Saturday, October 19, 2024

Petra: Round 2-Another Failure

Two years ago, Samuel Kitchen headed off to Jerusalem to usher in the end times and gather the faithful Worldwide Church of God members. Devious crooks conned him with hotel reservations, and he had to leave Jerusalem and head off to Petra, where God had placed his name for the Feast. That turned into a major catastrophe that drove a wedge between his brothers and broke other relationships.

Never one to learn a lesson from the debacle, he is back this year in Petra for round 2 after Turkey ruined his orginal plans. This will once again will most assuredly be another bust.

Good morning brethren, 
I’ve been awake for almost 4 hours now already. I was awakened this morning in Petra, Jordan by a voice saying “What’s this, Samuel?” And since then i haven’t been able to go back asleep. 
And now, almost 7am in the morning, I am in my room asking God and contemplating why I have returned to Petra. 
Earlier in the year, I was actually looking into Egypt, to visit Mt. Sinai and to contemplate God’s great work there, during the Feast of Tabernacles.  
I was spurred to look for friendly countries, after listening to Gerald Waterhouse give a sermon, and after some prayer and research I settled on Egypt. I even purchased a plane tickets for my younger brother.  
I had booked our tickets through Turkish Airlines, and I was kind of nervous doing that considering the history of the Turkish people and the prophecies of the Bible.(Particularly Obadiah). 
Our 15hr layover was going to be in Istanbul, Turkey.  
Well a few weeks ago, Turkish airlines cancelled our connecting flight from Istanbul to Egypt, causing the cancellation of the entire trip.  
I began looking at inland United States, along the Florida, and Alabama coastlines, and wasn’t having any luck finding a suitable place to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 
I even looked along the eastern coastline, and even looked at European, and Asian countries, asking God to open a door to where He placed His name. 
Then I remembered, God did place His name here in Petra! In 2022, when God’s people were planning on assembling in Jerusalem, we were guided by Jesus Christ to Petra, Jordan. 
Last year I kept the Feast in Philadelphia, PA, and the website was started. Its function was to facilitate the ASSEMBLING of the membership of the Worldwide Church of God, and to show we are not completely destroyed as some assume. 
I find it interesting that it was in PHILADELPHIA that this world started forward in such a manner.  
But now this year, I was anticipating distress here in the United States, especially during the election year. I started to look at friendly countries that supported Mr Armstrong. I looked in Africa, and finally landed on Egypt.  
I realized how reasonable the prices were to travel there, and I sought to visit Mt. Sinai, and stay there for the duration of this years Feast of Tabernacles.  
Suddenly $2,000+ landed in my hands from new customers and I had the ability to purchase tickets and reserve hotel stays. So I did. I knew that it was safe in God’s hands. He provided the money, and even though I was struggling financially, I decided to put God first, and make sure His Feast and Holy Days were taken care of first! 
As we approached Feast time, with the upset and troubles in the Middle East, airports began to close. Our way into Egypt, was through Turkey. 
And when they cancelled, the book of Obadiah came instantly to my mind.
“For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever.
“In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them.(against God’s Church)
“But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress.
“Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; (into the congregations of the Worldwide Church of God)yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity”(verses 10-13)
We begin to see who took the “substance” of the WCG organization, should NOT have done such.
“Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress.”(verse 14)
Now, those of the Worldwide Church of God was persecuted!(Rev. 12:13) We were targeted with oppression, in order to NOT assemble together.
What happened was the membership of the Worldwide Church of God was forced to assemble in other churches and other groups! (And they used the name of “the Church of God” to cast the net over them! The wolves did the pushing, to force the flock into a scattered condition, where a “network” worked on the people! No longer were they together as they were assembled under Christ’s apostle Herbert W Armstrong!
It’s been a real battle to reassemble as the Worldwide Church of God, doing it God’s way! My family did so under great scrutiny, and peril.
So much so, new church groups and websites were started to copy us and our work, and their goal was to eliminate the warning message to our Laodicean brethren!!
My family was hit tremendously, and some have died in this battle to assemble as God has called us to assemble!
So in 2022, I sought to declare the continued existence of the Worldwide Church of God here in Jerusalem. As soon as that was declared, and as soon as we met up with fellow brethren, we were moved to Petra, Jordan. There we kept the Holy Days and the Festivals of God! It was made crystal clear where God placed His name!
So as I looked at friendly countries, and as plans began to fall through, I was looking at Egypt. I found a scripture in 1 Kings 19, where Elijah fearing for his life, thinking he was the ONLY SERVANT OF GOD LEFT ON EARTH, fled Jezebel’s slaughter and ran into the wilderness a day, and was prepared to die. He asked God to kill him. But God gave him food and strength and he continued his journey to Mt. Sinai!
There wind, earthquakes and fires were persecuting Elijah! God’s Word says “The Lord wasn’t in them”. Now who was behind those things and using those things, if God wasn’t? Satan the Devil wanted Elijah dead.
Now here was Elijah at Mt. Sinai, now located in modern Egypt, facing great persecution. Then he heard the voice of God, and there you see the man of Gid responding!
The Lord asked him “Why are you here, Elijah?” Elijah responded saying “And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.”(verse 14)
God asked him again, “Why are you here, Elijah?” And again Elijah repeated what he said before!
Elijah came to Mt.Sinai, his entire life focused on the work of God. He was fleeing an unsafe environment, trying to stay alive to finish what was given him to do. He had thoughts he was done, so he asked for death.
But God was yet to FINISH the Elijah work, and God orders Elijah to return.
So after looking at Egypt, I found this scripture, and thought I was to go to Egypt. But then Modern day Edom, and Esau, which is Turkey, stopped my ability to go there. So I began to think on why I looked at Mt. Sinai, and God’s question to Elijah kept coming back to me. Why there? God says go back to “this location” to finish the job. Back to where God placed HIS NAME, and Elijah went back with the name of God stamped on him!
And so coming back to Petra, is very interesting. There aren’t any brethren here with me. I’m alone. But many brethren are with me in spirit, and have joined with me via The Worldwide Church of God website, where they are!
This past year, Satan has inspired some to rise up to claim the name of God’s true Church, and to have approval from Caesar against us. To keep us from assembling without their involvement.
So as far as I know, Petra, Jordan is the Headquarters of God’s True Church right now! He has placed His name here, and no other impostor can erase this fact!
All the prophecies of this Church shows this Church going into “her place”(Revelation 12:14). She isn’t recognized as having ANY OTHER PLACE TO GO!
So while others are assembling in Tennessee and other places which are convenient for them, God’s Church is and will end up assembling where God says is HER PLACE!
That is not the word of Samuel Kitchen! God’s Word says this Chirch will go to a place of safety!
Now returning back to Obadiah 1, and the persecution this Chirch is receiving, let’s read verse 16.
“For as ye”…the spiritual edomites who have attempted to rob and destroy the Worldwide Church of God…”have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been.”
Yes they have been drinking and gobbling up everything this Church (which only has God’s government restored)has put out, so much they even grasp to lay claim of possession on what is NOT theirs!
What is coming, against them, is from Jesus Christ!
And while Christ moved me around the blocking of my path to the Feast, and led me safely back to where his name was placed, perhaps my job is to once again announce where God’s Church, the Worldwide Church of God is headquarter and based out of!!!
Last year, even some from other groups, had to flee Jerusalem to Jordan to escape war. I think that highlights this even more!
The Worldwide Church of God is alive! And I’m here in Petra, Jordan hosting online for brethren all around the world.
Listen to God’s apostle, and the ministry who have prepared messages for our time. Let the true witness, which is Jesus Christ, remind you of what He has said. Have a wonderful feast everyone! I am praying for your safety and blessing.
In Christ’s name,
Samuel W Kitchen


