Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dave Pack: Lie # 3,999: Haggai Is A Coded Book About Me ME ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Dave is desperately seeking to  make himself out to be the person described in Haggai.  HWA was Zerubbabel and Davey is a jackass Joshua.  In order to do that Dave has to make you believe that the Bible is a coded book that has only been revealed to him.  Dave has seen the light and its all about him.

Next notice again (from Part Two) that Haggai 1:15 describes this event as happening “in the second year of Darius the king.” For those who believe these dates pertain to the Persian King Darius (who lived over 2,500 years ago), remember the modern Zerubbabel is also described as the “son of Shealtiel” and Joshua as the “son of Josedech.” The modern types of these two men are obviously NOT sons of these two fathers of long ago, yet this is what the Bible says. The Bible is speaking in code about what are two modern leaders. Mr. Armstrong certainly knew that the ancient Zerubbabel having been born to a man named Shealtiel had nothing to do with the prophetic fulfillment of this role. The same would be true of whoever is the modern Joshua regarding the irrelevancy of the ancient figure Josedech.

Similarly, the description of the YEAR of fulfillment must also be in code. If God specified the exact year He had in mind, the entire world would know when the prophecy would be fulfilled. Get this! Now think. God does not name in the Bible (or need to) the modern Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:11 because His Spirit will guide those who are looking to Him to see who fulfilled this role. Fruits, as well as who fit the profile, reveal that man’s identity (Herbert W. Armstrong). Similarly, to believe the prophecy is fulfilled during the reign of Darius would mean Haggai is an historical account, and not PROPHETIC. The thoughtful reader will understand this “message in code” and absorb it into his thinking in readiness for what God will do.

Dave Pack Lie #3,245 : All COG Members Will Soon Be Filled With The Fear of My god.

COG Members Heading Off to Wadsworth

Dave Pack predicts that something big is soon to happen that will fill EVERY SINGLE COG member out there with FEAR!  It doesn't matter if you church is HQ'd in Charlotte, Cincinnati, Edmond, Arroyo Grande or Glendora.  Well, maybe not Glendora since they are damned to hell regardless of what happens.  It doesn't even matter if you are a living room COG member  or listen to sermons in your pj's, you too will be joining up with Dave

This dramatic event will strike fear into all church members who who them be directed by Dave's god to change allegiance to Wadsworth and immediately send in their money to him.

Dave has predicted that THREE prominent COG leaders will all die simultaneously by the end of the year.  This dramatic even is supposed to scare the shit out all the COG members to cause an enmasse migration to Wadsworth as the Holy City.

Realize that something caused the remnant to FEAR—“and the people did fear before the Lord” (vs. 12). This is on top of obeying Him. Fear is invariably a reaction to something that happens. Whatever took place was so powerful it brought obedience in a single day. There is no hesitation described. As I have mentioned in previous announcements, a final culminating event wakes up “this people” and causes them to MOVE en masse, no matter the “house” (church) of which they were a part.