Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dave Pack: It's Abib 1 for the return of Jesus Christ. March 29, 2025!


Abib Overkill

After years of carefully documenting and studying the words of David C. Pack, I have concluded that his brain and his mouth do not communicate with each other.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God often makes a contradictory statement in the next breath. He blasphemes God while thinking he is being colorful. He boasts about things that should cause him shame. He exposes lies he meant to hide. He sometimes rolls along at such a manic pace that he cannot complete a singular thought without multiple disruptions.

He just “knew” nothing biblical would happen on a date he spent weeks teaching it would.

Only David C. Pack can be right while being wrong.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 558)” on February 15, 2025, David C. Pack continued preaching with the same righteously self-assured bravado as the other 557 occasions. But, this time, it will be different. Wink-wink.

Jesus Christ Will Return on His Birthday
Abib 1 – March 29, 2025

Even though Dave claimed he could convince members about the surety of Abib 1 this year during just a sermonette, he provided evidential overkill so everyone could confidently go home feeling as conclusive as he did.

Well…unlike the other 94 dates since March 2022. Being wrong that many times about prophetic matters should be overkill when deciding if David C. Pack speaks with God's authority.


Dave figured the best introduction to his Abib overkill was to sandwich it with blaming the doctrines of The Worldwide Church of God. He seized another opportunity to drive over Herbert W. Armstrong’s corpse.

Part 558 – February 15, 2025
@ 05:18 I didn't think Mr. Armstrong was right, and he wasn't. But we weren't either.

@ 06:46 We've been unclear so long for so long, years, on when God will intervene, that I'm going to use overkill. I mean, the the biggest overkill I I could, I guess, to prove Abib starts all three measures of the Kingdom… So maybe you could say, “Well, why didn't we see that right away?” Well, Mr. Armstrong never did. He only saw one Kingdom, and he had it at Trumpets. So that's that's your starting point for 50 years. That'll that'll that'll affect you. You won't necessarily see Abib right away.

Herbert W. Armstrong. Getting in our way for over 50 years.™

@ 57:04 They [members who left] didn’t wanna hear about that because I couldn’t get the date right. Now it.There’s some people didn’t cut me any slack because I was coming off of a of a background was only one thousand years, and it started at Trumpets, and we thought this was [1335 wooden block] this was what kicked it off.

He said this during Part 558. Part five hundred and fifty-eight.

David C. Pack has had 12 years of slack. His first and most important failure was on August 30, 2013, when the Kingdom of God did not arrive at the Wadsworth Campus. Jesus Christ did not ring Dave's doorbell. Angels driving fiery chariots did not arrive at members' homes across the globe to bring them to Ohio. Dave has had plenty of slack, including the 94 failed dates just since March 2022.

What is genuinely overkill is how many dates David C. Pack has set and still has his job. The Bible gives people one shot to prove whether they are true or false. The Headquarters enablers allow an all-you-can-eat buffet of biblical fraud.

Thinking Dave will FINALLY nail it next month is an overkill in foolishness.


Why is a publicly declared non-prophet/non-psychic more accurate about future outcomes than Pastor General David C. Pack?

Fool’s Gold – February 15, 2025
The 1335 did not begin on February 12 13, 2025, but Dave got in front of it so that he could later claim his suspicions were correct. It is pretty funny how he will teach about a date and express his doubts just before it happens so he can later claim he “was right” about nothing happening…on a date he set.


Part 558 – February 15, 2025
@ 00:32 Well, let’s just do this officially together. And I knew before the day passed that we would. This [1335 & 1290 wooden blocks] is entirely wrong. And it's as wrong as Mr. Armstrong had it wrong in a different way.

Shakespeare can sometimes ring as true as a Bible verse.

@ 04:16 And I didn't need. I want you to know this. I did not need the 1335 to pass to know Abib was the target. Now, I I I thought, "That's backing in, and it's almost cowardly. What am I missing that I need to see 1335 pass, then I'll know?" I saw the powerful case emerging for Abib, but I wanted to see it based on what God said, not because the calendar date rolled over far enough that it just became impossible. And that is what happened. I was getting close, but this [1335 wooden block] was just a very, very, very thorny problem to try to address.

