Monday, December 12, 2016

Dave Pack: Unless You Spank Your Child, You Hate Your Child

It’s like the parent who says, “I can’t possibly spank my child. I love them too much.” God says He that spares the rod hates his child. “Oh no, I love my child!” God says, “I’m sorry, you hate your child. If you don’t spank your child, you hate your child…I am God, you are not…because your child will grow up and be an enormous problem to himself and others, if you don’t channel him and discipline him.” Now here is the way to make sure you never spank your children: Spank them. You will not have to do it many times and the child will say, “Two and two is four. If I do that, I’ll get spanked.” You do it a few times consistently…now you might have, you know, can have a little Korah for a son or daughter, and you might have to do it more often. But the tougher nuts to crack, will usually crack pretty soon, and you don’t have to do it very often.

Dave Pack: Parents Should throw the first stone at rebellious children.

If you have a rebellious teenager…violent, curses his parents. Teenager says “I don’t care if this is God’s government. I don’t care.” They are just rebellious and violent. Do you just let them run amuck through society? There is justice and judgment and equity in the earth under God’s government…
Under God’s government in ancient Israel, they would be put to death. They would have to be. Now, they would be warned…but, you know, if you cursed your father and mother, in Deuteronomy it says the parents threw the first stones. They had to say “This, our child, is rebellious. He will not do what we say,” and the judges condemn the child—the parents throw the first stone.