Monday, October 14, 2024

The Most Pathetic Feast Prep Member Letter Ever

Imagine being part of dead Ted's group as you prepare for this year's Feast of Tabernacles and you get this uplifting member letter from your leader. If we thought Bob Thiel was scrapping the bottom of the barrel, Mark Armstrong puts him to shame.

The world is going to hell in a handbasket, though we have heard this exact same phrases for 8 decades now:

Greetings from Tyler, 

Here we are on the eve of the Day of Atonement, and worrying about our situation.  I can’t remember a time when we were in more trouble.  The Middle East?  Nobody knows what will happen, but it looks like Israel is going deep inside Lebanon, in essence pushing the terrorists back if they can’t kill them.

The media is all in. They’re non-stop in their constant accusations against the former President. Meanwhile, Kamala has landed on the cover of Vogue magazine Who’d have thought?  The left used to love Elon Musk.  After all he’s known for battery cars, and operating space rockets.  We thought they were all about saving the planet and making us drive cars we don’t want.  Wrong.  Elon’s been seen jumping around at a Trump rally, the kiss of death.  He wonders aloud how many years he’ll do in prison if they don’t win.

Top generals are warning that Trump will be a fascist dictator if he wins.  Didn’t we already go through a Trump presidency?  Was he a fascist dictator?  General Milley is putting out a warning that if re-elected, he will be.  The media is salivating over what kind of dirt insiders can throw, and who knows what’s happened in previous lifetimes?  I listen to his rallies, all of them, and don’t know what they’re talking about.  Wars?  We’ve got two dangerous ones in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.  Both, as you know, got underway afterward.

I saw an interaction with one of Elon Musk’s robots, and have to admit I was impressed.  The thing carried on a conversation with somebody.  Maybe there’s no stopping it now, especially since the price tag is only around twenty grand.  Everybody will have a robotic slave!

We’re getting ready to go to the Feast.  Yes, I know there have been hurricanes spawning countless tornados.  I’d rather chance it in Panama City Beach.  Maybe I shouldn’t have stopped flying to all the sites.  It was already miserable, and with Covid there were just too many regulations.  It was bad before, and it got worse.  Maybe these people do a good job, but don’t mind handing out abuse to regular Americans.  That’s me.  It’s all too much.  If they back off their airline authoritarianism maybe I’ll do it again, but don’t count on it. 

The new WATCH magazine has arrived at our office, and we’ll be bringing, or sending copies to each of the Feast sites.  You’ll get to at least see it at the Feast, and maybe page through it.  We are particularly proud of this edition, and I hope you’ll agree.

I hope I’m wrong, but I think we’re facing a dangerous time in America.  Something tells me neither side is going to accept losing the election.  What are we looking at?  Another round of the agitators burning cities?  Assassinations?  We have no idea what’s about to happen.  The left is smearing Donald Trump with every headline.  Having listened to almost all of the Trump rallies and some interviews, I’m not afraid.  Not of Trump, anyway. 

Mark should have said: Now that I have crapped all over your mindset, I want you to get ready for a fun feast as we are working to make it memorable...sigh 

I hope that all of you are getting ready to go to the Feast.  We’re working hard to make sure each and every one of them is memorable for all the right reasons.  


Why are so many COG leaders such miserable and angry guys? Does anything make them happy? It's like they make a concerted effort to depress their members so that they live in a constant state of fear. The more fearful they are, the more they cling to controlling gaslighting ministers to lead them


Anonymous said...

Mark is another one who has wilfully turned a deaf ear to what Trump actually says that he will do if elected to a second term. Some people honestly believe they will be voting for smaller government and fiscal and cultural conservatism, and are not hearing all of the horrendous things he is telling us he will be adding to that. They are also not holding him accountable for the incredible litany of blatant lies he tells on an hourly basis.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand this Millerite group’s naïve advocacy of Donald Trump. They should become familiar with the beliefs of Paula White, the former chair of Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board, and the New Apolostolic Reformation (NAR). The NAR believes that Utah is under the dominion of Satan because of the large presence of Mormons there. What do you think they will believe about a bunch of little denominations of heretical Millerites. The Armstrongists seem to be focused on the White Nationalism aspect of the conservative White evangelical movement and are not seeing the fact that they will be regarded as heretics if there is domination of religion by Trump followers. If this guy thinks things are bad in the USA today, wait until he gets the Trump religious associates after him personally and he finds himself an unwanted star of Trump social media.

