Showing posts with label church government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church government. Show all posts

Sunday, March 21, 2021

LCG: The type of government implemented in this church will soon be worldwide! (Lord have mercy on us all!!!!!!!!!!!)

LCG ministers are trained about government with this: 

God’s form of government is clearly laid out in His inspired word, the Bible. God’s government begins with the father, followed by Christ, then down through the leaders that God puts in place in His Church. These leaders submit to each other, and ultimately to Christ and the Father. Government God’s Church is designed to mirror the Father’s relationship with Jesus Christ, teaching us more about Him. It includes the creation of offices and responsibilities in the church, and was designed to facilitate order, peace, and decency (I Cor 14:33, 40) and to eliminate confusion. 

God wants His people to learn more about Him and His government. He outlined His form of government for the Church and the family, because His government will be implemented globally Tomorrow’s World. God’s form of government teaches us to humble ourselves before Him and to submit to each other—in accordance with the example that Christ left for us. Ultimately, following God’s form of government requires faith in the leadership that God places in His church. Godly leaders must earn and maintain that faith by exemplifying and practicing the fruits of His spirit, including love, patience, and mercy. These Godly characteristics should permeate and exemplify God’s government. Practicing God’s form of government now, not only enables God to work effectively through leaders in His Church to do His work, but it will also enable us to easily transition into His government in His Kingdom! 

Optional Homework for Next Class:
• Review and discuss (with a partner) the qualifications and responsibilities of ministers, deacons and deaconesses outlined in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1 and elsewhere.

Quotes on the Importance of Government 

The state is a bankrupt institution. The only alternative to this bankrupt ‘humanistic’ system is a God-centered government. —R.J. Rushdoony 

I am really surprised to see LCG use this quote by Rushdoony. He is an extreme far-right "dominionist" that advocates for total church control of society which includes stoning of adulterers, homosexuals, kids that talk back to parents, and much much more.  Though it should not surprise me because one of the big proponents of dominionism is Rushdoony's son-in-law, Gary North from Tyler Texas. North's books were widely circulated on the Pasadena and Big Sandy campuses in the mid-70s - early 80s.

"Dominionism comes in “soft” and “hard” varieties. “Hard” dominionism (sometimes called Christian Reconstructionism), as Clarkson describes it, explicitly seeks to replace secular government, and the U.S. Constitution, with a system based on Old Testament law. 
The father of hard dominionism, the late Presbyterian theologian R.J. Rushdoony, called for his followers to “take back government … and put it in the hands of Christians.” 

Rushdoony’s legacy has been carried on by his son-in-law, Tyler-based economist Gary North, an unapologetic theocrat who in 1982 called for Christians to “get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political, and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.” (North, founder of the Institute for Christian Economics, did not respond to my request for comment.)" The Radical Theology That Could Make Religious Freedom a Thing of the Past: Even devout Christians should fear these influential leaders' refusal to separate church and state.

LCG's minister training on government continues by quoting Rod Meredith as an authority on government. Rod Meredith is the last person in the COG movement that needs to be commenting on church government, especially considering how he disobeyed Herbert Armstrong, got himself exiled to Hawaii refusing to admit he had done anything wrong, and then proceeded over the following years to wreck people lives and run off at the mouth till he cost the church millions of dollars after he libeled Lona McNair. She sued him and he lost all because of his rebellious loud mouth.

Lord help us if Rod Meredith is going to sit in some lofty throne and pass judgment upon us all, as he claims below.

“Although democracy may be one of the best humanly devised forms of government, it is not the "wave of the future" by any means. Truly, we all need to learn and understand God’s form of government, for the true saints of God will soon be called on to administer that form of government in Tomorrow’s
World.”  Meredith, R.C. (March-April 2005). The Future of Democracy. Tomorrow’s World (p.27)

“Throughout the entire Bible, it is made very clear that there will be no "democracy" and no "voting" in Christ’s Government. For as we read in Hebrews 13:8: ‘Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.’" (Meredith, R.C. (March-April 2005). The Future of Democracy. Tomorrow’s World(p.8).

Minister training quotes are from an LCG source.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

LCG: The Hallmark of the church is NOT being a follower of Jesus but is....

One would hope that a church that claims to be Christian would have as its hallmark Jesus Christ and proclaim that unabashedly.

Then there is the Living Church of God. Guess what its hallmark is?

Its hallmark is church government! 

This was sent to be by an LCG contact and is part of the training that ministers go through:

A hallmark of God’s true Church is government conducted with an attitude of servant leadership. From God the Father, to Christ the head of the Church, to human beings positioned by Christ on the earth, this chain of government and, ultimately leadership, is essential to the function of the Church.  

Did you catch the "attitude servant of leadership"? Imagine having "servant leaders" in the LCG! Shocking, I know! 

(Pose to group if you like): What causes a breakdown or malfunction in Church government?

When people usurp authority not given to them or when they do things that are someone else’s
responsibility, or when they fail to communicate effectively. 

LCG just cannot stand anyone daring to do anything on their own without getting a minister's permission. 