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Talk about denial overkill. When Dave unintentionally exposes himself, it is due to his brain and lips having a dysfunctional relationship.

David C. Pack is a blaspheming, hypocritical liar. Based upon his own words, it would not be overkill to add cowardly to the list.


Dave has no problem kicking Herbie’s corpse in the nuts when it satisfies his purpose, and we can all share a chuckle about that.

However, David C. Pack expresses no fear when he blasphemes God. He has an alarming habit of giving God credit for theories later proven false, blames God when nothing happens as he assumed, teaches lies while claiming God’s authority, and declares God as the inspiration for the content and duration of the Series.

In his zeal to provide Abib overkill, Dave’s tongue ran riot while his brain napped.

@ 45:24 That can’t be right. So, I knew that was wrong. So, I moved it to the front until, eventually, God destroyed that because we’re we’re steaming down on the date. At some point, we had to know when this was gonna happen because it’s a date that can’t tarry and will surely come.

David C. Pack just made his god a liar.

Dennis Diehl aptly pointed out: "Dave only lives in the present. He cannot remember the past or consider the future."

The scattered, corrupted thinking of David C. Pack does not allow him to consider his ways. He does not comprehend what he says, and the brethren of The Restored Church of God are too weary to think critically.

Dave just said that “God destroyed” the theory about the 1335 and 1290 beginning on February 13. Dave previously claimed that God had revealed this, and it was not his own idea. If God originally inspired the February 13 construct but later destroyed it, would that not make God a liar?

David C. Pack cannot decide whether to credit God or himself with what he preaches. In either case, the reasons are never righteous when people flee The Restored Church of God.

@ 56:06 …but sometimes I was trying to figure out which year when I hadn’t yet pinned down which day.And that was complicated. But it went years, no pun intended, because we had so much to learn, and some people say, "This is taking too long. I guess I'll just throw away my eternal life.” And so, God dragged it out and dragged it out and dragged it out because we hafta go through our own tribulation and difficulty, so I’ve talked about that many times. But some people say, "No."

@ 57:21 It was just all all all wrong. …At times, I get more frustrated with myself than some of the people who would leave, but I knew God was dragging it out through the better part of a decade to see who was gonna quit.

The failed dates. The mind-numbing repetition. The endless backpedaling. The countless disappointments. The disheartening fear and shame. David C. Pack laid all of these at God’s feet.

Dave also set another lie and blasphemy in motion to be fulfilled on March 29, 2025. That WILL surely come.

@ 2:04:11 But, once you learn it’s Abib 1, so God could not let us know until it was the applicable year.

David C. Pack declares that God let RCG know that His plan will begin on Abib 1 this year: March 29, 2025. Based on his own words, if nothing happened on that date, then David C. Pack spoke falsely in God’s name and stole His authority. He will again be a documented liar, blasphemer, and false prophet.

Is that the baseless accusation of an enemy, or is it a documented fact?

@ 2:05:11 So, God reveals His secrets to His servants, the prophets. And who can but prophesy?

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 1:14:32 I’m not prophesying now. Nobody’ll ever get me to say that.

Part 558 – February 15, 2025
@ 1:58:49 I am the Messenger to the Seventh Era. I don’t need a verse for God to to authorize me to go the era that He designates me to go to. And I’m gonna go with fire, hail, wind, storm, hell, and high water on the one after next [Splinter video]. 

David C. Pack does not require an audible voice, vision, or a dream to know that he speaks with God's authority. He no longer needs a Bible verse, either.

There is no accountability or consequence in The Restored Church of God.

@ 2:06:11 If you wait one year to 2026, one year… That wouldn’t work. So, if it delayed, if it’s not this year, we have a two-year minimum wait. Or the Bible’s false. What are you gonna do with that?

Irreverently stating that the Bible is also false is minor when compared to blaming the Author.

@ 2:07:49 It simply won’t work to wait one year. If it didn't come this year, we would absolutely wait in vain next year, hoping God was false. Through Daniel.

David C. Pack’s god is false. It is the god of his own perverse hubris. The website has proven who and what he is since June 2022. Containing over 300 articles proving that is a bit overkill.

Part 558 was two hours and ten minutes of unnecessary overkill because nothing will happen on Abib 1 this year. March 29, 2025, will come and go peacefully, and the brethren of The Restored Church of God will need to bury their heads further into the sand.