RSK said...

Trump this and Trump that. What happened to "do not love the world or the things of the world"?

Anonymous said...

No fan of Mark Armstrong, however I agree with him when he points out that we already know that Trump is no dictator because he has already been President and we saw how he governed. Frankly, if Hillary or some other democrat was President, we would have seen them use the Covid crisis even more strongly than the Democrats did while not in the executive branch of the U.S.
Very thankful we had Trump rather than Hillary Clinton.
Does anyone really believe Trump, limited to only one available term, will be anything similar to a dictator? I believe it's absurd to think so. And, we have the counter evidence of having already has been President. I think it is just used as political tripe...even on this website.

The Left's desire to stifle free speech is the real concern. They believe they alone should be able to determine acceptable speech and what is untrue. They are the ones that have utilized lawfare and undermined our judicial system.
In all my discussions, I have never heard anyone (except for a few instances on TV) declare themselves a white nationalist. That again is a liberal media term meant to diminish those that do not agree with open borders as the Democrat leadership does.

Anonymous said...

What horrendous things will he be adding? Enquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Protestants & Catholics (and especially hardshell Baptists) are among the most intolerant people out there. They think everyone should believe as they do and will not hesitate to twist arms to bring about compliance. Living under their rule would be very challenging for those in God's Church.

John said...

Mark Armstrong wrote: "...Here we are on the eve of the Day of Atonement, and worrying about our situation. I can’t remember a time when we were in more trouble. The Middle East? Nobody knows what will happen, but it looks like Israel is going deep inside Lebanon, in essence pushing the terrorists back if they can’t kill them...

...I hope I’m wrong, but I think we’re facing a dangerous time in America. Something tells me neither side is going to accept losing the election. What are we looking at? Another round of the agitators burning cities? Assassinations? We have no idea what’s about to happen...."
Twice Mark says something like: "...Nobody knows what will happen...We have no idea what’s about to happen."

Mark could read Jonathan Cahn's latest book on the Dragon's Prophecy, b/c he thinks he knows as he explains things that happened between the ancient Israelites/Philistines Biblically-speaking and the modern day Israelites/Philistines...almost like there is nothing new under the sun, as history strangely seems to repeat itself (similar to Doug Winnail repeating himself in his writings over and over again), but with different individuals over time. JCahn talks about jubilees like in the years 1867,1917, 1967, 2017 (Trump declaring Jerusalem capitol of Israelites), but Jonathan has his own idea, like most of us, as to what God's Plan to save humanity is all about.

But Mark A says: "Nobody knows...we have no idea," but we do know what's ahead, and we don't need Jonathan Cahn's assistance!

For example, what about the wrath of the Lamb (7 Trumps), and what about the wrath of God (7 Vials/"Last" Plagues) to occur AFTER Satan exits some pit? None of those have happened no matter how evil, disastrous Helene and Milton were in the USA.

Is Mark right or wrong in his assessments of facing a disastrous time in America?

I suspect Yes, but...

Time will tell...


Byker Bob said...

Only in "the Bubble"! News item today! The lives of educated meteorologists are being threatened by followers of Marjorie Taylor Greene because they attempted to dispel the fears she spread when she stated that opponents of former president Trump had engineered and caused the hurricanes!

What's next? A witch-burning revival?

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows …….Nobody Knows the trouble I’ve ………..

Anonymous said...

One thing certain to be next is anti-police rhetoric with police actually being ambushed and killed by defund the police supporters.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here know Mark Armstrong personally? I've often wondered if he really wanted to follow in his father's footsteps or is he really a frustrated architect or whatever he might have wanted to become. Is he in this position out of family obligation or expectations?

Anonymous said...

You really think Trump handled the covid crisis well. The man started out saying the virus was a hoax. The man is a liar, and your bible says all liars will have their place in a lake. His covid response is why he lost the election. The problem with people who are maga or trump supporters, is that they put their trust and faith in a man who has hijacked the party instead of Christ. And it’s even more dangerous for people in the splinter groups, especially ministers who claim not to take sides, but in their heart of hearts they do.

