Showing posts with label feral cats in prophecy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feral cats in prophecy. Show all posts

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dave Pack Warns About Feral Cats Roaming The Cities! Oh Noes! Run for your lives!!!!!!


Dave Pack sent out a Co-worker letter to his dwindling faithful on December 5, 2020.

It is the usual long list of horrible things going wrong in the world as proof that this is the end of the age. This kind of list is so typical of Armstrongist groups that you could remove Dave's signature and add Weston, Flurry, or Thiel to it and no one would know the difference. It is apparently from the COG Rule Book on co-worker letter writing:

Greetings from Headquarters! By all accounts, the world has never experienced a year like 2020. In every part of the globe and for countless reasons, this year stands in stark contrast to ALL others. Few would dispute this. But what government leaders, economists, news pundits and journalists completely fail to grasp is why 2020 is so different. Although the world can see what is happening all around them, they are left completely in the dark as to WHY!


The phrase “we live in uncertain times” has become commonplace. This could not be further from the truth! These are actually the most certain times in history because the swirl of chaos the world is now witnessing was prophesied.

My favorite was this part:

The streets of cities across America are largely empty today because dictatorial governors and national leaders have forbidden people to travel, leave their homes, go to church, or work, or gyms, or restaurants, or malls—or even walk or exercise outside in some places. Coyotes, foxes, rats, dogs and feral cats roam the vacant streets of cities, forming an astonishing futurescape that looks like it belongs in a post-apocalyptic world. 

I can see a new booklet coming soon from RCG: Feral Cats In Prophecy