We need to understand how to recognize, follow, and submit to God’s government in faith. This is a subject that has been preached about, talked about, and studied, yet few really understand the importance of this action. If we are to serve in God’s Church, we must understand, respect, and follow God’s government in order to serve God and His people properly and set a right example.

Here we go again. Members are too stupid to follow church government. Its all their fault. Its never the fault of ineffective leaders. 

Most worldly churches, although frequently well meaning, practice an unbiblical form of church government. The Presbyterian or democratic form of government places the “board” or deacons in positions where they direct the minister. The minister is expected to pastor the sheep, but only as far as the deacons or board sees fit. And when there is dissention among the board or deacons, the pastor does not have the ability to make decisions or solve the problems. Additionally, the pastor’s position becomes a political one, as he must avoid teaching forcefully and addressing personal sins, lest he be terminated by board members or deacons who might be offended. Churches that practice a non-biblical, democratic form of government, wind up with the same political issues that face most nations of the world today.

“Because, in our modern "democracies" (whether pure democracies or representative republics), the politicians campaigning for public office must be very selective about which facts to tell the voters. Generally, they must tell the public only what the people want to hear—whether it is true or not. If the politicians confront the public with too much reality, it is equivalent to committing political suicide!”

In this class we will:
•Review God’s form of “top down” but merciful government.
•Highlight the needs for godly Church government.
•Highlight the consequences of ungodly forms of Church government.
Highlight why we must “look to the pastor” and “look to Headquarters” as the earthly authority in spiritual matters.

“And although it is terribly neglected by most professing ministers of Jesus Christ, one of the primary emphases of Jesus’ message was the coming Government of God.”  Meredith, R.C. (March-April 2005). The Future of Democracy. Tomorrow’s World(p.7).

Although Mr. Meredith’s quote directly described governmental politics, the same can be said about church politics in democratic church governments. Today, in many churches run by boards, a minister can also commit professional suicide if he tells his congregations what they do not want to hear. Can God really use this type of government to inspire and direct His ministry to exhort and correct the brethren when necessary, and to provide “meat in due season?” No – in fact, it inhibits open, honest, God-inspired exhortation and admonition.

When has there ever been open, honest, and God-inspired exhortations and admonitions from LCG leaders????  The better question to ask is when has LCG leadership ever acted in a loving and merciful manner to its members? When, has it ever been grace-filled? When has it ever placed Christ above government and the law?

Is it any wonder why LCG is in such a mess when this is where their admitted hallmark lies?

Monday, December 7, 2020

Statements made by ministers to enforce their authority

 From an anonymous source:

These are direct statements from ministers, often and routinely claimed by them, from WCG and certainly from LCG.  

Statements 15 through 22 are from lay members and from local non-minister power brokers.  Clearly here, the term "government of God" is synonymous with the ministry, and also for God's divine will; one in the same.  Unconditionally submitting to the ministers is the same as worshipping God.  

Entire biblical essays could be written--should be written--on each point showing how they are so very wrong.  In particular, point 5 comes to mind given the recent and ongoing unbiblical threats coming from Doug Winnail and Gerald Weston of LCG, and how they so wickedly twist the incidents with Moses and the Israelites in order to prove their own authority.  Although I do believe overall what we were shown through Mr. Armstrong (thus appearing something like Messianic Jews and 7th Day Baptists), the spiritual hegemony in which these false ministers engage must be exposed for what it truly is.  Would that LCG members and from other groups study your Bibles, recapture true values as Mr. Armstrong taught, and do not be frightened or intimidated.  To do anything less leads to this present, unacceptable idolatry.

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!"

1.  "If you believe that Christ" (they never say Jesus) "is the head of His church, then you will follow and submit to His ministers.  His government."

2.  "If you can submit to us in the world today, then you will have no trouble submitting to God in tomorrow's world.

3.  "Even if we are wrong, obey us anyway, and God will work it out."

4.  "Even if you think we're wrong, submitting to God's true ministers is a matter of faith in God and that Christ is the head of his church."

5.  "Remember this!  Even if we are wrong, God was angry with the people!  Not Moses!"

6.  "As God's ministers, we sit in the seat of Moses.  We occupy Moses' seat."

7.  "God always backs us up.  God backs up his government."

8.  "Even if we are wrong, God will back us up.  God always backs up his government."

9.  "We have the keys to the Kingdom.  We can shut you out."

10.  "If you believe that Christ is the head of his church, then have faith in God that he is guiding and leading us--his ministers--to make right decisions and judgments."

11.  "As ministers, we are never wrong.  We might have a different interpretation of things, but we are never wrong!"

12.  "Now that I am a minister, I cannot be your friend.  You can be my friend, but I cannot be your friend."
"As ministers, we are not your friends."

13.  "Don't go to the police and the law about this.  Leave it to the ministers."  
"Don't go to the media, and don't say anything about this to them.  Refer them to the ministry."

14.  Said to children at the LCG camps: 
"As ministers, we are the main authority over you in your life.  Your parents are under us.  We as ministers are over your parents.  They take care of you and they are your parents, but we are the main authority over you in your life."

Things Wrongly Believed And Said by lay members about ministers, elders, and deacons, And Even by These Same Of Each Other:

15.  "He's ordained by God, so he must be right."

