No one ever said Armstrongites were not creative in their thinking! Eating mice for Halloween? I feel so left out all these years!
Is Isaiah a reference to the ancient pagan festival now called halloween with a
different spin on it where the kids go trick or treating?
Isaiah 66:17Those who sanctify and purify themselves to enter the groves, imitating one in the center, eating the flesh of the swine, the reptile, and the mouse, shall one and all come to an end - declares the Lord. For I know their deeds and purposes.
--------The church has never stated that. In the histories, when Jeroboam (I think) set up a golden calf in the north in Israel, it's been said that was at Halloween time. In any case, it was a different time than FoT, which it was made to replace.--------I've also heard that this particular holiday was moved from May 1 and that originally it was a remembrance of the dead when Noah & family came out of the Ark. Imagine how they must have felt, knowing every other living soul was dead... This is how dead became associated with the day. Perhaps.