@ 01:51 …when does this happen? What date? And you will see before today is out, and I have so much material, it will take me this week and next to prove the correct date. But you will know the only day in the calendar it can possibly occur.

@ 07:53 And when you walk outta here today, you'll be overwhelmed, which is wonderful. That's exactly what I want. I want you, after hearing about half the material, I want you to walk out and say, "It's impossible. It's impossible that we're not waiting for Abib."

@ 58:11 And what a an amazing privilege, I think. What a an amazing privilege when God eventually gives you the day.

When nothing happens on March 29, 2025, David C. Pack will have taken the Lord’s name in vain again and falsely credited God with another prophetic lie.

@ 58:40 So, I sit here, and I and I and I think, "What a what an a what a privilege. How grateful, appreciative, blessed are we?” Ya almost can’t imagine it because you’re hearing today what the disciples yearned to know…

@ 2:02:34 So the deadlock, the stalemate, is over. It's it's done. The truth is what we were seeking. I wish it was three days away, but it’s not. And we found it. We were seeking the truth, and we found it. Abib is a great discovery. A long time coming. What God is going to do is now joined by an absolute when. But these two great points are joined by much proof of 2025.

RCG members willfully close their eyes, stop their ears, and refuse to accept the reality of where they worship and to who they pay their tithes.

The compromised Headquarters mollusks like Bradford Schleifer, Edward Winkfield, and Ryan Denee hide inside their ceiled houses with sealed lips, but their hearts know the truth. They understand what David C. Pack is but choose to prop up his arms after every failure. The next one will be Abib 1.

Shame on the lot of them, but may God have mercy.

Jesus Christ will not return on Abib 1 next month. Nothing prophetic will happen on March 29, 2025, because David C. Pack is a biblical fraud. Presenting all the evidence of this in just one article would be overkill.

Marc Cebrian

See: Abib Overkill

Crackpot Prophet on the Trickery of Men and Proper Church Government

Who could have ever imagined that a self-appointed Church of God false prophet would ever be talking about the "trickery of men" when he is the biggest trickster in the church right now, damaging more lives than Dave  Pack and Gerald Flurry could ever dream of doing. 

It always seems to be the most corrupt men in the church moaning about tricksters and other big ol'meanies causing them trouble.

Today, our favorite self-appointed prophet to the church has a new video up with him bouncing at his desk with his hands flailing as he pretends to teach us from the Bible. As usual, he drags out dead Herb to bolster the point he is trying to get across. There never seems to be an original thought in any COG leader's head.

This sermon is the sixth part of a six-part sermon series covering each and every verse of the Book of Hebrews. This sermon covers the 13th chapter. Dr. Thiel begins by reading some comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. Dr. Thiel covers each verse of the thirteenth chapter of Hebrews in this sermon. He discusses that Philadelphia was to continue and that one man hierarchical governance is what true Philadelphians should Christians accept. He also warns about the trickery of men and that proper church governance helps prevent people from losing the Philadelphian crown. Dr. Thiel discusses what Jesus has been doing and how He looks. He exhorts people to do good and to endure to the end and explains about God’s plan of increasing love throughout eternity.


Ai COG: Jehovah's Witnesses vs WCG (Armstrongism)


Part 1: Doctrinal Foundations and Authority

FEB 21, 2025

1. Authority of Scripture: The Ultimate "Choose Your Own Adventure" Bible Edition

Let’s start with authority — because why trust thousands of years of biblical scholarship when you can make your own version of the Bible? That’s right, we’re talking about the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their New World Translation (NWT). Why use a perfectly good Bible when you can “improve” it to fit your own unique beliefs? For instance, in John 1:1, the NWT helpfully suggests that instead of “the Word was God,” we go with, “the Word was a god.” It’s like the Bible was a salad bar, and Jehovah’s Witnesses decided to throw in a few extra ingredients to make it taste better — like “let’s throw in some polytheism while we’re at it!” The result is a Bible that's about as accurate as a horoscope.