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, some illnesses stay with us for the remainder of our lives, and continue to become progressively worse. That's about all a person can say about this.

DennisCDiehl said...

The man is delusional with massive religious content. He doesn't need a congregation. He needs a good counselor and medication to see if he can't transition back to some kind of normalcy which will probably be elusive for the man based on his obsessive and compulsive behaviors with regard to what he thinks his God wants him to do and where he wants him to do it.

Anonymous said...

We flew from the States to Greece on Turkish Airlines. No issues and no closed airports.

Anonymous said...

This Armstrongist preacher stated, “…considering the history of the Turkish people and the prophecies of the Bible. (Particularly Obadiah).”

I have a fact-check on this. The people of Turkey are not descended from Edom or Esau. This is how the Bible can be used to support prejudicial ideas about various ethnic groups. We all recognize how the incident involving Canaan was used dubiously in the WCG to categorize Blacks.

The descendants of Esau, whoever they are and wherever they are, probably some Arab group, would be y chromosome haplogroup J like the Jews and other Middle Eastern people. (See the Wikipedia article titled “Haplogroup J (Y-DNA)”.

The Turks are a mixed people with their population reflecting 14 principal y chromosome haplogroups and a bunch of trace haplogroups. They are 24% haplogroup J2 which seems to be indigenous to Anatolia rather than J1 which is heavily concentrated on the Arabian Peninsula. The J1 haplogroup, mostly like to reflect the putative haplogroup of Edom, exists at only 9% among Turks – hardly provides support for classifying the entire nation as “Edom.” You can’t take a mixed population and slap a Biblical racial identity on them and be credible. The preacher, of course, is relying on the Hoeh Legendarium. But the fact that he does so, after Hoeh renounced these ideas, casts doubt on everything else he writes.


Anonymous said...

The preacher seeking experiences of God is pleased to recount anything and believe anything that causes him to believe he has some important purpose. The facts are the least important and become unwelcome if they stand in the way of this blind experience seeking.

Anonymous said...

And yet, there is no shortage of those who seek to be the Elvis of Armstrongism! Actually, the only one who got to be Elvis was HWA, who died with the most toys and won. Nobody else was even able to hold on to the amassed wealth accumulated by HWA. That was his primary talent. His heirs and followers destroyed the empire, and now point fingers at one another.