Anonymous said...

One of life's mysteries was why persecution sometimes increased as I got older. Then I discovered that these persecutors had been going backwards morally. The same with many of HWA's ministers.
Proverbs about wisdom accompanying old age isn't a law of nature. Many become worse.

Anonymous said...

All the dirty old men and filthy old women in Gerald Flurry's PCG cult seemed to have grown worse with age, not better.

John said...

Anon, Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 5:20:39 AM PDT, wrote:

"...Dwelling Places

In both Old Testament times and New Testament times there was a TEMPLE for God to dwell in.

Nowadays, God is expected to live in an AUDITORIUM, probably somewhere in the back behind the dressing rooms, and listen to all the noise that the performers make..."
And yes, that surely is true if we are to believe the words of 2 Thess.

2 Thess 2:3 " Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

But that "temple of God" and "man of sin" information is nothing new, b/c Paul was inspired to tell us that approximately 2,000 years ago.

And Paul also wrote: "Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?" 2 Thess 2:5

Was the man of sin revealed to Paul? Has he/it been revealed for our day and age?

Time will tell...


R.L. said...

Where in Scripture does it say someone will give Jesus a "final message" before He returns?

Unless it's what the scoffers say to God as the final plagues come down - and isn't that message blasphemous? (Rev. 16:21)

Tonto said...

ACTS 17:24 The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.

Anonymous said...

The website of, uh, "God's House" shows no name change yet. seems to be available, if Mr. Flurry hurries.

Anonymous said...

It seems that Flurry and Pack are competing with one another for the coveted title of World's Most Disturbed Cult Leader

Anonymous said...

It seems as of Gerald Flurry & David Pack are vying to see which can inherit the title of Armstrongism's version of Jim Jones. They have already ruined countless lives and families with their selfish edicts, demands and deceit. I guess they won't be satisfied until they cause some catastrophe.

Byker Bob said...

Wife (or girlfriend): "Where ya goin', Hon?

Hubby or Boy Friend: "Ah, gonna head on up to God's place and have me a couple beers!"


Free Your Mind said...

Wow, now Flurry believes that God lives in his auditorium? And that he has a message to give to Jesus Christ? Who from? Which god? I can only think of one god that fits this picture, who is telling Flurry to give a message to Jesus, and his name is Satan.

Byker Bob said...

If you happen to believe in panentheism, it's not that God lives in the auditorium, God IS the auditorium, because God made everything which exists from elements of Himself. It's how he manages to be omnipresent!