You are correct about the Left and the freedom of speech. I can’t argue with you there. But both party have their issues.

Your issue is the shallow meaning of “white nationalist” or the term christian nationalist. See it’s all the same, and actually the British-American Israel doctrine is basically in the same category as the christian nationalist (which is in realm of white nationalist). The liberal left can mention it or not mention it. Rod McNair of the LCG just did an article in the latest TW magazine called “Dangerous Christianity”, where he does mention some of the dangers of christian nationalist (who are within the mainstream of Christianity). They happen to be involved in the politics of the world. But Armstrongism can’t quite connect the dots.

You are probably right in that Trump may be the best fit to run the country, but your faith should resemble that of, God’s kingdom is not of this world. The border issue has been going on for decades, the mainstream pawns it off as liberal issue, but the conservatives could have dealt with the issue a long time ago and built a wall, but they simply love cheap labor too.

Anonymous said...

Hard to tell, 5:12. GTA was legitimately famous during Mark's younger years, and the offspring of iconic people are susceptible to unimaginable pressures and identity crises. Perpetuating the lifestyle of one's youth ultimately becomes very much a thing, even if one repudiates the original source of the fame.

Having been in the Pasadena area and a WCG member, many of us saw Mark from a distance and heard all the rumors. His image in the early '70s was decidedly counter-culture. Had his father remained in the fold, or had he not maintained dual lifestyles that publically and shamefully spilled over into each other, he and his brothers might have had much greater opportunities in HWA's empire. Mark was actively killing his opportunities in that at the same time GTA was unraveling. Both ended up retaining Armstrongism and living the core of it, but there was no fame or glory to be had even for those who had always been stalwarts. The zeitgeist had already cruelly passed.

There is "arena rock", and there are small bands or combos that spend their musical careers performing in small clubs. During Mark's lifespan, metaphorically speaking, Armstrongism went from arenas to the small clubs. Performers in both types of venues do most of the same things, and are equally talented. The rewards and financial remuneration for small scale ooerations are much more sparse than for large scale ones. There just isn't the same magic which brings mass acclaim.

Welcome to Purgatory. It's just something that can happen to one in life.

John said...

Anon, Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 5:12:33 AM PDT, wrote:

"...Does anyone here know Mark Armstrong personally? I've often wondered if he really wanted to follow in his father's footsteps or is he really a frustrated architect or whatever he might have wanted to become. Is he in this position out of family obligation or expectations?
I don't have much to say here, but to share an experience. Three years ago (2021), I was in Branson, MO at Westgate Branson Hills Resort and it was the day after the Eighth Day, aka the Great Last Day, and I got on an elevator and this man was on it. People were preparing to depart for their homes. He was from the Tyler, TX area, and while the elevator was heading down, he struck up a conversation about golfing, which I only tried once decades ago and the ball would never yield and go straight; that was it for me. I shared that; he apparently liked the golfing rates in the Branson area.

He asked what country I was from; I told him I was from New England. We got off the elevator and headed toward our vehicles and we asked each others names. He said Mark Armstrong; I didn't recognise him, but I asked him if he was related to Herbert W. Armstrong. He said yes. I said I stayed with the former WCG for a quarter of a century and left it in 1995, attended the Indianapolis Conference that formed the United ASS, which initially used the acronym of ucgaia. Subsequently, United learned someone else had that ucgaia, some pronounced it "uc gaia," and dropped out that "a" to leave ucgia.
Anyway, I remained a part of United Ass. for three years and then went elsewhere.
Mark asked me if I had any regrets with being a part of WCG, to which I replied: "No."
As we continued to walk away from each other he said something like, paraphrasing as best as I can remember: "You must be the only one who feels that way," as he laughing continued toward his car.

I must admit once Mark mentioned his name was Armstrong, I thought he does remind me of GTA years agon with silvery hair. During that Feast year I did meet a Michael Armstrong, who I believe was a son of Mark.

Anyway, I don't know either men too personally, but they both were friendly to speak with and chit-chat some. Michael's wife was pregnant and due with child very near that Feast time.

