Thursday, March 26, 2015

LCG HQ On Lock-down Damage Control Mode To Prevent Further Persecution By Satan Through This Blog

Received this today in a comment:

LCG Headquarters is in crisis lockdown mode over the truths being publicized on this website!

The panic button has officially been pushed and the alarm has been sounded. The troops have been assembled for a damage control conference.

My money is on the "it's right before the spring holy days and we are God's only true church, so Satan is attacking us more powerfully than ever" excuse. It's an oldy but a goody and it completely negates the possibility that LCG leadership might actually be bring this on themselves by their un-Godly behavior.

LCG is not happy that members of the group are not too happy with the state of affairs in the church.  How dare these members express an opinion contrary to the happy-clappy-never-more-unified church that LCG attempts to portray.

Alas, it is Passover season which Satan HATES!  It is his attempt to cause the LCG persecution at this time of year.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fed Up Living Church of God Member Says: "All the Church of God ministry live in luxury on the backs of the people. "

Fed up LCG Member said...

All the Church of God ministry live in luxury on the backs of the people. They suck off the church and live high on the hog. I recall helping a minister to move. He had a semi-ranch with horses and stables and a 6 bedroom home in a very upscale neighborhood. I soon learned that all the ministry lived in upscale homes that most of us could never dream of owning. It made me sick as I was driving a second hand car and there were 5 of us in a 3 bedroom , one bath 1000 sq ft home badly in need of repairs. Paul and Peter etc worked for a living. These ministers suck off the congregation and then as the bible says feed the swill to the people. They don't seek the lost or help the wounded, they simply blame the people for all the damage the ministry has done. They even blame God for scattering the church when it was they themselves who did exactly that. These guys are as phoney as can be. March 25, 2015 at 1:06 PM