Armstrongism takes a different approach — instead of rewriting the Bible, they take an entirely different direction: Herbert W. Armstrong becomes your personal Bible commentary. Don’t waste time reading the Scriptures yourself — just turn to Armstrong’s latest magazine, his books, or his radio broadcast for the true interpretation. So, while traditional Christians have to suffer through an ancient text with historical context, Armstrongism gives you the joy of seeing everything filtered through the great Herbert, like a theological Instagram filter that makes everything look extra holy.

Meanwhile, traditional Christianity simply goes with the Bible. I know, shocker, right? The Church has spent thousands of years carefully interpreting the Bible, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, no need for constant updates or dramatic reimaginings. But sure, who needs 2,000 years of history when you can be your own revelatory prophet?

2. The Nature of God (The Trinitarian Tug-of-War)

Next up, let’s talk about God — and by that, I mean the god that Jehovah’s Witnesses and Armstrongism made up because they didn’t quite get the memo on the Trinity.

Let’s start with the Jehovah’s Witnesses: Why have a Trinity when you can just have one all-powerful guy with a whole bunch of rules and a super-angel sidekick? Jehovah is the boss, and Jesus is like the angel-in-chief. According to the Witnesses, Jesus was created by Jehovah — not eternal, not fully divine, but a “god” in the sense of being the world’s best employee. So, instead of a perfect, loving relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we get a cosmic version of “I’m the boss, and you’re the assistant manager.” But don’t worry, the Holy Spirit is just God’s active force — it’s like calling your Wi-Fi signal the “Holy Spirit.” Sure, it works when it needs to, but it’s really not much to chat with over coffee.

Then there’s Armstrongism — ah yes, here we get God’s FamilyHerbert W. Armstrong didn’t just want a Trinity, he wanted the ultimate family reunion. According to him, the Father and the Son are the only ones in the God Family, but humans are totally invited to join the party! According to Armstrong, God is like the CEO of the universe, and guess what? If you play your cards right, you can get promoted to divine status! Imagine a family Thanksgiving dinner where you’re not just hoping to get a slice of turkey — you’re aiming to inherit the company! So, forget communion with God — just sign up for Armstrongism and claim your seat at the divine dinner table.

Meanwhile, traditional Christianity teaches that God is one essence in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. A perfect relationship of love, unity, and eternal existence. Not a cosmic business model. Not a “family plan” where we’re all invited to get a divine inheritance. Just a beautiful mystery where God’s love flows through the Trinity, and you’re invited to share in itthrough the grace of Christ.

3. Who is Jesus? The Eternal Son or a Superangel in Disguise?

When it comes to Jesus, both Jehovah’s Witnesses and Armstrongism have truly outdone themselves in inventing their own versions of the Savior of the World — as long as you don’t mind stripping Jesus of His divinity.

Jehovah’s Witnesses like to rebrand Jesus as a super-angel, created by Jehovah, who exists somewhere in the “heavenly management team.” They’ve made Him important, of course, but He’s not God. Just imagine if you were at a divine board meeting and you got promoted from being a temp worker to manager of salvation — that’s essentially the Jehovah’s Witness view of Jesus. He’s important, but He’s not really the Savior of the world. But don’t worry, He’ll be there at Armageddon to save all the faithful Jehovah’s Witnesses from being wiped out (by the way, the rest of humanity gets the boot, but that’s a minor detail).

Armstrongism, not to be outdone, makes Jesus into the Messiah, but also a glorified "King" whose job isn’t to save humanity from sin but to set up the Millennial Kingdom. So, instead of a Savior who reconciles us with God through His death and resurrection, Jesus is more like a future world ruler who’s coming back to hand out heavenly real estate. But no need to worry about sin or anything trivial like that — the focus is on whether or not you’ve kept the right Sabbath and avoided pork in your diet. After all, it’s all about preparation for the coming kingdom — or as Armstrong might call it, “The Ultimate Homeowner’s Association.”

Meanwhile, traditional Christianity maintains that Jesus is fully God and fully man, the eternal Son of God, who came to die for our sins, so we could be reconciled to God and enjoy eternal life. No weird promotion schemes here — Jesus saved us. Simple, beautiful, and 100% divinely orthodox. Nothing to add or subtract from that.

Stay tuned for Part II

Comparing Cults: JW vs. WCG © 2025 by Ai-COG is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0