16.  "I'll just do what I'm told, and if the minister is wrong then he'll get in trouble for it; not me."

17.  "I know he's wrong, but I can't go against the government of God."

18.  "I do not believe this teaching.  I do not hold to it, but I won't go against God's government."

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Gerald Weston: If You Go Against His "authoritative judgement" are "you doing so at your own peril?"


Why do COG leaders have the incessant need to CONTINUALLY threaten members? Scripture is filled with stories of Jesus and other faithful people breaking bread or associating with prostitutes, lepers, menstruating women, eunuchs, tax collectors, and other undesirables or "unclean" people. What we also see is Jesus CONSTANTLY pointing out the evils of CHURCH LEADERS and how they bind people up with absurd and offensive teachings, doctrines, and constant threats of losing one's salvation.

Geerald Weston has a problem with ANYONE questioning his leadership.

COGNews had this up:

...the Sabbath service on August 8th, streamed live to all congregations – sermonette from Wallace Smith and sermon from Gerald Weston – was devoted to explaining why church members are required to obey all leadership decisions, and therefore comply with the new (temporary) normal in hymn singing, i.e. “for those of you at home, you will be singing along, and those at services will be contemplating and humming along as we can.”

Gerald Weston referred to Wallace Smith’s sermonette, noting, “these were not decisions made by lay members, but by duly ordained leaders and judges that God had placed in a position of authoritative judgement. We have a situation today where people are saying, well, if I can’t sing, I’m not going to go where the church has placed its name for the feast. We’re just going to have our own feast. Did God ordain you with the responsibility to decide where Christ is going to place His name? If you do that, you are doing so at your own peril.”

Monday, August 10, 2020

COG Leaders and Unconditional Loyalty


The following post was a comment on the LCG Breaking News: LCG Members Outraged After Weston Fires Sheldon Munson and Jason Fritts Over Masks concerning the power and control COG leaders succumb to when they start a church or take control of one.  Of particular notice is the comment by Weston that those who attend different Feast sites (of other groups than their own church) are sinning.

COG leaders all resent the fact that some of their members visit other COG's and feast sites WITHOUT asking their permission. Most are under the false impression that they "own" the members and expect their loyalty.

The problem is the system. When a human organization is viewed as and labeled the "church" or "true church" and those who call themselves "ministers" come to see themselves as the only legitimate representation of said "church" or arbiters of "truth", it is no longer just a matter of personal conviction or belief in Jesus Christ that makes one a member of the "church". It has more to do with what club you are loyal to, or in some cases, which one signs your paycheck. In the case of LCG Gerald Weston is seen by those loyal to his particular club as a pope figure and his board of elders are his council of bishops. They give themselves different titles, but their perception of their own authority over the brethren is the same. One of the issues Weston addressed in his sermon was the idea of brethren visiting "other groups" for the Feast. This is seen as something sinful. Why? Because they would be making an independent decision acting in defiance of their Pope and his bishops, which of course is equated with "God's government", because he sees himself as the only legitimate representative of that government. 

Once a man, even if he starts out as well meaning, decides to start his own "church" a different mindset begins to take hold of him. He takes possession of the organization he has started and begins to view those who choose to attend that organization as his "members" or "members" of the organization. The problem with this mindset is that it goes well beyond the biblical definition of a "member" because a "member" in the Bible is simply a member of one body, and that is Christ's. Romans 12:5 And Christ's body, assembly, or community is not synonymous with any human organization controlled by men. While members of His body might or might not attend a particular organization or even visit multiple organizations, that organization does not own those members, because those members belong to God, who has one body and places individuals in His body as He sees fit. Peter was told by Jesus to feed HIS sheep. John 21:15-17 That doesn't mean that Peter then became the owner of the sheep. He was simply supposed to be one of their caretakers. And as a fellow sheep, which he was, he was supposed to set an example of godly leadership, to serve among them, not rule over them. He did not become Chief Shepherd, Pastor General, Presiding Evangelist, or whatever other lofty title one might dream up. Those titles are exclusive, and only Jesus Christ can fill those shoes. Those who serve Christ in whatever function He places them in, according to the gifting he gives them are only supposed to be caretakers and servants among God's flock, which again isn't synonymous with any one human organization. 

These gifts, which some view as positions of hierarchy, that we are constantly told give some men the right to elevate themselves over, lord or exercise authority over others are not for that purpose. Matthew 20:25-28 1Peter 5:2-4 They are supposed to be gifts and functions that build the body up and equip everyone to function, work together, and minister to one another, so that the whole body grows up together and becomes unified and cohesive. They are simply supporting ligaments,and other body parts,as we all are. They are not the head,which is Christ. Ephesians 4:11-16

Instead their use has been distorted and perverted to serve those who think they are in power. They have been used to browbeat, scatter, and confuse the sheep. They have been used to promote a club or "church" mentality of one following "Paul" and another waving the flag of "Apollos". 1Corinthians 3:3-11 Because again, the sheep are viewed as possessions of the institution, club, or "church", rather than possessions of God, who these people are supposed to be serving.

Concerned Sister