Tuesday, January 7, 2025

LCG Members Suffering Trials

Things must be rough in LCGland, as it seems they are suffering many trials right now. If things are rough now, imagine what's going to be like when the Germans arrive to put everyone in concentration camps and send their children to Europe to be their slaves.

God’s Perspective on Trials: Sometimes, when we encounter trials and difficulties, we wonder if God has forsaken us. In such times, we need to remember several fundamental scriptures. Jesus told His disciples, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). God has also promised to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). The Apostle Paul reminds us that “all things work together for good to those who love God” (Roman 8:28), and that even in trials, God will make a “way of escape” if we look to Him (1 Corinthians 10:13). James wrote that trials are opportunities to build patience and exercise faith in God and His promises—while we do our part to work through the challenges we face (James 1:1–12). When we encounter trials, let’s strive to remember this godly perspective and pray earnestly for one another.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail


Anonymous said...

LCG brethren are experiencing the trial of re-reading Winnail's recycled messages. Does he think people don't notice? Or does he assume that most people don't stay in LCG long enough to notice?

Anonymous said...

'Have a profitable sabbath' is a trial to read every time whatever it means

Anonymous said...

You know when we get older we all suffer trials, aches and pains. We can't move like we used to, lots of doctors visits if we didn't take care of ourselves. On another note, we in modern day America haven't faced hardly any trials like those of the first century church, from whom Winnail used those scriptures from. Many ACOG bring trials unto themselves, I know I did when I was there. The trials certainly didn't come from the Roman Church, or Germany. If it did come from any group of people, it came from individuals from my home country and persecution from a few ministers in splinterdom.

Anonymous said...

'Have a profitable sabbath' is a trial to read every time whatever it means

It means Doug's conscience doesn't bother him when he repurposes decade-old platitudes to fulfill his present job duties. There are scriptures condemning such laziness, and other LCG ministers aren't shy about teaching that it's a sin to deprive your employer of your fresh and best work. But Doug has found a profitable gig, having found ways to maximize his profit while minimizing his effort.

R.L. said...

Nice to know the keepers of this blog don't have any trials at all. What's your secret?

Anonymous said...

Trials are good to a point. It's when they become excessive or constant that we can know that we may not be living quite right. Much of the bad stuff that happens to us, we do to ourselves, through lack of education, carelessness, or bad decisions.

Also, I never quite understood the need to upgrade totally physical problems into the spiritual realm. If your 150,000 mile car breaks down, it's not an attack by Satan, and had nothing to do with whether you got in your prayer and Bible Study that morning. It was a perfectly normal happening, resulting from wear and usage.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:25:37 PM PST
Depends on what you classify as a ‘trial’.
And should we share it with an Armstrong cog minister? Are they qualified to deal with some of the issues we can all face? There’s plenty of good sound solid advice out there to help one navigate through life and lead an ‘upright’ lifestyle in keeping with Christian values.
Life has plenty of ups and downs which many non religious folk have no problem as saying ‘trial’. And not every ‘trial’ is from God.
Pain is part of life. There is a cost to everything and suffering may be the part of the cost. Pain is not necessarily punishment and pleasure is not necessarily a reward. Pain can be source of tremendous growth. There is no need to seek out pain, life will send you its measure.

Anonymous said...

"God's Perspective on Trials" would be a good title for an article about Rod Meredith's choice to let WCG pay for the Leona McNair lawsuit, then to jump ship and start his Global church as soon as the trial was over and WCG paid out the settlement money.