Those backsliding heathens at UCG recently held a bake sale to raise money for brethren in Malawi so they can sink a new well and have clean drinking water.
The clean water wells have been major fund raising projects for countless youth groups here in the US, it is not something unique to UCG.
And that might be more of the problem than selling cookies on the 'sabbath'. These are heathen blacks in Africa, not the lily white British Israelites of the US or UK which are heirs of HWA's British Israelism BS.
Some conservative Armstrongites are all in a tizzy in the Elijah Forum on Yahoo. All kinds of negative comments are being spit at them. One threw the Bible at them quoting Neh 13:14-22

Whining COG member writes:
When did it become okay to have bake sale fundraisers on the Sabbath? One UCG
congregation in Los Angeles had one yesterday. Here is what the member of that
congregation posted on a UCG facebook group. the resolving issues one:
In our Los Angeles church yesterday, we had a potluck and bake sale fundraiser,
organized by the young adults. The money we would raise would help our brethren
in Malawi sink a well, to provide enough water for them, and also for the
So teenagers made cup-cakes, others made lemon pudding, red velvet, chocolate.. cup cakes and more, and my favourite German lady made two apple strudel cakes as only she knows how. We raised about $2000 for our Malawi brethren.
Most of the cakes were cut up and shared with one another over coffee after the
sale. Moving forward as a church, seeking to please God...can be so much fun.
While in Malawi, soon, may the water flow.
God forbid that these youth cared enough to raise money for members in one of the poorest nations on earth! These young adults will do more good that the snarling and gnashing of teeth that the die hard legalists will ever do. Almost all of them will never lift a finger or drop a dime to help these poor people.
If you want to donate to provide water for those in need check this link out. It doesn't take much and you won't be breaking the COG sabbath rules unless you are using your computer on the COG 'sabbath'. So there will be no need to worry about fire and brimstone reining down on you.
Click to enlarge or go to the site