Regardless of what anyone says, I strive not to blame/judge others and remind myself of Ephesians 6:12, which states: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]."

I usually like to think that we all are striving to do the best we can with whatever we have, and we both did enjoy the opportunity to meet one another for a very short time but, and will we ever meet again. I suspect yes, but...

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

No, I don't think Trump handled it particularly well. I believe he was doomed whichever way he went. My point is that he did not go authoritarian in the face of the crisis as a Dem President would have. "They follow Obama and Hillary lovin' Rahm Immanuel's "No good crisis should go to waste" advice.
We already see that Trump is not an authoritarian. He doesn't stifle free speech; he doesn't use lawfare; he doesn't (or can't) cancel disagreeing media; he doesn't continually push the absurd doctrines of the left that are creating cognitive dissonance among the US population; etc.

I have never spoken with a Trump supporting Christian who thought Trump was the answer to our troubles. We shouldn't think the new job or new relationship or a windfall is the answer to our troubles either. Christ is the ultimate answer, but the decisions we make (including our vote) can make a difference in our lives, hopefully for the good.
But, as one noted sage reminds...

Time will tell...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Purgatory?

Which one did you have in mind? Is that the Purgatory that Catholics associate with heaven and hell?

Or, is that the Purgatory mentioned in the movie: Four Fast Guns?

Partial synopsis of that movie:

"Tom Sabin, wanted for the murder of Jay Cassavedas, is riding toward the town of Purgatory when he is stopped by Haggerty, a noted "town tamer" who threw him out of Kansas and now intends to bring law and order to Purgatory. When Tom refuses to avoid Purgatory, Haggerty tries to shoot his gun hand, forcing Tom to kill him. Tom then travels to Purgatory, where the townspeople accept his story that Haggerty sent him, and offer him their collection of cash to rid the town of the crooked businessman who runs the town, saloon owner Hoag. Tom agrees to take the job, but requests that the money be sent to Cassavedas' widow. As Tom peerswo into Hoag's saloon, Hoag receives a statue of the Venus de Milo, which he proudly places on his piano. Tom admires the most beautiful woman in the room, but upon learning that she is Hoag's wife Mary, leaves to set up his headquarters in the former marshal's office. Hoag sends his henchman, Grady, to the office to kill Tom, but Tom easily shoots him first. Noting a wanted poster on the wall bearing his image, Tom takes it down, then wakes Dipper, the local drunkard who lives in the jail. Dipper recognizes Tom from the wanted poster, and informs him that Hoag is unstoppable. Tom soon learns why, when he visits the saloon that night to confront Hoag about recent castle rustling activities, and discovers that Hoag is confined to a wheelchair. Knowing that the Western code does not allow a man to shoot someone who is handicapped, Hoag brazenly informs Tom that he has sent for the three fastest guns in the area,...etc."

Just curious.


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:24 Yea, the left has doctrines that are detrimental to true to our liberties. I have heard several Trump supporters who think Trump is the answer to our troubles (so I disagree with you). Would a Trump admin improve the housing market, student loans and tuition cost, inflation, increase in wages, But what would be interesting is how Trump would handle the Israel situation. It's interesting that the Israel support is bipartisan, but everything else they are in opposition. The danger of Trump isn't really domestic, it's what this guy might do abroad. America regardless of how armstrongism tries to make it an "israelite darlin" is actually an empire. Empires that fall, when they fall generally tend to have that leader that goes over the top, Napoleon, Hitler etc. Not saying he's a dictator just saying, the pride comes before the fall. We got two fronts, Ukraine and Israel, so "time will tell". We are living in some dangerous times. So America will need our very best leader, and the character and pen/order of a Trump at the ages of 79-83, well, you/me we better have some faith in Christ. Greater is He in you that is in the world. One stupid decision could alter a magnanimous events.

Phinnpoy said...

If you want to learn the full story about the NAR, go to This site has many videos, articles, and books about it. It's a very scary thing. BTW, one of the interesting things on this site is documentation that British-Israelism was very popular in the early Pentecostal movement. And Herbert Armstrong is mentioned as a leader in the larger B-I movement.